字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 What's up guys, my name is Ryan, and with almost all countries open for tourism, I think we're all excited to travel to some new destinations this year. 大家好,我叫 Ryan,幾乎所有國家都對旅遊開放,我想我們都很高興今年能去一些新的目的地旅行。 So here's my top 10 places to visit in 2024. 以下是我認為 2024 年最值得一去的 10 個地方。 With tourism almost completely back to normal, 2024 is going to be a year full of travel. 隨著旅遊業幾乎完全恢復正常,2024 年將是充滿旅行的一年。 Whether you explore the dramatic landscapes of the Faroe Islands, or go on an African safari in Tanzania, I hope you can all safely visit some new places this year. 無論是去探索法羅群島的壯麗風光,還是去坦尚尼亞的非洲野生動物園,我都希望你今年能安全地去一些新的地方。 Let's start this video off in Croatia. 讓我們從克羅埃西亞開始這部影片。 I was able to go to Croatia last summer, and it quickly became one of my favorite countries. 去年夏天,我得以前往克羅埃西亞,它很快成為我最喜歡的國家之一。 From the incredible scenery of the Dalmatian coast, to medieval seaside towns, Croatia is one of Europe's hidden gems. 從令人難以置信的達爾馬提亞海岸風光,到中世紀海濱小鎮,克羅埃西亞是歐洲隱藏的瑰寶之一。 One of the most iconic places in Croatia is Dubrovnik. 杜布羅夫尼克是克羅埃西亞最具標誌性的地方之一。 Located in the southernmost part of Croatia, Dubrovnik is this incredible medieval city built right on the Adriatic Sea. 位於克羅埃西亞最南端、杜布羅夫尼克是一座令人難以置信的中世紀城市,它就建在亞得里亞海邊。 One of my favorite things that I did during my time in Dubrovnik, was walking on top of the city walls. 在杜布羅夫尼克期間,我最喜歡做的事情之一就是在城牆頂上漫步。 You're able to loop the entire city and experience Dubrovnik from a new perspective. 你可以環遊整個城市,從全新的角度體驗杜布羅夫尼克。 Another impressive place in Croatia is Plutvice Lakes National Park. 克羅埃西亞另一個令人印象深刻的地方是普魯特維採湖國家公園。 I remember seeing pictures of this place years ago, and I've been wanting to see them in person ever since. 我記得幾年前看到過這個地方的照片,從那時起我就一直想親眼看看。 The area is renowned for its crystal clear, terraced lakes that are connected by beautiful waterfalls. 該地區以清澈見底的梯田湖泊而聞名,湖泊之間有美麗的瀑布相連。 If you want to experience one of Croatia's unique islands, I really enjoyed Duji Otok. 如果你想體驗克羅埃西亞獨特的島嶼之一,我非常喜歡杜吉奧托克島。 It's one of Croatia's longest islands, and it's home to the tallest lighthouse in the Adriatic Sea. 它是克羅埃西亞最長的島嶼之一,也是亞得里亞海最高燈塔的所在地。 One of my favorite features of the island was the Teliscica Nature Park. 我最喜歡的島嶼景觀之一是特利西卡自然公園。 The area had a bay full of islands, and then there were these impressive sea cliffs. 該地區有一個佈滿島嶼的海灣,還有令人印象深刻的海崖。 I mean, just such a unique place. 就是這麼一個獨特的地方。 After, we're going to head over to the country of Iceland. 之後,我們將前往冰島。 Known as the land of fire and ice, Iceland is easily one of the most beautiful countries in Europe and the world. 被稱為冰與火之國,冰島是歐洲乃至世界上最美麗的國家之一。 With volcanic landscapes, endless waterfalls, and gigantic glaciers, Iceland is home to some of the most incredible places on Earth. 這裡有火山景觀、無盡的瀑布和巨大的冰川、冰島擁有地球上最不可思議的地方。 Probably the most well-known region in the country is southern Iceland. 冰島最著名的地區可能是冰島南部。 It takes about two to three hours to get here from Reykjavik, and there's just so many attractions and beautiful places. 從雷克雅未克到這裡大約需要兩三個小時,這裡有許多景點和美麗的地方。 One of the most well-known spots is Skokofoss. 最著名的景點之一就是斯科克福斯。 It's probably the most iconic waterfall in the country. 這可能是該國最具標誌性的瀑布。 Its drop is 60 meters high, and the power of the falls is insane. 它的落差高達 60 米,瀑布的威力令人髮指。 Now, one of my favorite destinations in the area is Reynisfjörður Black Sand Beach. 我最喜歡去的地方之一就是雷恩斯菲尤爾杜爾黑沙海灘。 It's this incredible coastline that stretches a few kilometers to the west. 這條令人難以置信的海岸線向西綿延數公里。 The sand is so black and unique. 沙子是如此的黑,如此的獨特。 My favorite feature of the beach is the Reynisfjörður rock formations. 我最喜歡海灘上的雷尼斯菲約爾杜爾岩層。 There are these jagged sea stacks that jut out of the sea with constant waves pounding on them. 海面上有一些嶙峋的海柱,不斷有海浪拍打著它們。 One of my personal favorite places in Iceland is its highlands. 我個人最喜歡的冰島地方之一是它的高原。 It's located in the interior of the country, and it's an extremely unique region home to other worldly landscapes. 它位於該國內陸,是一個極其獨特的地區,擁有其他世界級景觀。 One of the most impressive places is Landmadalugur. 最令人印象深刻的地方之一是蘭德馬達魯古爾。 It's home to rainbow-colored mountains, and there's a good amount of volcanic activity in the area, with tons of formolias shooting out steam. 這裡有彩虹色的群山,還有大量的火山活動,數以噸計的火山噴發出蒸汽。 I mean, Iceland just has so many incredible places to explore. 冰島有太多不可思議的地方值得探索。 While we're still in the Nordics, we're going to visit the Faroe Islands. 當我們還在北歐的時候,我們要去法羅群島。 I visited these incredible islands last year, and it became one of my favorite places I've ever been. 去年,我訪問了這些令人難以置信的島嶼,它成了我去過的最喜歡的地方之一。 The Faroe Islands are located between Iceland and Norway, and they're home to some of the most dramatic and epic landscapes in the world. 法羅群島位於冰島和挪威之間,擁有世界上最壯觀、最史詩般的地貌。 One of the main reasons I wanted to go here was to see the Drangonir Sea Stack. 我想去這裡的主要原因之一就是想看看德蘭戈尼爾海棧道。 You can either get there by taking a guided six-hour hike, or you can also go on a boat ride. 你可以在導遊的帶領下徒步六小時到達,也可以乘船前往。 I decided to take the quick boat ride, and I had an incredible time exploring the area and marveling at the one-of-a-kind sea stack. 我決定乘船快速遊覽,在探索該地區和驚歎於獨一無二的海棧道時度過了一段難忘的時光。 Nearby is the Mulefossur Waterfall. 附近還有穆勒福瑟瀑布。 It's one of the most scenic waterfalls I've ever seen as it cascades down into the sea. 這是我見過的景色最美的瀑布之一,瀑布飛流直下,注入大海。 Another incredible place is Kalsoy. 另一個令人難以置信的地方是卡爾斯島。 It's this narrow island, and I had to take a ferry to get onto it. 這是一個狹窄的小島,我必須乘坐渡輪才能上島。 At the end of Kalsoy, there's this lighthouse perched on these massive sea cliffs. 在卡爾斯島的盡頭,有一座燈塔聳立在巨大的海崖上。 It was easily one of the most epic places I've ever been. 這是我去過的最壯觀的地方之一。 Nothing quite matches the landscapes of the Faroe Islands. 沒有什麼能與法羅群島的風景相媲美。 After, we're going to get a change of scenery and head over to the country of Oman. 之後,我們將換個地方,前往阿曼。 Located on the easternmost region of the Arabian Peninsula, Oman is easily one of the most beautiful countries in the Middle East. 位於阿拉伯半島最東端、阿曼是中東最美麗的國家之一。 It's home to endless sand dunes, historical forts, and idyllic beaches. 這裡有一望無際的沙丘、歷史悠久的堡壘和田園詩般的海灘。 The capital city is Musqat, and it's a great starting point to explore Oman. 首都馬斯喀特是探索阿曼的絕佳起點。 If you like the mountains, you can visit Jebel Shams. 如果你喜歡山,可以去傑貝勒肖姆。 It's the highest peak in the country with an elevation of 3,009 meters. 它是該國最高的山峰,海拔 3009 公尺。 One of my favorite regions in Oman is the southern part of the country near Salalah. 我最喜歡的阿曼地區之一是該國南部靠近塞拉萊的地區。 Now in the area, there's the Darbat Waterfall, and it's also home to some of Oman's best beaches. 該地區有達爾巴特瀑布,還有阿曼最好的海灘。 One of my favorites is Eftalquot Beach. 我最喜歡的海灘之一是埃夫特爾阿科特海灘。 It's a pristine area with rolling waves, white sand, and an impressive rocky cliff as a backdrop. 這是一個原始的地區,海浪翻滾,沙灘潔白,背景是令人印象深刻的岩石懸崖。 I mean, what more could you ask for? 你還能要求什麼呢? Oman truly is an amazing country. 阿曼確實是一個了不起的國家。 After, we're going to visit the nearby island of Socotra. 之後,我們將前往附近的索科特拉島。 Located in the Arabian Sea, Socotra is one of the most mystical and beautiful islands in the world. 位於阿拉伯海、索科特拉島是世界上最神祕、最美麗的島嶼之一。 Now, to travel to Socotra, it's best to go with a tour company. 現在要去索科特拉島旅行,最好選擇旅遊公司。 They will help guide you around the island, and get you the proper visas, and also schedule your flights out of the UAE to get there. 他們會幫助你在島上四處轉轉,為你辦理適當的簽證,並安排你從阿聯飛往那裡的班機。 Now, one of my favorite features of Socotra is its dragon tree. 我最喜歡索科特拉島的特色之一就是它的龍血樹。 It's one of the most unique looking trees I've seen, and it has a red sap that looks like blood. 這是我見過的外觀最獨特的樹木之一,它的樹液是紅色的,看起來就像血一樣。 Now the coastline of Socotra is also amazing. 索科特拉島的海岸線也令人驚歎。 It has crystal clear water and white sand beaches. 這裡有清澈的海水和白色的沙灘。 I particularly like Arhar Beach with its sand dunes that are sandwiched between the cliffs and the coast. 我尤其喜歡阿爾哈爾海灘,那裡的沙丘夾在懸崖和海岸之間。 Socotra's scenery is truly on another level. 索科特拉島的風光確實是另一種境界。 Now after, we're going to head to Africa to visit Morocco. 之後,我們將前往非洲的摩洛哥。 Located in northern Africa, Morocco was one of the most diverse and historical countries. 摩洛哥位於非洲北部,是最具多樣性和歷史性的國家之一。 It's home to snow-capped mountains, a mesmerizing coastline, and also the Sahara Desert. 這裡有白雪皚皚的高山,迷人的海岸線,還有撒哈拉沙漠。 One of my favorite places is Aït Benhaddou. 我最喜歡的地方之一是阿伊特本哈杜。 It's a historic clay brick village that dates back to the 11th century. 這是一個歷史悠久的紅磚村莊,其歷史可以追溯到 11 世紀。 It's been a popular filming site for movies and TV shows such as Game of Thrones. 這裡曾是《權力的遊戲》等電影和電視劇的熱門拍攝地。 Another impressive place in Morocco is the Atlas Mountains. 摩洛哥另一個令人印象深刻的地方是阿特拉斯山脈。 I mean, you wouldn't expect to find much snow in Morocco, but the Atlas Mountains are an exception. 你不會指望在摩洛哥找到多少雪,但阿特拉斯山脈是個例外。 The highest peak is Toubkal with an elevation of 4,167 meters. 最高峰為圖布卡爾峰,海拔 4167 公尺。 Now when it comes to Morocco's cities, Casablanca is the largest. 說到摩洛哥的城市,卡薩布蘭卡是最大的。 My favorite feature of the city is the Hassan II Mosque. 我最喜歡這座城市的特色是哈桑二世清真寺。 It was built in 1993 and its minaret stands 210 meters tall. 它建於 1993 年,尖塔高 210 米。 Now, as for Morocco's beaches, one of the most unique ones is Legzira beach. 至於摩洛哥的海灘,最獨特的海灘之一就是勒格齊拉海灘。 It's located in southern Morocco on the Atlantic Ocean. 它位於摩洛哥南部,瀕臨大西洋。 It has red rock and this very peculiar arch. 它有紅色的岩石和這個非常奇特的拱門。 I mean there's just so much to see in this incredible country. 這個不可思議的國家有太多值得一看的地方。 After, we're going to visit Sri Lanka. 之後,我們將訪問斯里蘭卡。 Located right below India, Sri Lanka is an incredibly lush island country and it's one of the places I want to visit most this year. 斯里蘭卡位於印度下方,是一個鬱鬱蔥蔥的島國,也是我今年最想去的地方之一。 It has an incredible coastline and offers some of the best places to go on a safari in Asia. 它擁有令人難以置信的海岸線,並提供了一些亞洲最佳的野生動物園。 One of the most recognizable places on Sri Lanka is Sigiriya or Lion Rock. 錫吉里耶或獅子岩是斯里蘭卡最著名的景點之一。 It's this massive monolith that sticks out of the landscape and on top of it, there's an ancient fortress that was built here in the 5th century AD. 這塊巨大的石碑突兀地聳立在山水之間,石碑頂端有一座建於公元 5 世紀的古堡。 Another iconic attraction in Sri Lanka is its trains. 斯里蘭卡的另一個標誌性景點是火車。 The Nine Arches Bridge is one of the most famous spots. 九拱橋是最著名的景點之一。 It reminds me of the Glenfinnan Viaduct in Scotland. 這讓我想起了蘇格蘭的格蘭芬南高架橋。 Sri Lanka is such an underrated country. 斯里蘭卡是一個被低估的國家。 After, we're going to head back to Europe to visit the island of Corsica. 之後,我們將返回歐洲,遊覽科西嘉島。 Located in the Mediterranean, Corsica is easily one of Europe's most beautiful and diverse islands. 位於地中海、科西嘉島是歐洲最美麗、最多樣化的島嶼之一。 It's home to idyllic beaches, jagged mountains, and historical cities. 這裡有田園詩般的海灘、嶙峋的山脈和歷史名城。 One of my favorite places I've visited on the island is Bonifacio. 博尼法喬是我在島上最喜歡去的地方之一。 It's this medieval town that's built upon these sea cliffs. 這座中世紀小鎮就建在海邊的懸崖峭壁上。 I mean it seriously looks like it's going to fall into the ocean. 它看起來真的要掉進海里了。 I really enjoyed exploring the town and there's also a picturesque harbor that was really nice to walk through. 我非常喜歡探索這個小鎮,這裡還有一個風景如畫的港口,漫步其中非常愜意。 As for the beaches, I really love St. Anthony Beach. 至於海灘,我非常喜歡聖安東尼海灘。 It's located just a few minutes drive from Bonifacio and it took about 30 minutes of hiking to reach the beach. 它距離博尼法喬僅幾分鐘車程,徒步約 30 分鐘即可到達海灘。 There was a massive rock formation that made for the most epic backdrop. 那裡有一個巨大的岩層,是最壯觀的背景。 While I was there, I noticed this cave in the rock so I swam over to it and to my surprise, it was a tunnel that connected to the other side. 在那裡,我注意到岩石上有一個洞穴,於是我遊了過去,令我驚訝的是,那是一條連接另一邊的隧道。 It was such a fun place to explore. 這真是一個有趣的探索之地。 If you want more of a chill beach experience, you can visit the area around Palmombagia. 如果你想體驗更多的海灘風情,可以前往帕爾蒙巴吉亞周邊地區。 It's home to crystal clear calm waters perfect for relaxing on the Mediterranean. 這裡有清澈平靜的海水,非常適合在地中海上放鬆身心。 Another one of my favorite places in Corsica is the Torre de Turquio. 我在科西嘉最喜歡的另一個地方是圖爾基奧山。 It's this medieval watchtower that's perched upon these cliffs. 這是一座坐落在懸崖峭壁上的中世紀瞭望塔。 It was a somewhat demanding hike and took us an hour to reach the tower but we were rewarded with some insane 360 views of Corsica's coast. 徒步旅行有點費勁,我們花了一個小時才到達塔頂,但我們收穫的是科西嘉海岸 360 度的壯麗景色。 It would be a perfect place to spot incoming pirates back in the day. 在過去,這裡是發現來襲海盜的絕佳地點。 After we're going to head to the South Pacific to visit the islands of French Polynesia. 之後,我們將前往南太平洋,遊覽法屬波利尼西亞群島。 Located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, French Polynesia is the definition of tropical paradise. 位於太平洋中部、法屬波利尼西亞是熱帶天堂的定義。 It's home to pristine beaches, lush mountains, and the clearest water you've ever seen. 這裡有純淨的海灘、鬱鬱蔥蔥的群山和你所見過的最清澈的海水。 If you come to French Polynesia, you're first flying to Tahiti. 如果你來到法屬波利尼西亞,首先要飛往塔希提島。 It's the biggest island in the country and it's home to one of the most famous waves in the world that is located just off the coast of the small village of Teahupo'o. 這是該國最大的島嶼,也是世界上最著名的海浪之一的發源地,它就位於特奧普小村的海岸邊。 Now one of my favorite islands in French Polynesia is Mo'orea. 我最喜歡的法屬波利尼西亞島嶼之一就是馬雷亞島。 It's located right next to Tahiti and you can get there by either flying or taking a ferry. 它緊鄰塔希提島,你可以乘坐飛機或渡輪前往。 It's known as the pearl of the sea and it's one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. 它被譽為海上明珠,是我去過的最美的地方之一。 I particularly like Mo'orea's mountains. They are so jagged and unique looking. 我特別喜歡馬瑞亞的山。它們看上去參差不齊,獨一無二。 If you're more into beaches, there's some amazing ones such as Ta'ahiamanu. 如果你更喜歡海灘,Ta'ahiamanu 等海灘也很不錯。 It's this really relaxing beach with sailboats and amazing scenery. 這是一個非常放鬆的海灘,有帆船和迷人的風景。 It's also a spectacular place to watch the sunset. 這裡也是觀看日落的絕佳地點。 While we're still in French Polynesia, we're going to head to Bora Bora. 當我們還在法屬波利尼西亞時,我們將前往波拉波拉島。 Of all the islands in French Polynesia, Bora Bora is probably the most famous and after visiting it, I totally understand why. 在法屬波利尼西亞的所有島嶼中,波拉波拉島可能是最著名的一個。 The geography of Bora Bora is pure perfection. 波拉波拉島的地理環境堪稱完美。 There's the main island with its towering dormant volcano and then it's surrounded by this reef that protects the island from the waves of the Pacific Ocean. 主島有一座高聳的休眠火山,周圍環繞著礁石,保護小島不受太平洋海浪的侵襲。 Inside the reef, there's a lagoon which is home to some of the world's clearest water and it's full of wildlife such as sharks and rays. 大堡礁內有一個礁湖,這裡有世界上最清澈的海水,還有鯊魚和鰩魚等野生動物。 One of my favorite places in Bora Bora is its southwest lagoon. 波拉波拉島我最喜歡的地方之一是它的西南瀉湖。 There's this sandbar there that creates one of the most epic scenes with Mount Otemanu in the back. 那裡有一個沙洲,與後面的烏爾蒂馬諾山一起構成了最壯觀的場景之一。 There was also some great snorkeling in the area. 該地區還有一些很棒的浮潛活動。 We went out on a little boat and we were able to swim with some sharks. 我們乘小船出海,還能和鯊魚一起游泳。 If you want to experience tropical paradise this year, you got to give French Polynesia a visit. 如果你想在今年體驗熱帶天堂的風情,你一定要去法屬波利尼西亞看看。 For our final destination, we're going to head back to Africa to experience Tanzania. 最後一個目的地是非洲的坦尚尼亞。 I went to Tanzania about 10 months ago and it was one of the most memorable trips of my life. 大約 10 個月前,我去了坦尚尼亞,那是我一生中最難忘的旅行之一。 From witnessing herds of millions of wildebeest row in the savanna to Africa's highest mountain, Tanzania is one of the world's greatest wonders. 從目睹數以百萬計的角馬在草原上奔跑,到非洲最高的山峰、坦尚尼亞是世界上最偉大的奇蹟之一。 One of the most iconic places in Tanzania is the Serengeti. 塞倫蓋提國家公園是坦尚尼亞最具代表性的地方之一。 It's one of the best places on earth to see Africa's wildlife. 這裡是地球上觀賞非洲野生動物的最佳地點之一。 From leopards chilling in trees to cheetahs roaming the savanna, the Serengeti is the lion king in real life. 從在樹上打盹的豹子到在草原上漫步的獵豹,塞倫蓋提國家公園是現實生活中的獅子王。 When we were there, we went on game drives every day. 我們在那裡的時候,每天都會參加獵遊活動。 We were able to witness so many incredible moments, whether it was watching two lionesses enjoying the sunset or witnessing the endless herds of wildebeest. 我們見證了許多不可思議的時刻,無論是觀看兩頭母獅欣賞日落,還是目睹一望無際的角馬群。 The most memorable moment was when we escaped a massive thunderstorm and we were able to watch these zebras grazing accompanied by massive thunderbolts in the craziest sunset I've ever seen in my life. 最難忘的時刻是,我們躲過了一場巨大的雷雨,在我一生中見過的最瘋狂的日落中,我們得以觀看這些斑馬在巨大的雷聲中吃草。 Now, besides the Serengeti, my other favorite place in Tanzania is Ol Doinyo Lengai. 除了塞倫蓋提,我在坦尚尼亞最喜歡的另一個地方是倫蓋火山。 It's located near Lake Natron and it's an active volcano with a height just under 3,000 meters and it's known by the local tribes as the mountain of God. 它位於納特龍湖附近,是一座高度不到 3000 米的活火山,被當地部落稱為神山。 And after scaling it, I totally understand why it has that name. 鏡頭拉遠拍攝後,我完全理解了它為什麼叫這個名字。 So we decided we wanted to climb the volcano. 於是,我們決定爬上火山。 So we started at midnight and I honestly didn't know what I was getting myself into, but it ended up being the hardest hike of my life. 我們在午夜出發,老實說我不知道自己會陷入什麼境地,但這最終成為了我一生中最艱難的徒步旅行。 But right around 6am, we made it to the top and the sun started to climb over the horizon and I just couldn't believe my eyes. 但就在早上 6 點左右,我們登上了山頂,太陽開始爬上地平線,我簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 I was standing on the volcano's rim and the crater was absolutely huge. 我站在火山邊緣,火山口絕對巨大。 It had this black bubbling lava inside and it's said to be some of the coldest lava in the world. 裡面有黑色的熔岩,據說是世界上最冷的熔岩。 The volcano was just so loud, you could hear the earth groaning and it sounded like a thunderstorm. 火山的聲音非常響亮,你可以聽到大地在呻吟,聽起來就像一場雷雨。 As I walked to the other side, I got one of my all-time favorite shots as I was standing on the volcano's rim overlooking the scenery below. 當我走到另一邊時,我拍到了一張我最喜歡的照片,因為我站在火山邊緣俯瞰下面的景色。 It reminded me of the quote in Lion King where Mufasa says to Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom. 這讓我想起了《獅子王》中的一句話,穆法沙對辛巴說:光所觸及的一切都是我們的王國。 It was one of the most powerful views I've ever seen in my life. 這是我一生中見過的最震撼的景色之一。 Our guide Elijah recommended that we headed back after spending about two hours on the top to avoid the midday sun. 嚮導伊萊建議我們在山頂待上兩個小時後就返回,以避免正午的太陽曝曬。 The trek was beautiful on the way down. 下山途中的跋涉很美。 When we reached our car, it was about noon so it took us 12 hours in total. 當我們到達目的地時,已是中午時分,所以總共花了 12 個小時。 Even though it was one of the hardest physical challenges I've ever done, it was hands down one of my all-time favorite travel experiences. 儘管這是我參加過的最艱苦的體力挑戰之一,但它卻是我最喜歡的旅行經歷之一。 Well, that is it for my 2024 top 10. 好了,我的 2024 前 10 個值得去的國家就到此為止。 Let me know where you want to travel this year in the comments below. 請在下方評論中告訴我你今年想去哪裡旅行。 You can follow me on Instagram and TikTok at shirley.films. 你可以在 Instagram 和 TikTok 上關注我,網址是 shirley.films。 It's Ryan and we will see you later. 我是 Ryan,回頭見。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 海灘 地方 波利尼西亞 島嶼 冰島 火山 2024 年這 10 個國家值得你一訪! (Top 10 Places To Visit in 2024 (Travel Year)) 22273 177 VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 07 月 05 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字