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  • Building a fortune doesn't have to take a lifetime.


  • The youngest members of Forbes' 2024 list of America's richest self-made women are proof of that.

    福布斯 2024 年美國白手起家女富豪榜上最年輕的成員就是最好的證明。

  • Among the 100 list members, 11 are under the age of 40.

    在 100 名名單成員中,有 11 人年齡在 40 歲以下。

  • While this number has coincidentally stayed the same over the past years, some of its faces have changed as new women have entered the ranks and others have fallen off. Here are the five richest self-made women under 40 in 2024. At number five, Shuo Wang.

    雖然這個數字在過去幾年中巧合地保持不變,但隨著新女性的加入和其他女性的退出,其中一些面孔已經發生了變化。以下是 2024 年 40 歲以下最富有的五位白手起家的女性。 排名第五的是王朔。

  • Wang is co-founder and chief revenue officer of HR software firm Deal.

    Wang 是人力資源軟件公司 Deal 的聯合創始人兼首席營收官。

  • Less than five years after its founding, Deal surpassed $500 million in annual revenue in March.

    Deal 成立不到五年,今年三月的年收入就突破了 5 億美元。

  • After moving from China to the U.S. at age 16, Wang reportedly sold scooters at flea markets while in high school.

    據報道,Wang 16 歲從中國移居美國後,上高中時就在跳蚤市場賣滑板車。

  • She went on to study robotics at MIT and co-founded air purification company Ares before Deal. At number four, Taylor Swift.

    她後來在麻省理工學院學習機器人技術,並在 Deal 之前共同創辦了空氣淨化公司 Ares。第四位是泰勒-斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)。

  • Music's most powerful star dominated the concert business and became a billionaire in 2023.

    2023 年,這位音樂界最有權勢的明星稱霸演唱會行業,成為億萬富翁。

  • Her Ares tour set a record in December as the first ever to gross over $1 billion in ticket sales, according to Polestar.

    根據 Polestar 的數據,她的 "戰神 "巡迴演唱會在 12 月創下了票房收入首次超過 10 億美元的紀錄。

  • It's expected to bring in more than $2 billion by the time it wraps later this year. At number three, Whitney Wolfhard.

    預計到今年晚些時候結束時,這部影片將帶來超過 20 億美元的收入。排名第三的是惠特尼-沃夫哈德(Whitney Wolfhard)。

  • Wolfhard stepped down as CEO of Bumble in January, almost a decade after founding the female-focused dating app.

    沃爾夫哈德於今年 1 月辭去了 Bumble 首席執行官的職務,而在此之前,他已經創建了這款專注於女性的約會應用近十年。

  • Bumble's shares have plummeted nearly 90% since the company started trading in February 2021, when Wolfhard briefly became the country's youngest self-made female billionaire. At number two, Lucy Guo.

    自 2021 年 2 月公司開始交易以來,Bumble 的股價已經暴跌了近 90%,沃夫哈德也是以短暫地成為了美國最年輕的白手起家女億萬富翁。排名第二的是露西-郭(Lucy Guo)。

  • Most of her fortune lies in her nearly 6% stake of artificial intelligence firm, which she co-founded with Alexander Wang in 2016.

    她的大部分財富來自於她持有的人工智能公司Scale.ai近6%的股份,這家公司是她與亞歷山大-王(Alexander Wang)於2016年共同創立的。

  • Guo left Scale in 2018 and now runs Passes, a platform for creators hawking makeup tutorials, relationship advice, and more.

    郭在 2018 年離開了 Scale,現在經營著一個為創作者提供化妝教程、戀愛建議等服務的平臺 Passes。

  • The company raised $40 million in February from investors including Good American's Emma Greed. And at number one, Kylie Jenner.

    今年 2 月,該公司從包括 Good American 的 Emma Greed 在內的投資者那裡籌集了 4000 萬美元。排名第一的是凱莉-詹娜(Kylie Jenner)。

  • The youngest Kardashian-launched clothing line, Kai, last fall, then released Sprinter Vodka Soda and a fragrance called Cosmic in March.

    這位卡戴珊家族最年輕的成員在去年秋天推出了服裝品牌 "Kai",隨後又在今年 3 月推出了 Sprinter 伏特加蘇打水和一款名為 Cosmic 的香水。

  • Most of her wealth still comes from an estimated 44.1% stake in Kylie Cosmetics, plus cash from selling 51% of the business to French beauty giant Coty in 2020 for $600 million.

    她的大部分財富仍然來自凱莉化妝品公司約 44.1% 的股份,以及 2020 年以 6 億美元的價格將該公司 51% 的股份出售給法國美容巨頭科蒂公司所獲得的現金。

Building a fortune doesn't have to take a lifetime.


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