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  • Rice balls.


  • Look at that.


  • Michelin type of ramen.


  • Collaborations with famous restaurants like Santoka.


  • Milk tea.


  • This is 7-Eleven in Japan.

    這是日本的 7-11。

  • But in the U.S., the company is more known for Slurpees and hot dogs.


  • It's just not as appealing. My perception is people go in there when they need to.

    只是在我看來,它沒有那麼吸引人,因為人們需要的時候才會去 7-11。

  • The world's largest convenience store chain has over 13,000 locations in North America alone and made over $72 billion in sales last year.

    這家全球最大的連鎖便利商店僅在北美就有 13,000 多家分店,去年的銷售額超過 720 億美元。

  • But now, it's working to bring more Japanese inspiration to its American stores.


  • Convenience stores have historically made their money selling tobacco and gas.


  • But now, as cigarette sales continue to decline and many expect gas sales to slow, many are racing to find other sources of revenue and doubling down on food.


  • But shifting a business this massive is a major undertaking.


  • This is the economics of 7-Eleven.

    這集是《7-11 的經濟學》。

  • 7-Eleven started as an American company, but it went bankrupt twice.

    7-11 最初是一家美國公司,但曾兩次破產。

  • Once in 1932 during the Great Depression and again in 1990 as it struggled with debts.

    一次是在 1932 年大蕭條時期,另一次是在 1990 年,當時它正與債務作鬥爭。

  • 7-Eleven is now owned by a Japanese company, 7&I Holdings.

    7-11 現在歸日本公司 7&I Holdings 所有。

  • A majority stake was bought by Ito Yokado, a Japanese supermarket chain that had been operating 7-Eleven stores in Japan for more than a decade.

    伊藤洋華堂收購了大部分股份,這是一家日本連鎖超市,十多年來一直在日本經營 7-11 門店。

  • From the beginning, the Japanese owner said American 7-Eleven, both its central operations and its franchises, had a lot of catching up to do.

    從一開始,這位日本老闆就表示,美國 7-11 無論是其中央業務還是其特許經營店,都需要迎頭趕上。

  • The Japanese model was a lot more data-driven.


  • They would pore over what sold well at what time of day, break it down by gender and age, and use that to inform their next order decisions.


  • The American system just wasn't as sophisticated as that.


  • There were some major differences between U.S. and Japanese 7-Elevens.

    美國和日本的 711有一些重大差異。

  • The U.S. stores were typically larger and attached to gas stations.


  • The Japanese stores didn't sell gas, but had a much wider array of fresh food.


  • Japanese stores only stocked items that would sell quickly.


  • They had a proprietary distribution system that made multiple shipments to stores every day.


  • Orders were customized by store based on sales data, demographic trends, and local weather forecasts.


  • American 7-Eleven stores were getting two deliveries per week, and some items were never being purchased.

    美國的 7-11 每週只收到兩次送貨,有些商品從未被購買過。

  • When American operators began counting items in their stores, some found that 40% of their products were selling less than one unit per month.

    當美國經營者開始統計店內商品時,一些經營者發現,40% 的產品每月銷量不足一件。

  • Now, American 7-Eleven has its own distribution system, where franchises place orders every day based on company recommendations of what's selling nationally and regionally, and their own store data.

    現在,美國 7-11有自己的分銷系統,加盟店每天都會根據公司推薦的全國和地區熱賣商品以及自己店鋪的數據下訂單。

  • They're making decisions every single day on what they're going to order, based on what they understand the customer wants to purchase, what new items are going to be made available.


  • One of the most interesting lessons that we've learned from 7-Eleven Japan is their approach to operations and to retailing, which they call "tanpin kanri".

    我們從日本 7-11 公司學到的最有趣的經驗之一,就是他們的營運和零售方法,他們稱之為「單品管理」。

  • And "tanpin kanri" is basically this idea that we localize our assortment to the needs of customers.

    而 「單品管理」的基本理念是,我們根據客戶的需求進行本地化分類。

  • We actually help our stores localize their assortment so that they have the right balance of a consistent assortment of products that consumers and customers would expect to see nationally,


  • as well as items in the assortment that are perfectly appropriate for a given store's location.


  • This is especially important when it comes to food. 7-Eleven Japan is known for its wide array of meal options.

    這一點在食品方面尤為重要。日本 7-11 以其豐富的餐飲選擇而聞名。

  • You're not gonna believe the choice of food in a convenience store.


  • American 7-Eleven also has a big food and beverage business.

    美國 7-11 還擁有龐大的食品和飲料業務。

  • In total, it sold over $17 billion of food last year, about 24% of its overall sales.

    去年,它總共銷售了超過 170 億美元的食品,約佔其總銷售額的 24%。

  • That included 315 million cups of coffee, 153 million Slurpees, and 99 million slices of pizza.

    其中包括 3.15 億杯咖啡、1.53 億份思樂冰和 9,900 萬片披薩。

  • But next year, it hopes to make one-third of its sales from store-brand goods, including food, up from less than one quarter in 2022.

    但明年,它希望商店品牌商品(包括食品)的銷售額能從 2022 年的不到四分之一增加到三分之一。

  • That's particularly important given shifts in the convenience store industry.


  • So if you think about what convenience stores sell, there's fuel, there's tobacco products, and there's food and snacks.


  • Gas is already a low-margin business, and it's at risk long-term if electric vehicle adoption increases over time.


  • Tobacco, very profitable, but people are smoking less.


  • Food, though, is a category where demand just isn't going away.


  • So for convenience stores, it makes sense that they would wanna double down on that.


  • 7-Eleven currently has 17 so-called commissaries around the country that make food for all of its U.S. locations.

    目前,7-11 在全美有 17 家所謂的福利社,為全美所有分店製作食品。

  • Now, it's working on upgrading them.


  • It's partnering with Warabeya, a supplier for 7-Eleven Japan, to spearhead the effort.

    該公司正與日本 7-11 的供應商 Warabea 合作,率先開展這項工作。

  • Warabea's new factories in Hawaii, Texas, and Virginia can make a wider and more localized range of food than 7-Eleven has been able to stock in the past.

    Warabea 位於夏威夷、德州和弗吉尼亞州的新工廠可以生產比 7-11 過去所能供應的更廣泛、更本地化的食品。

  • Things like being able to cook rice en masse, new protein capabilities, all which helps 7-Eleven introduce new types of products in the food area to our customers.

    例如,可以大規模煮米飯、新的蛋白質功能,所有這些都有助於 7-11 向顧客推出食品領域的新型產品。

  • We recently launched a product that's a spicy miso ramen soup, not something you would typically think about being sold at a 7-Eleven.

    我們最近推出了一款辣味噌拉麵湯產品,這不是你通常會想到的在 7-11 出售的產品。

  • It's adding a lot of items to its menu.


  • The main question is how many customers will buy them, and this is where data comes into the question.


  • When customers come into our stores, they're in an immediate consumption mindset.


  • Capitalizing on this is a key priority for the company, and it plans to use its massive data operation to do it.


  • American 7-Elevens monitor daily sales, and for loyalty members, they collect demographic information on who's buying what.

    美國 7-11 對每天的銷售情況進行監控,併為忠誠會員收集關於誰買了什麼的人口資訊。

  • The company's loyalty program has 95 million members.

    該公司的忠誠度計劃擁有 9500 萬會員。

  • Building on that, the company's investing in targeted advertising on screens and TVs throughout stores.


  • That's to spur impulse buys.


  • It helps not only 7-Eleven, but also our advertisers, our vendors, to target our customers at the point of purchase.

    這不僅有助於 7-11 公司,也有助於我們的廣告商和供應商在顧客購買時鎖定目標。

  • So for example, in the morning, we may target our customers with a message around a hot cup of coffee and a donut;


  • whereas later in the day, we may target our customers with an advertisement that's around a snack and a beverage from our cold vault.


  • And for potential customers who aren't at the store, there's delivery, the fastest growing part of the company's business.


  • It's highly profitable for the company, since delivery orders tend to be for about double the amount of in-store purchases.


  • How the brand's grown for nearly 100 years starts with what's the customer want, where do we think they're going, and how do we meet them where they're going?

    品牌近 100 年來的發展歷程始於客戶的需求,我們認為他們會去哪裡,以及我們如何滿足他們的需求?

  • A big question is whether American customers will match the enthusiasm 7-Eleven sees in some of its other markets.

    一個很大的問題是,美國顧客是否會像 7-11 在其他一些市場一樣熱情。

  • In Asia, I think there is so much excitement around convenience stores and the types of food and snacks they offer.


  • So if they can bring even a little bit of that excitement to the U.S.,


  • We're going to get some musubis.


  • that would be a great success.


Rice balls.


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