After 30 years of believing every literal chapter and verse, believing in His goodness, in His omniscience, in His sovereignty, in His plan, wanting to fulfill my destiny in God's will for His kingdom, not for my benefit, not for my gain, seeking out after Him, having daily prayer time, going to church, being a leader, studying the Bible, calling my faith my greatest asset, sharing the gospel, praying for others, giving my tithes, giving my offerings, and relying on God, not just as some supernatural supreme being, but as my personal Savior and the author of my life, and for about three years at the end of that,
30 年來,我相信每一章每一節的字面意義,相信神的良善,相信神的全知全能,相信神的主權,相信神的計劃,希望按照神的旨意為祂的國度實現我的命運,不為我的利益,不為我的得失,追尋祂,每天禱告,去教堂、成為領袖,研讀聖經,稱我的信仰為我最大的財富,分享福音,為他人禱告,奉獻什一奉獻,依靠上帝,不只是把上帝當作超自然的至高存在,而是把上帝當作我個人的救主和我生命的創始者,最後還依靠了三年左右、