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  • Alex Pereira take it on Yuri, Diego Lopez take it on Brian Ortega and then we have Michael Venn and Paige take it on Ian Gary.

    亞歷克斯-佩雷拉(Alex Pereira)對陣尤里(Yuri),迭戈-洛佩茲(Diego Lopez)對陣布萊恩-奧爾特加(Brian Ortega),然後是邁克爾-文(Michael Venn)和佩奇對陣伊恩-加里(Ian Gary)。

  • Now ladies and gentlemen this card is stacked from top to bottom I'm gonna go with god damn it I'm gonna go with I will go with welcome back ladies gentlemen and it is our favorite time of the week it is final predictions we got UFC 303 Alex Pereira take it on Yuri then we also have an accommodate event we have Diego Lopez take it on Brian Ortega and then we have Michael Venn and Paige take it on Ian Gary.

    女士們,先生們 這張牌從上到下都很強 我想說的是,該死的 我想說的是,我想說的是 歡迎回來,女士們,先生們 這是我們一週中最喜歡的時間 這是最後的預測 我們有終極格鬥錦標賽303 Alex Pereira對陣Yuri

  • Now ladies and gentlemen this card is stacked from top to bottom obviously this was supposed to be Conor McGregor versus Michael Chandler but Conor McGregor stubbed his toe and so he would not be able to compete so who steps in POTON JAMA a rematch with Yuri.

    女士們,先生們 這場比賽從頭到尾都是強強對話 本來應該是康納-麥格雷戈對陣邁克爾-錢德勒 但是康納-麥格雷戈崴到了腳 所以他不能參加比賽了

  • Now we're gonna go back to the main event but let's go down to Michael Venn and Paige take it on Ian Gary.

    現在我們回到主賽 邁克爾-文和佩吉對陣伊恩-加里 Now we're gonna go back to the main event but let's go down to Michael Venn and Paige take it on Ian Gary.

  • Now I like this matchup I think MVP is more of a darter across the void he waits out there he likes to showboat a lot and he comes across the void with that beautiful right hand and also he likes to kind of let his opponents fall asleep when he's watching them right he's always doing all these things emoting being flashy and then when he drops his up we talked about it on the podcast you guys haven't watched that go back and watch that it was absolutely amazing mighty cast with MVP and he said when he drops people he lets him get back up because he believes in his skill set so damn well on his feet if he drops you he's gonna drop you again.

    我喜歡這樣的對決 我覺得MVP更像一個穿越虛空的飛鏢 他在場上等待 他喜歡炫耀 他用漂亮的右手穿越虛空當他把對手摔倒的時候,我們在播客裡聊過,你們沒看過的話,回去看一下,MVP的表演絕對精彩,他說當他把人摔倒的時候,他會讓他重新站起來,因為他相信自己的技術,所以他的腳下功夫非常好,如果他把你摔倒了,他還會再把你摔倒。

  • Now flip side Ian Gary undefeated prospect very good at managing the void he likes to use a lot of distance and run just as much as Michael Venn and Paige does but the one thing that Ian Gary does is that he does put punches in combinations where he'll go one two and throw a low kick or low kick and one two he does a lot more combinations to where MVP is typically a one hitter quitter across the void and he jumps back out.


  • Now who do I have one in this one this one's very tough because I haven't seen MVP fight somebody who is just as good as him on the feet and more not dynamic but more strategic and traditional.

    現在,我的對手是誰呢? 這場比賽非常艱難,因為我還沒見過 MVP 與腳下技術和他不相上下的對手交過手。

  • But if I'm gonna back up into Paige we had on the mighty cast it is a tough fight both these guys can win this fight but at the end of the day MVP I think he has a certain style where he's able to get across the void and hit people if he can do that then I think MVP is gonna be able to run around to victory but if Ian Gary does not flinch does not bite on any of you know MVP's feints and he's able to slip and able to pose as well which Ian Gary typically does not do he's not the type person that comes across the distance wrestles puts him in the clinch so honestly this is a shootout to see who's gonna be able to land that one shot so both these guys can win it but if I have to make a pick I will go up back up into Paige.

    但如果我要回到佩奇身上 我們在強大的演員陣容上看到過 這是一場艱苦的比賽 這兩個人都能贏得比賽 但最後MVP我認為他有某種風格 他能跨越虛空打到人你知道MVP的佯攻 他還能滑步和擺姿勢 而伊恩-加里通常不會這麼做 他不是那種能拉開距離摔跤的類型

  • Okay now let's go to the co-main event Diego Lopez taking on Brian Ortega.

    好了,現在讓我們來看看聯合主賽 迭戈-洛佩茲對陣布萊恩-奧爾特加。

  • You have Brian Ortega he's got a lot of heart he's got a lot of grit got a great chin great submissions great knockouts knocked out Frankie Ager he's had amazing fights with Max Holloway and Alex Volkanovsky.

    布賴恩-奧爾特加(Brian Ortega)有一顆勇敢的心,他很有勇氣,下巴很有力量,擊倒過弗蘭基-阿格(Frankie Ager),與馬克斯-霍洛威(Max Holloway)和亞歷克斯-沃爾卡諾夫斯基(Alex Volkanovsky)的比賽也很精彩。

  • Now let's look to the flip side we have Diego Lopez another standout athlete great ground game very athletic on the feet throwing combinations.

    現在讓我們反過來看看迭戈-洛佩茲(Diego Lopez),他是另一位出色的運動員,地面格鬥非常出色,腳下投擲組合拳也很有運動天賦。

  • Right now my gut's telling me that Brian Ortega has the more experienced factor going into this fight because he's fought for world title multiple times he's fought Alex Volkanovsky he's fought Max Holloway and when I look at this matchup I want to say this is a pretty much even matchup just because I feel like Diego Lopez might lack the experience in the competition because he hasn't been in that level yet so it'll be a good test for Diego Lopez to see if he's ready for that next step.

    現在,我的直覺告訴我,布萊恩-奧爾特加在這場比賽中更有經驗,因為他曾多次與亞歷克斯-沃爾卡諾夫斯基(Alex Volkanovsky)交手,與馬克斯-霍洛威(Max Holloway)交手,當我看到這場對決時,我想說這是一場勢均力敵的對決,因為我覺得迭戈-洛佩茲可能缺乏比賽經驗,因為他還沒有達到那個級別,所以這對迭戈-洛佩茲來說是一個很好的考驗,看看他是否已經準備好邁出下一步。

  • Now when I look at these guys I'm not sure my guts it's pretty much split down the middle between both these guys both these guys are super good but what I do like is when I look at price picks I love what I'm seeing Alex Pereira 0.5 significant strikes super easy you pick that square he does one little calf kick boom you win that square and then all you got to do is make one more pick and when I look at it right now I want to talk about what we like in our price picks I like playing the price picks a lot better for this matchup than trying to pick is Diego gonna win or is Brian Ortega going to win right now in this fight Diego Lopez they think the fight's gonna end at 11 11.5 for me I feel like Brian Ortega has never been finished but Brian Ortega has finished both these guys are finishers so I like less on that just because if it goes more it's gonna be all out war gonna be hitting each other and that's right in the middle so that's that's a hard one but if you look at significant strikes we look at significant strikes we have 40 and a half significant strikes once again these guys are both finishers but Brian Ortega does take a lot of shots he likes to come across the void getting his opponent's face and take a lot of shots but if Brian Ortega is able to get Diego Lopez to the ground then he might not make that 40 and a half strikes so with this one this one's also hard I'm gonna go with damn it I'm gonna go with I will go with I'm gonna go less so ladies gentlemen that's what I'm like where price picks and you can get into the game as well all you gotta do is go to your app store download price picks make sure you use my promo code mighty they'll match up to 100 hours of your deposit so you can make the right picks and ladies show me we all know it's at the right place price picks now let's go on to the main event Alex Pereira taking on Yuri now Alex Pereira the more I watch him fight the more I see him spar and I went back and watch some of his glory kickboxing stuff the more I watch Alex fight the more I become a fan because he comes straight forward and he moves on arc he's always looking he's doing everything right he's always stepping outside of the lead leg if the guy is a softball if the guys orthodox he's gonna start kicking that cat kick and to make you open up and check just to read you so I always tell people if you're gonna fight somebody do not fight them where there are the strongest the only person I would say in mixed martial arts that I know of who can match Alex on his feet is out of Sonya because Izzy has a long extensive kickboxing background and they've also fought four times now when we look at Yuri Yuri does have an interesting way how he approaches the fight he didn't check those leg kicks the first thing they fought and since he didn't check those leg kicks I hope he's been training checking those leg kicks and once again this is a short notice fight so I know Alex has been sparring because he's been posting all those videos but the one thing Alex has been doing he's been sparring a lot of boxers so we know his hands are gonna be crisp on the feet as they've always been right and he's been fighting big boxers not small guys bigger people now what Yuri what has he been doing in his off time obviously he's been training hope he's been training to check those leg kicks if Yuri can't get across the void which is the hardest thing to do against Alex we're gonna see another knockout by Alex but if Yuri can get Alex on his back get on top mounts him look for submission or grounded pound then Yuri is gonna win the fight but once again Alex he's getting more comfortable in mixed martial arts the amount of time he's been in mixed martial arts and how many people he's beat world champions he's been Izzy Jamal Hill another world champion he's already beat Yuri I think we're gonna see Alex come on top once again Poton it's gonna remain the champion now ladies gentlemen please let me know in the comments below who do you think is gonna win in the main event Coleman event and the Ian Gary versus Michael Venom page now make sure you come back here Saturday night as we'll do our live reaction and then on Monday we'll also do avoid breakdown of the main event between Yuri versus Alex Pereira ladies and gentlemen as always I am your host Timmy Johnson make sure you like subscribe also hit the bell to know when we go live and we'll see you guys at the next one

    現在,當我看到這些傢伙時,我不知道我的膽量,這兩個傢伙之間的中間幾乎分裂,這兩個傢伙都是超級好的,但我喜歡的是,當我看到價格選擇時,我喜歡我所看到的亞歷克斯佩雷拉0。當我現在看比賽時,我想談談我們的賠率選擇,我喜歡在這場對決中進行賠率選擇,這比選擇迭戈會贏還是布萊恩-奧爾特加會贏要好得多,現在在這場比賽中,迭戈-洛佩茲他們認為比賽會在11點11分結束。我覺得布萊恩-奧特加還沒被終結過 但布萊恩-奧特加已經終結過了 這兩個人都是終結者 所以我更傾向於少打多但如果布萊恩-奧爾特加能將迭戈-洛佩茲擊倒在地,他就

Alex Pereira take it on Yuri, Diego Lopez take it on Brian Ortega and then we have Michael Venn and Paige take it on Ian Gary.

亞歷克斯-佩雷拉(Alex Pereira)對陣尤里(Yuri),迭戈-洛佩茲(Diego Lopez)對陣布萊恩-奧爾特加(Brian Ortega),然後是邁克爾-文(Michael Venn)和佩奇對陣伊恩-加里(Ian Gary)。

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