字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 So George Clooney gets married. On CNN, they had a discussion about 喬治˙克隆尼結婚了 CNN特別討論了 whether this quote, “fairytale bachelorhood” ending was a bad thing 這個「夢幻黃金單身漢」的決定是好是壞? Okay, I think that is a fair discussion that I would like to pick up here at The Yong Turks 我覺得在Young Turks(註: 美國政治社會評論節目)討論這個話題也會很不錯 Okay, now, a lot of us believed in George Clooney 許多人都相信克隆尼 We thought that he was gonna hang in there the whole time 會單身一輩子 And that he was never gonna get married again. 再也不可能結婚了 He was married originally for, I think, 4 years 他的第一段婚姻大概維持了四年 And that he was gonna be the one guy who withstood all of the societal pressure 還以為他禁得起社會壓力 會告訴我們: And said, “no! You know what? I’m good looking, I’m famous, I’m rich” 「老子長得帥、出名又有錢 “I’m gonna continue to have sex with incredibly hot women for the rest of my life” 有一堆火辣美女等著我 瘋了才結婚」 But over the weekend, I hear this 但過去幾周 我卻聽到: Ladies and Gentlemen, we got him 「各位觀眾朋友 他訂婚了」 Down goes Clooney! Down goes Clooney! 「克隆尼死會了? 克隆尼死會了?!」 What did you do to us, George? 「怎麼可以這樣對我們?」 You killed the dream 「你讓我美夢破滅了」 You’re ridiculous 有點太誇張囉 Okay, so can we just discuss how there’s always this misconception that dudes never wanna get married 好吧 那我們就討論一下為什麼有「男人都不想結婚」的迷思 They just wanna put the P away 男人只想到處風流 Yeah! You know what I’m saying? 沒錯! 妳懂我意思 And women are like, “Oh marry me! Marry me! I really really want you to marry me” 女人卻像「噢娶我!拜託娶我!我真的想要嫁給你」 Uh… kind of 嗯…或許是吧 So okay, we’ve done stories… No, there are women that are eager to get married 騙你的啦...不 這是真的 確實有非常渴望婚姻的女人 I’m not discounting that at all. 我一點都不懷疑 I definitely know that is true 這點千真萬確 But at the same time, we’ve done stories about studies that indicate that men tend to be happier after marriage 研究顯示男人婚後比女人快樂 And healthy after marriage 也更健康 And women usually tend to be more stressed out and less healthy in general 女人則相反 普遍來說健康都變差了 That is true, but people don’t know that 完全正確 但許多人都不曉得 They don’t know that, but also stop insulting men and think that they’re just thinking with their penises all the time 是沒錯 不過別再把男人汙名化了 認為他們只用下半身思考 Men want love and affection, too 他們也需要愛和感情 That’s right! 說得真好! But they do! 本來就是呀 They’re the ones who propose, they’re the ones who want to be in a relationship 求婚的是他們、想進入穩定關係的也是他們 If you just want to have random sex all the time then don’t get in a relationship, it’s that simple. 如果你想一直拈花惹草 就別結婚啊 就是這麼簡單 That’s it. It’s that simple 就是這麼簡單 All right. Now, in reality. – You guys are the worst -現實狀況卻是- -你們男人糟透了 Okay, here’s what happens in reality, okay? – I can’t -以下才是真實狀況- -受不了 You go out with somebody for… You have sex with them what, 3 times, 5 times. 你和某人約會 發生3、5次關係 And then start getting antsy, right? 慢慢開始焦躁不安 Oh, so like oh, what? You’re not gonna date me? 然後就是「你不要跟我在一起了?」 So, is this what that was? It’s cheap, that what it was, right? 「我們的感情就只有這樣? 有夠廉價 廉價」 And then all of a sudden, you’re in a 2 month relationship 一眨眼 你們交往已經兩個月 All of a sudden, you’re in an 18 month relationship 再轉眼 你們已經在一起一年半 All of a sudden, “ladies an gentlemen” 然後突然間 「先生女士們…」 Hahaha 哈哈哈哈 Okay, I’m not saying anything. I’m just saying no, no 我沒有在影射什麼 Putting kidding aside kind of for a second 不開玩笑了 To me, this actually shows something that a lot of people don’t talk about 我覺得人們談論的永遠是那些 The counter of what we always do talk about 有件事卻從來不提 Is that apparently, there’s also a massive urge to settle down 人都有強烈的衝動想定下來 Cause even George Clooney settles down, right? – Thank you -連喬治˙克隆尼都有想婚的一天 -你說出了我的心聲 Obviously, there is some urge to do that 某種力量驅使著人們 You wanna call it a biological urge or whatever 不管你要叫它生物衝動還是什麼 Now, I know there’s a lot of social pressure, too 當然還有社會眼光的壓力 There’s no question about that 這無庸置疑 But look, David Beckham, Clooney, Brad Pitt, you name it 貝克漢、布萊德˙彼特 你想得到的 The guys who get the P, as you put it so eloquently 有「P」(註: penis)的人 含蓄些的說法 Nonstop. They don’t have to be in a relationship 美眉要多少有多少 他們不需要固定的伴侶 To go woman to woman to woman 對象一個換過一個 Or you wanna be in a long-term relationship, go ahead. You do whaever the hell you want 想經營長期的感情? 也行啊 他們想怎樣就怎樣 But they almost all eventually get married 但浪子最後一定會結婚 So it’s not just social pressure 所以不只是社會給他們的壓力 There’s obviously some sort of imperative… within guys as well, to want to settle down at some point 明顯有一種難以抗拒、也存在於男人的衝動 讓他們想定下來 I mean there’re parallels to love and diet, right? 愛情和飲食滿像的吧? Like you can eat donuts all day and that shit is delicious, right? 你可以整天狂吃甜甜圈這種垃圾 覺得超美味 But sometimes, those empty calories, they get to you, and you want a nice steak dinner 可是有時候 你會厭倦這些空熱量 想來一克營養的牛排餐 So Clooney’s tired of donuts, he wanted a steak dinner and that’s what he’s getting now 所以克隆尼現在不想吃甜甜圈了 他想要牛排餐 這就是現在的情況 So, good for him. – Well, I mean, I thought you were gonna go with vegetables, but okay -那就恭喜他囉 -嗯 我以為他會想改吃蔬菜之類的 牛排也不壞啦 No, you’ve gotta get some protein up in there, come on 人可不能沒有蛋白質啊 你說是吧 It’s a little mix of both. 牛排餐其實有蛋白質也有蔬菜啦 Of course you’re right, it’s not just women who want to get married 你說得當然沒錯 不是只有女人會想結婚 Some women don’t want to get married at all. Obviously, we have a huge range here 有些女性就是喜歡獨身 因人而異 But to me, there’s a powerful case of the one guy who withstood all that criticism 這個案例讓我印象很深刻 一個男人抵擋了所有批評 In the end, decided hey you know what? I want to nest with one particular person 最後決定和某人共築愛巢 So down goes Clooney and with him, the hopes and aspirations of all men across the globe 克隆尼死會了 全世界男性的期待和渴望也跟著死了 Wait, did I say that out loud? 我是不是說太大聲了? Hahaha 哈哈哈
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 男人 女人 感情 社會 甜甜圈 壓力 什麼?女孩兒們的夢中情人克隆尼死會了?DOWN GOES CLOONEY!!! George Clooney Marries Amal Alamuddin In Venice 8009 409 Go Tutor 發佈於 2014 年 10 月 30 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字