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  • The purpose of this trip to Eswatini is because of the King's kind invitation to come over to participate in this triple celebration.


  • The first two celebrations, of course, is about the founding of the Eswatini 55 years ago.

    前兩個慶祝活動當然是關於 55 年前埃斯瓦提尼建國的。

  • And the second one, of course, is the King's birthday.


  • So, happy birthday to you.


  • At the age of 55, you are still a young king.

    55 歲的您仍然是一位年輕的國王。

  • The third celebration, of course, is the establishment of the diplomatic relationship between us.


  • And this is the 55th years of our diplomatic relations.

    今年是兩國建交 55 週年。

  • So I am very delighted to have the opportunity to come and to join the celebration.


  • And also, I'm very grateful for your help in terms of particularly for our international participation.


  • And we have a long history of working together to help each other.


  • And the three agreements or documents that we signed today is a very significant event in our relationship.


  • In fact, I think it sets the milestones for our future relationship.


  • The first one, of course, is about women empowerment, which I am very mindful of.


  • And it's gender equality issue.


  • It's something that we attach a great importance in Taiwan, especially in recent years.


  • And then we hope that we can be helpful in terms of women who want to establish their businesses by setting up startups and will be happy to provide help to provide finance to the women who want to have their own businesses.


  • And I am very happy to see that Eswatini has this initiative and we're more than happy to participate in this initiative.


  • So it is a great project and we're delighted to be part of it.


  • And the second document, I'm very glad that we have this sister city arrangement between two major cities in Taiwan and Eswatini.


  • I think it's not only a relationship between central governments.


  • We also like to see the relationship deepens and so that our cities will be able to interact and help each other as well.


  • So we're glad that we have the city mayor of Kaohsiung coming to join us today.


  • And I'm sure he would find it very beneficial in having a sister relationship with the capital city of Eswatini.


  • And the third one, of course, is a project that we have been discussing for quite some time.


  • And I want to thank the King's personal intervention to make this project possible.


  • So thank you very much for your help.


  • And I look forward to a successful execution of this project so that we'll be able to establish that sort of strategic oil reserve facilities here and to make the supply of energy more secure in the future.


  • So this is a great project and I hope that in the future execution, we will be very mindful of the time and efficiency when we are executing this project.


  • So I would like to say, this is my second time here.


  • The last time when I was here, it was five years ago, celebrating your 50th birthday.

    我上次來這裡,還是五年前,慶祝你 50 歲生日的時候。

  • At this time, five years later, by this time, we have got through these challenges of COVID-19 and a lot of other challenges as well.

    五年後的今天,我們已經克服了 COVID-19 的挑戰以及其他許多挑戰。

  • So when we meet each other again here in Eswatini, it's a delight and I enjoy coming here.


  • I enjoy the friendship that you offered to us and I hope this friendship will continue and deepen and the relationship between the two countries will be forever and with our joint efforts, I'm sure the relationship will be deepened, will be broadened in the years to come.


  • Thank you.


The purpose of this trip to Eswatini is because of the King's kind invitation to come over to participate in this triple celebration.


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