字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 For many of us sleep is a luxury that we all too frequently miss out on. 對於許多人來說,睡眠是奢侈品,我們常常都會錯過它 But without it comes with full of health problems and consequences like the lack of motivation, decreased attention span and feeling like crap. 沒睡好有許多問題,像是缺少動力、降低注意力和覺得自己像個廢物 And while some studies suggest that the optimal amount of sleep is between seven to eight hours, the truth is that not all sleep is created equal. 有些研究報告建議最好的睡眠時間是7~8小時,但事實是這不一定正確 So here are some examples in ways that you can help improve the quality of your sleep ... 這裡有一些例子,可以幫助你改善睡眠品質, ... so you feel more energetic and ready to face the day. 讓你精力充沛,準備好面對每一天 Napping. I love napping and a key to successful nap is the length of time at which you rest. 午睡。我愛這個,成功午睡的關鍵是 It's important to ensure that you take up a power nap, which means that you only nap between 20 to 30 minutes. 你休息的時間長度。重要的是你要確認你是有效午睡,就是你只睡了20~30分鍾 This allows you to wake up not feeling groggy because you do not enter deep sleep stages and therefore do not fall into a deep sleep. 這可以讓你不會醒來時昏昏沉沉的,因為你沒有進入深層睡眠階段 Also short naps are important because long naps can effect your ability to fall sleep at night. 因此沒有進入熟睡狀態,午睡也是很重要的事因為睡太久的話會影響晚間的睡眠 Studies found that individuals who take power naps at least three times a week in the afternoon are 37 percent less likely to die of heart disease 研究顯示,每週有效午睡至少三次的人可以降低37%死於心臟疾病的機會 That's something you should tell your teacher/boss. 這件事情你應該告訴你老師的上司 Cut down on alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes. 減少飲酒、咖啡因、香菸,好,你可能會不喜歡這個方法 Okay, so you might not love this tip, but while alcohol may help you fall asleep faster, it actually decreases the quality of your sleep by damaging the sleep cycle. 酒精可能會幫助你更快入睡但他事實上會降低你的睡眠品質、破壞你的睡眠週期 Caffeine on the other hand has been found to shorten phases three and four of your sleep cycle, which is where REM (rapid eye movement) and dream occur. 另一方面,咖啡因,被發現有個威脅,會在你睡眠的期間更常作夢、眼部急速活動 And finally, while cigarettes may feel relaxing they can actually prevent the onset of sleep altogether. 最後是香菸,香菸可以幫助放鬆,卻可能讓你在開始準備入睡時睡不著 Have a schedule: Your body loves routine, so try waking up at the same time every day 規劃時間表。你的身體喜歡規律,所以試著每天同一時間起床 Or at least within the same hour--and yes, this does include weekends. 或至少每天睡相同的時間,是的,這還包括了假日 I know it may be hard but it's better to get up at the same time and maybe nap in the afternoon if you are tired than messing up your whole schedule altogether. 我知道這可能很困難,但最好要每天同一時間起床當你累的時候午休一下 Trust us you will feel a lot better on Monday. 把你的計劃表整理好,相信這會讓你在週一時覺得好過點 Quit staring at your screens. 停止看你的螢幕!電視、筆電,或手機上的亮光,會讓你的腦袋還是像在白天一樣的思考 The bright lights on your TV, laptop, or cell phone actually trick your brain into thinking that in daytime, meaning that they affect your entire sleep cycle. 代表著他們會影響你整個睡眠週期 So, cut them out an hour or two before you go to bed and they shouldn't be an issue. 所以在睡前一、兩個小時應該避免這些亮光,睡眠就不會有困擾了 Also cut the external light out of your room. 也要減少房間裡其他的外在因素的影響。筆電的光、印表機、機上盒,這些確實會讓你的腦在晚上還是醒著 The lights from your laptop, or your printer, or cable box actually keep your brain awake at night.o either put some tape over it, cover it up or just get it out of your room entirely. 所以把它收在桌上、把它蓋住,或乾脆直接將它拿出你的房間 Failing that, you can always wear face mask at night. 就好像你可以在晚上戴上面罩一樣。開發一個晚間的儀式 Develop a night time ritual. The point of this ritual is to help you disengage from your daily activities and potentially distress on your life. 這個儀式是幫助你脫離白天的活動還有脫離生活中潛在的痛苦。有些晚間儀式的例子像是 Some examples that people swear by are stretching for 10 minutes before bed, going on similar walk at night to help clear your mind and obviously the common one which is reading. 在睡前伸展10分鐘、去散步可以幫助心靜下來,還有最常見的是 It's helpful to read fiction books because they can distract your mind and take you to an entirely different world. 閱讀。閱讀小說是個很有效的方法,因為它把你的心帶到完全不同的世界中 Except for Mitch reading Game of Thrones because he just ended up crying all night 除了Mitch讀"權力遊戲"他會因此嚇哭一整晚 It's important that once you've finished this ritual and you disengaged do not reengaged by going back on your cell phone before bed. 很重要的是,當你完成這個睡前儀式後,你可能可以脫離一天的疲憊了,但在上床睡覺前,你不能再拿手機 Some handy tips are charging your phone away from arm's reach or potentially in a completely different room. 有一些方便的技巧像是把手機放在拿不到的地方充電 You can also build a morning routine. 或甚至放在完全不同的地方。你也可以建立早晨的習慣 Having this specific task planned in the morning helps you to avoid hitting the snooze button and falling back asleep. 有了這個明確的任務計劃,在早上就可以幫助你避免按下打瞌睡按鍵或是鑽回被窩睡覺 People love the videos on sleep, 人們喜歡關於睡覺的影片 -I know, it's probably because we never ... -It's because we never sleep. 因為我們從來都不睡覺 Whether it's going to the gym or even something as simple as browsing Reddit or watching your favorite YouTube channels. 不論你是去體育館,或是只是簡單的流覽Reddit或是看YouTube上你最喜歡的頻道 Having something to look forward to in the morning can help you get out of bed. 在早上有些讓你期待的事可以幫助你不要賴床 One great piece of advice is to just get outside first thing in the morning. 一個很好的建議是:早上的第一件事就是出門去 Human beings are meant to wake up with the sun, so it's only natural to get outside and feel some rays in the morning. 人類生來就是要和太陽一起起床,所以在早晨外出並且感受這個恩典是很正常的事 Use a smart alarm. If you don't have the luxury of waking up naturally, then it's important to use an alarm you're not just gonna slam off and go back to bed. 使用智慧鬧鐘。如果你沒有這種奢侈品可以叫你起床非常重要的是,在使用鬧鐘時,你不可以直把它按掉又再回去床上睡 Some examples are setting your alarm as your radio, having a start quietly in gradually got louder or playing your favorite tunes in order to help you dance out of bed. 有些例子像是把鬧鐘設成收音機、讓聲音由小聲逐漸變大聲、或是撥放你最喜歡的旋律,這樣可以在床上跳舞 Your bed is for sleeping. By watching TV, doing work, or eating food, your brain now associates these activities with your bed and so it's harder for you to sleep at night. 你的床是用來睡覺的。看電視、工作、或吃東西,你就打破規則了將這些活動和你的床連結在一起,這樣晚上很難睡個好覺 So there you have it, put some those tips into action and hopefully you'll find yourself having a more restful sleep and as a result, a better day. 這就是今天教各位的啦,你可以真的試試其中一些方法,也希望你可以有更平靜更有品質的睡眠,也因此 And if you have any other tips you'd like to share with us or other people, please put them in the comments below. We're tired, it's the afternoon so we're gonna take a brilliant power nap. 有更好的一天。如果你有其他的方法想要分享給我們或是其他人請將他們寫在底下的留言中。我們累了,現在是下午,所以我們要去聰明的睡個午覺 And I know you're gonna to take any of this advice, so you can subscribe to our channel and watch all the videos and stay up all night, do whatever you want, we'll see you later. 我知道你可能會使用我們的一些建議,所以你可以訂閱我們的頻道看所有的影片 我們下次再見
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 睡眠 儀式 睡覺 香菸 鬧鐘 幫助 一夜好眠真幸福!如何睡得更好呢? How To Get Better Sleep 15311 1214 Gisele Sung 發佈於 2014 年 10 月 19 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字