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  • Controversial local town mayor Alice Goh finally breaks her silence amid questions surrounding her citizenship. In an exclusive one-on-one with Karen

    備受爭議的當地鎮長愛麗絲-吳(Alice Goh)終於在有關其公民身份的質疑聲中打破沉默。在與 Karen

  • Davila, Goh sought to clarify the allegations being thrown against her.


  • This report.


  • An elected official from a small town in the Philippine province of Tarlac right in the middle of a huge controversy. After days of being out of the public eye, Bonbon Mayor Alice Goh finally breaks her silence on questions about her citizenship and her alleged links to illegal Philippine offshore gaming operations. In an exclusive interview with ABS-CBN News, Goh revealed her biological mother is a Filipino who was once a domestic helper in her father's household. She says she did not disclose that fact to the Senate out of fear of being judged.

    菲律賓塔拉克省(Tarlac)一個小鎮的民選官員陷入了一場巨大的爭議之中。在淡出公眾視線多日之後,邦邦鎮鎮長愛麗絲-吳(Alice Goh)終於打破沉默,迴應了有關其公民身份以及涉嫌與菲律賓非法海外博彩業有關聯的問題。在接受ABS-CBN新聞的獨家專訪時,吳愛麗絲透露她的生母是菲律賓人,曾是她父親家的傭人。她說,由於害怕被審判,她沒有向參議院透露這一事實。

  • Mayor Goh also apologized to Senator Risa

    吳市長還向參議員 Risa

  • Hontiveros, the chairperson of the Senate Committee on Women, who's leading the investigation into the local leader's shadowy background.


  • Goh was thrust into the national spotlight during a

    Goh 是在一次騷亂中成為全國矚目的焦點的。

  • Senate hearing where she was accused of being a protector of illegal pogos in


  • Tarlac. Questions about her background quickly turned into speculations she could be a Chinese spy.


  • In Singapore, I only have one passport. I am a Filipino. Now, I'm against. As long as I'm the mayor, I will no longer allow any pogo operation in my town. Before, ma'am, the reason why when ZUNON technology

    在新加坡,我只有一本護照。我是菲律賓人。現在,我反對。只要我還是市長,我就不會再允許在我的城市裡有任何 pogo 經營。之前,女士,為什麼當 ZUNON 技術

  • Despite all the allegations being hurled at her, Goh is standing her ground.

    儘管受到種種指責,Goh 依然堅持自己的立場。

  • I will continue serving my constituents. Are you going to run again for mayor in 2025? Yes, ma'am. Meanwhile, the Philippine Interior Department is pushing through with its probe into Goh's background. The agency says the investigation will determine if Goh's claims about her personal life are true.

    我將繼續為我的選民服務。您會在 2025 年再次競選市長嗎?是的,夫人。與此同時,菲律賓內政部正在繼續調查吳氏的背景。該機構表示,調查將確定吳敏霞有關其個人生活的說法是否屬實。

  • The DILG has created a task force to probe Goh's links to pogos in her town and has recommended her suspension to the ombudsman.

    地方政府律政部成立了一個特別工作組,調查 Goh 與她所在鎮的 pogos 的聯繫,並向監察員建議暫停她的職務。

  • In the investigation, we will validate all the news and information that comes out.


  • Not only the DILG, but also other government agencies are helping to find out the truth about her citizenship.

    不僅是 DILG,其他政府機構也在幫助查明她公民身份的真相。

  • Meantime, fresh allegations are hurled against a battled mayor. Senator Rotiveros has flagged Goh's alleged ties to criminals.


  • She says one of Goh's business partners, Chinese national Zhang Ruijin, was convicted of the biggest money laundering case in Singapore.


  • Another of Goh's associates, Dominican national Bao Ying Lin, also facing charges.

    吳的另一名同夥、多米尼加人林寶英(Bao Ying Lin)也面臨指控。

  • Rotiveros wants to know if these ties allowed Goh to afford a lavish lifestyle, which include owning a chopper and luxury cars.


  • The Senate is set to hold another hearing into her alleged link to illegal offshore gaming operators.


  • Senate President Pro Tempore Jeng Goy Estrada denies outside forces influenced a leadership change in the upper chamber.

    參議院臨時議長讓-戈伊-埃斯特拉達(Jeng Goy Estrada)否認上議院領導層變動受到外部勢力的影響。

  • Estrada refused to say what happened behind the scenes, but he made it clear Malacanang and House Speaker Martin Romualdez had no hand in the Senate's affairs.

    埃斯特拉達拒絕透露幕後發生了什麼,但他明確表示馬拉坎南宮和眾議院議長馬丁-羅穆阿德斯(Martin Romualdez)沒有插手參議院的事務。

  • He also denies initiating the ouster of then-Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri.

    他還否認發起了推翻時任參議院議長鬍安-米格爾-祖比利(Juan Miguel Zubiri)的行動。

  • The news that I instigated, that I initiated the coup d'etat against Senator Migs is not true.


  • I am denying it outright. I had no hand. I never initiated or instigated the ouster of Senate President Zubiri.


  • New Senate President Francis Escudero also denying that outside forces had something to do with the leadership change.

    新任參議院議長弗朗西斯-埃斯庫德羅(Francis Escudero)也否認領導層更迭與外部勢力有關。

  • The Philippine poll body logs 400,000 attempts to hack and manipulate its website in April alone.

    菲律賓民意調查機構僅在 4 月份就記錄了 40 萬次試圖入侵和操縱其網站的行為。

  • Camalec Chair George Garcia says a surge in hacking attempts comes after the agency recorded 3 million attempts last December.

    Camalec 主席喬治-加西亞(George Garcia)說,繼去年 12 月該機構記錄到 300 萬次黑客攻擊嘗試之後,黑客攻擊嘗試激增。

  • But he assures the public the Camalec's IT personnel are capable of keeping hackers out of its systems.

    但他向公眾保證,Camalec 的 IT 人員有能力將黑客拒之門外。

  • In 2022, Camalec logged 35 million hacking attempts after launching its Precinct Finder.

    2022 年,Camalec 在推出 Precinct Finder 之後,記錄了 3500 萬次黑客攻擊嘗試。

  • The Philippines does not plan to impose travel restrictions amid the increasing number of COVID-19 cases driven by new variants.

    在新變種導致 COVID-19 病例不斷增加的情況下,菲律賓不打算實施旅行限制。

  • The Health Department says it is coordinating closely with the Quarantine Bureau.


  • The agency adds it is keeping watch on nationwide entry points.


  • The U.S. has warned a small wave of coronavirus cases could hit the country due to the KP2 and KP3 variants, collectively known as the FLIRT variants.

    美國已發出警告,由於 KP2 和 KP3 變種(統稱為 FLIRT 變種)的出現,美國可能會出現一小波冠狀病毒病例。

  • Singapore is also seeing a surge in new COVID infections.

    新加坡新感染 COVID 的病例也在激增。

  • The U.S. has warned a small wave of coronavirus cases could hit the country due to the KP2 and KP3 variants, collectively known as the FLIRT variants.

    美國已發出警告,由於 KP2 和 KP3 變種(統稱為 FLIRT 變種)的出現,美國可能會出現一小波冠狀病毒病例。

  • The U.S. has warned a small wave of coronavirus cases could hit the country due to the KP2 and KP3 variants, collectively known as the FLIRT variants.

    美國已發出警告,由於 KP2 和 KP3 變種(統稱為 FLIRT 變種)的出現,美國可能會出現一小波冠狀病毒病例。

Controversial local town mayor Alice Goh finally breaks her silence amid questions surrounding her citizenship. In an exclusive one-on-one with Karen

備受爭議的當地鎮長愛麗絲-吳(Alice Goh)終於在有關其公民身份的質疑聲中打破沉默。在與 Karen

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