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  • On July 3rd, 2024, Japan got an overhaul of its currency, with new designs rolling out for each of its major banknotes, replacing designs that were in circulation for 20 years.

    2024 年 7 月 3 日,日本對其貨幣進行了全面改革,每種主要紙幣都推出了新設計,以取代流通了 20 年的設計。

  • The new bills are redesigned with many new features and reflect a 21st century sensibility to cold hard cash.

    新鈔票經過重新設計,具有許多新功能,體現了 21 世紀對冷冰冰的硬通貨的敏感性。

  • If you're unfamiliar with the Japanese Yen, there are 3 main denominations, 1000, 5000 and 10000 Yen.

    如果您對日元不熟悉,主要有三種面值:1000 日元、5000 日元和 10000 日元。

  • These values are unchanged from the previous series of notes.


  • The 1000 Yen note is blue and features Shibasaburo Kitasato on the front.

    1000 日元紙幣為藍色,正面圖案為北里柴三郎。

  • He invented tetanus serum therapy and founded the Institute for Infectious Diseases and Kitasato Institute, contributing to many advances in modern medicine.


  • The back depicts the Ukiyo-e artwork, Under the Great Wave Off Kanagawa, one of the most famous works by artist Hokusai.


  • These designs replace the old 1000 note which featured Hideo Noguchi, a medical pioneer himself.

    這些設計取代了以醫學先驅野口秀夫為主角的舊版 1000 紙幣。

  • The 5000 Yen note is purple and features Umeko Tsuda, who devoted her life to the higher education of modern women and founded Joshi Egaku Juku, which is now named Tsuda University in her honor.

    5000 日元紙幣為紫色,圖案是津田梅子。津田梅子畢生致力於現代女性的高等教育,創辦了上智藝學塾,現在的津田大學就是為了紀念她。

  • The back features Japanese wisteria flowers called Fuji, which have been cherished since ancient times.

    背面的圖案是自古以來就受到人們喜愛的日本紫藤花,名為 "富士"。

  • Fuji have been documented in the two oldest surviving Japanese books, Kojiki and the Manyoshu.


  • These designs replace the old 5000 note, which featured Ichio Higuchi, a poet who lived in the late 19th century.

    這些設計取代了以 19 世紀末詩人樋口一夫為主題的舊版 5000 紙幣。

  • The 10,000 Yen note is brown and features Eiichi Shibusawa, who was involved in the establishment of around 500 businesses during his lifetime and is often called the father of the modern Japanese economy.

    10,000 日元紙幣為棕色,圖案為澀澤榮一,他一生參與創辦了約 500 家企業,被稱為日本現代經濟之父。

  • The back depicts Tokyo Station as it looked when it first opened in 1914.

    背面描繪的是東京站 1914 年首次開放時的樣子。

  • The building is commonly known as the Red Brick Station and Tokyo Station itself underwent renovations for its 100th anniversary to recapture the style of the original building.

    這座建築通常被稱為 "紅磚車站",而東京站本身也在其 100 週年紀念時進行了翻新,以恢復原有建築的風格。

  • These designs replace the old 10,000 note which featured Yukichi Fukuzawa, an envoy who traveled extensively around the world after Japan reopened itself in 1853.

    這些設計取代了以福澤諭吉為主題的舊版 10,000 紙幣,福澤諭吉是 1853 年日本重新開放後周遊世界的使節。

  • These notes employ a number of anti-counterfeiting technologies, 3D holograms are used for the first time, while the designs feature extensive micro-printing.


  • The portraits are off-center and are combined with a high-definition watermark.


  • The famous faces were chosen not only for their contributions to Japanese society but also because these people have been photographed often, with each portrait based on a composite of photos of each person during his or her lifetime.


  • This makes counterfeiting much more difficult, as the faces seen on the notes don't actually exist.


  • The new notes also make changes to assist the visually impaired.


  • The notes feature Arabic and Japanese numbers in a much larger size than the older designs, on the front and on the back.


  • Each note also contains tactile marks that feel different with each denomination.


  • The sizes of the notes are also varied, with the 1,000 yen being the smallest, 5,000 slightly bigger and 10,000 the biggest.

    紙幣的大小也各不相同,1,000 日元最小,5,000 日元稍大,10,000 日元最大。

  • The outgoing designs were released in 2004, those replaced other designs that were first issued in 1984.

    新設計於 2004 年發佈,取代了 1984 年首次發佈的其他設計。

  • Both of these series look very similar and now look very out of date next to the new 2024 series.

    這兩個系列看起來非常相似,與新的 2024 系列相比顯得非常過時。

  • If you still have the old designs, don't worry, that money is still legal tender and will always be accepted.


  • So will there be another new design, 20 years down the road, in 2044?

    那麼,20 年後的 2044 年,還會有新的設計嗎?

  • Maybe, but for the time being, I wouldn't put all of my money on it.


On July 3rd, 2024, Japan got an overhaul of its currency, with new designs rolling out for each of its major banknotes, replacing designs that were in circulation for 20 years.

2024 年 7 月 3 日,日本對其貨幣進行了全面改革,每種主要紙幣都推出了新設計,以取代流通了 20 年的設計。

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