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A city in one of China's poorest provinces.
He's now driving the electric vehicle industry, becoming home to five major automakers.
CNBC Beijing Bureau Chief Eunice Yun takes us inside this major production hub.
CNBC 北京分社社長 Eunice Yun 帶我們走進這個重要的生產中心。
If you're interested in a Chinese EV, you might want to visit Liuzhou in China's southwest.
This city of four million people in the province of Guangxi brands itself as an EV capital, and for good reason.
這座擁有 400 萬人口的廣西省城市自詡為 "電動汽車之都",這是有道理的。
Liuzhou last year produced almost half a million electric vehicles of all types.
柳州去年生產了近 50 萬輛各類電動汽車。
Some were made at this Wuling new energy factory managed by 30-year auto veteran Yu Hongqiao.
其中一些是在這家由擁有 30 年汽車行業經驗的餘虹橋管理的五菱新能源工廠生產的。
Liuzhou is very competitive as a city for new energy vehicle manufacturing, he says.
First, the cost of manpower is very low.
Second, the logistics cost is low.
Third, the industrial foundation is there.
Liuzhou is home to five major state-backed car makers, including Wuling's parent, Guangxi Auto.
We're on our way to another automaker, Yiqi.
It's famous for making a car that's used by the government elite called the Hongqi.
About a mile away is another company making EVs, Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor.
And SAIC, whose joint venture with GM and Guangxi Auto produces a popular $4,000 EV.
還有上汽集團,其與通用汽車和廣西汽車公司的合資企業生產了一款售價 4,000 美元的電動汽車,頗受歡迎。
A lot of the supply chain is here too.
This town has about 300 EV suppliers.
該鎮約有 300 家電動汽車供應商。
Liuzhou's stated aim has been to produce more than 3 million EVs a year by 2025, but it's fallen short.
柳州的既定目標是到 2025 年每年生產 300 多萬輛電動汽車,但目前還沒有實現。
Data from Japanese auto research firm Marklines shows the city's factories could have the capacity to produce roughly three times as many EVs as they currently are.
日本汽車研究公司 Marklines 的數據顯示,該市工廠生產電動汽車的能力大約是目前的三倍。
Liuzhou hopes to rev up exports now at 1% of production.
目前,柳州的出口量僅佔生產量的 1%,柳州希望能加快出口步伐。
Yu's company set up an overseas department last month, despite international criticism of China's overcapacity.
It's groundless, he says.
If your cost is low, thanks to your scale and your price is more competitive, anyone can compete, right?
Eunice Yun joins me now.
Eunice Yun 現在加入我們。
Very cool.
Peace, Eunice.
So China sees this really as a competitive opportunity, but some countries, including the U.S., are really pushing back.
What are some of the concerns here?
Well, Vicky, the main concern is that Beijing's industrial policies are promoting Chinese overcapacity across industries, including EVs.
And then that, in turn, could lead to flooded global markets, depressed prices, to what critics would say are unfair levels.
And then that could lead to the destruction of competing industries in other parts of the world.
So that's the reason why the Biden administration, Europe, Turkey, as well as other countries, are raising tariffs, and the Chinese are not happy about it.
All right.
CNBC Beijing Bureau Chief Eunice Yun, thank you so much.
CNBC 北京分社社長尹恩惠,非常感謝。