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As humans, we spend roughly a third of our lives asleep.
When there is natural light, we wake up, and at night we feel drowsy.
This phenomenon is called the body's day and night cycle, or the circadian rhythm.
Circadian rhythms control how we sleep and when we wake up.
They are managed by the rise and fall of certain chemicals, such as the hormones melatonin and cortisol, and the neurotransmitter adenosine.
Melatonin, for example, is sensitive to light, increases with darkness, and helps us to settle into a deep sleep.
Cortisol spikes in the middle of the night and causes REM sleep, the phase where we dream, and then wakes us up.
Adenosine builds up during the day, gradually reduces our alertness, and eventually makes us feel tired.
Over 24 hours, with someone sleeping from 10pm to 7am, the changes in melatonin, cortisol and adenosine typically look like this.
一個人從晚上 10 點睡到早上 7 點,在 24 小時內,褪黑激素、皮質醇和腺苷的變化通常是這樣的。
Now while people all have different circadian rhythms, known as different chronotypes, the rhythm itself shifts as we grow up and age.
雖然人的晝夜節律各不相同,被稱為不同的 "時型",但隨著我們的成長和年齡的增長,晝夜節律本身也會發生變化。
Children are typically born with an early circadian rhythm, but when they enter puberty, their melatonin and cortisol kick in later, and as a result, their bodies react less to light and get sleepy about 2 hours later.
兒童出生時的晝夜節律通常較早,但進入青春期後,他們的褪黑激素和皮質醇開始發揮作用的時間較晚,是以,他們的身體對光線的反應較小,大約 2 小時後就會犯困。
They enter into what's known as a delayed sleep phase.
And since most schools don't adapt to this change, teenagers end up sleeping less during weekdays and more during weekends, a phenomenon known as social jet lag, and this leads to all kinds of problems.
When teenagers lack rest, their minds have trouble paying attention and absorbing new knowledge, and they often cannot remember what they have learned during the day.
This is because sleep is essential for consolidating our experiences into our long-term memory store.
Teenagers naturally go through a period of lots of new sensations, and often face an identity crisis.
Now, people who sleep less naturally also have less REM sleep, the phase where we dream and that helps us regulate emotions.
Those who don't get enough of that might get extra sensitive, moody, or fail to understand their own feelings.
A lack of rest leads to more stress during the day, which in turn can mean insomnia at night, a vicious cycle that can hit adolescents who are naturally more tense.
In the best case, the stress impairs their creativity.
At worst, it leads to anxiety or addictions.
This may be one reason why research shows that teenage suicide rates go up when a new school year starts.
Sleep also regulates the hormones responsible for our appetite, and so when teenagers don't rest enough at night, they tend to eat more during the day.
The result can be obesity or eating disorders.
The solution could be simple.
Adapt social norms to biological facts and allow teenagers to sleep according to their natural circadian rhythm, and some schools have done just that.
In the fall of 2015, Seattle Public Schools announced that it would change the school's starting time from 7.50am to 8.45am to adapt to the circadian rhythm of teenagers.
2015 年秋季,西雅圖公立學校宣佈,為了適應青少年的晝夜節律,學校將把開學時間從早上 7 點 50 分改為 8 點 45 分。
The result?
Pupils gained on average over 30 minutes of sleep each night.
學生平均每晚睡眠時間增加了 30 分鐘以上。
Later, they displayed higher concentration levels, reported better well-being, and increased motivation to learn.
What do you think?
Should high schools adapt to the biological rhythm of the pupils who go there?
How has your sleep cycle evolved and impacted your life?
Tell us your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.
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