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  • Martin Heidegger's take on eternal oblivion.


  • Martin Heidegger, another influential existentialist philosopher, explored the concept of being toward death in his seminal work, Being and Time.

    另一位頗具影響力的存在主義哲學家馬丁-海德格爾在其開創性著作《存在與時間》中探討了 "走向死亡 "的概念。

  • Heidegger posited that an authentic existence requires an active engagement with the inevitability of death.


  • He introduced the idea of Dasein, which refers to the human condition of being aware of and concerned with one's own existence.

    他提出了 "存在"(Dasein)的概念,指的是人類意識到並關注自身存在的狀態。

  • Heidegger argued that individuals often fall into the state of inauthenticity, where they distract themselves from the reality of death through everyday routines and societal conventions.


  • To live authentically, one must confront the anxiety of death and embrace it as a fundamental aspect of existence.


  • This confrontation can lead to a deeper understanding of one's own being and more meaningful engagement with life.


Martin Heidegger's take on eternal oblivion.


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