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  • A. You probably already know a lot of words for talking about the environment, pollution and so on. In this unit we focus particularly on collocations, words that are often used together. Try to learn these and use them in your writing.


  • Threats and potential threats to the environment. Shrinking habitats are a threat to biodiversity in terms of both plants and animals, and endangered species need legal protection if they are to survive. Although some climate change sceptics disagree, most scientists believe that global warming will increase. This will encourage polar ice to melt, resulting in rising sea levels and climatic changes. Carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels are contributing to the greenhouse effect. In addition, population growth exerts severe pressure on finite resources, and the ecological balance may be upset by uncontrolled deforestation. Demographic projections suggest the world population will continue to grow exponentially, putting extra pressure on depleting resources.


  • Waste disposal is an increasing problem, and toxic waste is contaminating many rivers and seas. Safe water may become an increasingly precious commodity, leading to issues of water security. One of the worst-case scenarios is that there will be no tropical rainforest left by the year 2050. Our only hope is that pristine environments such as Antarctica can be protected from development and damage, so that at least these habitats are preserved.

    廢物處理問題日益嚴重,有毒廢物正在汙染許多河流和海洋。安全的水可能會成為越來越珍貴的商品,從而導致水安全問題。最壞的情況之一是,到 2050 年,熱帶雨林將不復存在。我們唯一的希望是,南極洲等原始環境能夠得到保護,免受開發和破壞,至少這些棲息地能夠得到保護。

  • b. Responses to environmental issues and problems. Look at these newspaper headlines and note the useful phrases. Governing party in bid to improve green credentials.


  • Profits of doom and gloom should listen to scientific evidence, says Prime Minister.

    首相說,"悲觀主義 "的獲利者應該傾聽科學證據的聲音。

  • Sustainable development the only answer for emerging countries, says UN Commission.


  • Renewable energy. Government develops new strategy.


  • a. Good service. Read these comments by someone about a company they recently used.


  • They're a good company. They always make sure you get a prompt reply to any query and they're very responsive to complaints. When I rang to ask if I could change the delivery date, they were very accommodating and got back to me within 10 minutes with a new date.

    他們是一家好公司。他們總是確保您的任何疑問都能得到及時回覆,而且對投訴反應迅速。當我打電話詢問是否可以更改交貨日期時,他們非常通情達理,10 分鐘內就給我回復了新的日期。

  • Whenever I ring, I get impeccable service. They're always very helpful and obliging, whatever the problem is. b. Adjectives connected with bad service.


  • Incompetent. Failing through insufficient skill, knowledge or training. For example, it wasn't just bad service, they were completely incompetent.


  • Impersonal. Lacking a personal element or feeling of human warmth. For example,


  • I find some big shop so impersonal. Shoddy. Poor quality of service or of goods.


  • For example, they repaired my car but the work was very shoddy.


  • Substandard. Below the standard expected. Often used about actions. For example, it was a substandard performance altogether for such a big company.


  • Uncooperative. Not supportive. Unwilling to work together. For example, the secretary was very uncooperative so I ended up doing it myself.


  • There's a huge backlog of orders and they can't deliver for three weeks.


  • They never seem to have any sense of urgency when you ring them. It's exasperating.


  • They have a helpline but it's useless. They always put you on hold every time you ring.


  • The home button on my tablet stopped working but it was still under guarantee so I didn't have to pay to get it repaired. The home button on my tablet stopped working but it was still under warranty so I didn't have to pay to get it repaired.


  • C. Service encounters on the internet. Most big companies offer a secure site where you can set up an account and they have a privacy policy guaranteeing secure transactions.


  • The hotel website lets you check availability and has all the information you need on its home page.


  • This site has a very good FAQ link where you can find answers to the most important questions.


  • This online bookshop is excellent. You can browse and it has a very good site index.


  • Most large online stores offer immediate dispatch and a nationwide service.


  • You can also track your order so you know when it will be delivered.


  • Do you buy clothes online or do you prefer to buy them in-store?


  • A. Entering a country.


  • On arrival in most countries you have to show your passport or national identity card, possibly a landing card and often a customs declaration form. You may need a visa and a vaccination certificate depending on entry regulations. Alternatively, some passports can use e-passport gates which make use of facial recognition technology.


  • Customs officers carry out spot checks on people's baggage to find banned or restricted goods and to check that you haven't gone over your allowance. They may use sniffer or detector dogs to detect drugs, tobacco, cash or explosives. In most cases you have to clear customs at the port of entry.


  • Some passengers may wish to be recognised as refugees and claim asylum.


  • People who claim asylum in this way are sometimes called asylum seekers.


  • B. Policing the streets.


  • The police enforce the law. A police officer can stop and search you if there is a suspicion you are carrying drugs, weapons or stolen property. The police cannot normally enter your home


  • The police cannot normally enter your home against your wishes without a search warrant.


  • Many roads have safety or speed cameras to ensure people aren't exceeding the speed limit.


  • Traffic wardens issue parking tickets with fines for illegal parking.


  • The police also use surveillance techniques, including CCTV, closed-circuit television, to monitor public areas such as town centres and airports.


  • C. Other types of policing. Security forces, often a name for the army and police working together.


  • Plain-clothed police. Police who do not wear uniform.


  • Undercover police. Police who are working secretly using a false identity.


  • Drug squad. Police specially trained to fight the illegal drug trade.


  • Anti-corruption squad. Police specially trained to discover and fight bribery or corruption.


  • Police specially trained to discover and fight bribery or corruption.


  • Cybercrime. Computer crime. There are many types including cyber terrorism, cyber warfare and phishing. Phishing is tricking people on the internet to give up personal information, particularly bank account details. A. People and their beliefs.

    網絡犯罪計算機犯罪。有多種類型,包括網絡恐怖主義、網絡戰和網絡釣魚。網絡釣魚是在互聯網上欺騙人們提供個人信息,尤其是銀行賬戶資訊。A. 人及其信仰。

  • Adherent of. A person who supports a particular idea or party. Related words. Adherence. To adhere to. Convert to. Someone who has taken on a new set of beliefs. Related words. Conversion. To convert.


  • Fanatic. Disapproving. Someone with a very strong belief that something is great.


  • Related words. Fanaticism. Fanatical.


  • Radical. Someone who believes there should be extreme change, often political. Related words.


  • Radicalism. To radicalise. Reactionary. Disapproving. Someone opposed to change or new ideas. Related words. Reaction. To react. B. A definition of one belief.

    激進主義。激進化。反動。不贊成。反對變革或新思想的人。相關詞。反應。反應。B. 一種信仰的定義。

  • Pacifism. Pacifists seek to eradicate violence and conflict, and they believe that war can never be justified. A key tenet shared by proponents of this way of thinking is that life is precious and should never be wasted. Some pacifists' beliefs derive from their religious views, and some pacifists go as far as to say that life is precious and should never be wasted.


  • Some pacifists go as far as to oppose violence in all forms, including in self-defence.


  • There have been several very well-known pacifists throughout history, such as Mahatma Gandhi, who campaigned for Indian independence through using non-violent civil disobedience. His success has inspired others to use peaceful resistance to achieve their goals, including Martin Luther King Jr., a key figure in the civil rights movement in the


  • United States in the 1950s and 60s. C. Other words and expressions relating to believing.

    二十世紀五六十年代的美國。C. 與 "相信 "有關的其他詞語和表達。

  • Emma's viewpoint is that we should just wait and see what happens next.


  • Emma's point of view is that we should just wait and see what happens next.


  • The boy produced a barely credible excuse for arriving late.


  • I was incredulous when she told me she was quitting her job to go to New Zealand.


  • He is very gullible. He believes anything you tell him.


  • You should try to be less subjective about the situation.


  • Can't you find a more plausible excuse than that?


  • Many scholars attribute this anonymous poem to Dante.


  • I presume that Mina told you what happened.


  • We should give her the benefit of the doubt.


  • You should take what he says with a pinch of salt. He's inclined to exaggerate.


A. You probably already know a lot of words for talking about the environment, pollution and so on. In this unit we focus particularly on collocations, words that are often used together. Try to learn these and use them in your writing.


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