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  • Now exit polls from the first round of France's parliamentary elections suggest the far-right have made historic gains. Turnout was the highest for 40 years.

    現在,法國議會第一輪選舉的出口民調顯示,極右翼取得了歷史性的進展。投票率為 40 年來最高。

  • Marine Le Pen's far-right National Party came top with more than a third of the vote, followed by a surge in support for the left-wing coalition with around 28 percent of the poll. President Macron's gamble to hold the snap election saw his center-right alliance of parties relegated to third place. A final result won't be known for another week with a second round of voting for the National

    瑪麗娜-勒龐上司的極右翼國家黨以超過三分之一的得票率名列榜首,左翼聯盟的支持率則以約 28% 的得票率緊隨其後。馬克龍總統賭氣舉行了臨時大選,結果他上司的中右翼政黨聯盟退居第三。最終結果還需一週後才能揭曉,因為國民議會還將進行第二輪投票。

  • Assembly's 577 seats next Sunday. Andrew Harding has the latest from Paris.

    議會的 577 個席位。安德魯-哈丁(Andrew Harding)從巴黎為您帶來最新報道。

  • A kiss for Marine Le Pen this morning. A politician once considered too extreme for most French voters, today her national rally is on a roll. And with


  • Le Pen, her 28-year-old protégé Jordan Bardella who's hoping to be France's next prime minister. Results show their party on the left has won over a third of all votes cast. A stunning result for an anti-immigrant, euro-skeptic, populist platform. A political earthquake in the making? Perhaps. This evening Le Pen told the country it had no reason to fear a government led by the national rally.

    勒龐,她 28 歲的門徒喬丹-巴爾德拉(Jordan Bardella),有望成為法國下一任總理。選舉結果顯示,他們所在的左翼政黨贏得了超過三分之一的選票。對於一個反移民、懷疑歐元、民粹主義的政黨來說,這是一個驚人的結果。一場政治地震正在醞釀之中?也許吧。今天晚上,勒龐告訴全國人民,沒有理由害怕一個由全國集會黨上司的政府。

  • But this fight is not over yet. President Emmanuel Macron took a huge gamble by calling the election. Smile, says the child, and he does. The French president is now hoping a broad alliance of the center and left can keep the national rally out of power in a second round of voting. But there's no guarantee that will work.


  • In Paris today, preparations for the upcoming Olympic Games. But France's political polarization is causing alarm. I think it's concerning that we have people in our country who vote at extremes. It used to be more of a small part of the population, but we can see today that it's kind of a lot of the population who votes either far right or either far left. Left-wing protesters gathering tonight in central Paris, some calling the hard right fascists. There is anxiety here and a huge amount at stake for France and indeed for all of Europe.


  • What's clear tonight, Clive, is that the national rally has completed a sensational journey from the extreme fringes of French politics right into the mainstream. It is the dominant political force here now. What's less clear is whether they can turn that into real power. In other words, can they take over the government? We'll find out that next weekend. Certainly in the next few days we're going to see huge efforts by the centre and the left to agree on one candidate to oppose the far right, or as they see it, far right, in all of the key constituencies to deny Marine Le Pen's party real power in government.


Now exit polls from the first round of France's parliamentary elections suggest the far-right have made historic gains. Turnout was the highest for 40 years.

現在,法國議會第一輪選舉的出口民調顯示,極右翼取得了歷史性的進展。投票率為 40 年來最高。

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