字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Nearly two million Muslims undertake the journey to Mecca annually, and this year, more than 1,000 people have so far reportedly died. 每年有近 200 萬穆斯林前往麥加,據報道,今年迄今已有 1000 多人喪生。 It's unbelievably hot there, temperatures of over 50 degrees right now, and it's feared the death toll could go much, much higher. 那裡熱得令人難以置信,現在氣溫超過 50 度,死亡人數恐怕會更高。 Unregistered pilgrims do not have access to proper facilities, things like air conditioning and official transport. 未登記的朝聖者無法使用適當的設施,如空調和官方交通工具。 As Caroline Hawley now reports... 正如 Caroline Hawley 現在所報道的... It's a sacred duty for Muslims to perform the pilgrimage once in their lifetime, if physically and financially able, and it's a colossal logistics operation for the Saudi authorities. 如果身體和經濟條件允許,穆斯林一生中必須朝聖一次,這是穆斯林的神聖職責,對沙特當局來說,這也是一項巨大的後勤工作。 They've been criticised in the past for the way they've handled the Hajj, for deadly stampedes, but this year the danger came from blistering heat. 過去,他們處理朝覲的方式曾因致命的踩踏事件而受到責備,但今年的危險來自酷熱。 There was water on hand, large sprinklers, and some air-conditioned areas for the more than 1.8 million pilgrims. 現場為 180 多萬朝聖者提供了水源、大型灑水車和一些空調區。 But it was more than 50 degrees in the shade, and the scorching temperature took a terrible toll. 但是,樹蔭下的氣溫超過了 50 度,炙熱的溫度讓人難以忍受。 Ather Hussain is imam of Leicester's central mosque. 阿瑟-侯賽因(Ather Hussain)是萊斯特中心清真寺的伊瑪目。 He's just returned home from Saudi Arabia, scarred by what he saw. 他剛從沙特阿拉伯回國,所見所聞讓他傷痕累累。 It was undoubtedly a traumatic experience. 這無疑是一次痛苦的經歷。 You would walk and you simply wouldn't know where to look, because everywhere you turned you would see someone struggling in some way or the other, people completely drowned in sweat. 你走在路上,根本不知道該往哪裡看,因為無論你轉到哪裡,都會看到有人在以某種方式掙扎,有人完全被汗水淹沒。 It's not just the frail and the elderly who were affected. 受影響的不僅僅是體弱者和老年人。 I saw perfectly fit individuals who were struggling just to make 50 yards. 我看到一些體格健壯的人,為了跑出 50 碼的距離而苦苦掙扎。 In the village of Menufia in northern Egypt, a family mourns. 70-year-old Effendia sold jewellery to pay for the pilgrimage. 在埃及北部的梅努菲亞村,一個家庭在哀悼。70 歲的埃芬迪亞賣掉了珠寶,以支付朝聖的費用。 She had a tourist visa, and like many others, wasn't officially registered for the Hajj. 她持有旅遊簽證,和其他許多人一樣,沒有正式登記朝覲。 Her children say she was left to walk for miles, taken advantage of by an unscrupulous tour operator. 她的孩子們說,她被無良的旅行社利用,徒步走了數英里。 She called home as she was dying. 她在彌留之際給家裡打了電話。 I screamed and couldn't believe it. 我尖叫起來,簡直不敢相信。 She phoned my brother and told him she felt her soul is leaving her body. 她給我哥哥打了電話,告訴他她感覺自己的靈魂正在離開自己的身體。 I wish I was with her. 我真希望能和她在一起。 The casualties come from many countries, and there are fears that climate change will in The charity Islamic Relief has called for urgent steps to inform pilgrims of the risks and to ensure that their safety is paramount. 這些傷亡者來自許多國家,人們擔心氣候變化會對朝聖者的安全造成影響。慈善機構伊斯蘭救濟組織呼籲採取緊急措施,讓朝聖者瞭解風險,並確保他們的安全至關重要。 Caroline Hawley, BBC News. Caroline Hawley, BBC News.
B2 中高級 中文 英國腔 穆斯林 氣溫 登記 報道 電話 伊斯蘭 【BBC News】200萬穆斯林麥加朝覲,極端熱浪飆破52℃造成1,000多人死亡 (Hajj pilgrimage: more than 1,000 dead in extreme 52C heatwave | BBC News) 878 14 VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 06 月 25 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字