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  • Calls for President Biden to withdraw from the presidential race are reportedly growing within his own party.


  • In the wake of his disastrous debate, at least 25 Democratic members of Congress are said to be ready to call on Biden to step down.

    據說,在拜登災難性的辯論之後,至少有 25 名民主黨國會議員準備要求拜登下臺。

  • This comes as The New York Times reports Biden told a key ally that he was weighing whether or not to remain in the race. Les Trent reports: "The president is reportedly acknowledging today that he may be forced to drop out.


  • The president has privately acknowledged that the next stretch of days are going to be so critical to the question of whether he can save his re-election campaign." The White House is hitting back. "He's moving forward with his campaign and anything else that we're hearing or that's being reported is absolutely false.


  • But there's no question there are growing signs of a mutiny from within his own party.


  • At least 25 House Democrats are ready to call on President Biden to drop out of the race." Biden world's all-out panic over the president's re-election chances.


  • Democratic Party strategist Melissa DeRosa is among those calling on him to go. "There's a lot of anger out there right now from rank-and-file Democrats.

    民主黨戰略家梅麗莎-德羅莎(Melissa DeRosa)是呼籲他下臺的人之一。"普通民主黨人現在非常憤怒。

  • At the Biden family, top advisors in the White House and on the campaign trail who have been with him in the room, who have been aware of this and who have been misleading the American public." Biden's interview, coming Friday with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, is seen as a make-or-break opportunity for the president. "Still working out the details.

    拜登家族、白宮的高級顧問以及在競選活動中一直與他共處一室的人,他們一直都知道這件事,而且一直在誤導美國公眾"。拜登將於週五接受美國廣播公司(ABC)記者喬治-斯特凡諾普洛斯(George Stephanopoulos)的採訪,這被視為總統成敗的關鍵時刻。"還在研究細節

  • Of course, this will be the first broadcast interview since the debate.


  • So many questions for the president you see coming in from his allies.


  • If Joe Biden does bow out, what then?


  • New polls show that VP Kamala Harris now has a better chance of beating Trump than Biden.


  • She actually appeared better positioned to take on Trump than Gavin Newsom, than Gretchen Whitmer, than Pete Buttigieg." Is President Biden considering stepping down? "Absolutely not." White House Press Secretary Corinne Jean-Pierre faced another barrage of tough questions today. "Why doesn't the president just come here right now and answer for himself?

    與加文-紐森(Gavin Newsom)、格雷琴-惠特默(Gretchen Whitmer)和皮特-巴蒂吉格(Pete Buttigieg)相比,她似乎更有能力對抗特朗普。拜登總統是否考慮下臺?"絕對沒有"。 白宮新聞祕書科琳-讓-皮埃爾(Corinne Jean-Pierre)今天又面對了一連串刁鑽的問題。"為什麼總統不現在就過來 自己回答?

  • We would invite the president to come here and tell us directly." "Noted.


  • Noted.


  • Noted, Kelly.


  • He's awake.


  • That's inappropriate.


  • Thank you, Kelly." And today, the president and Vice President Kamala Harris got on a call with campaign staff members for what's being described as a pep talk.

    謝謝你,凱利。"今天,總統和副總統卡瑪拉・哈里斯 與競選團隊成員通了電話 進行了一次鼓舞士氣的談話

  • The president reportedly wrapped things up saying, "Let's go win this."


Calls for President Biden to withdraw from the presidential race are reportedly growing within his own party.


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