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  • It's the Dallas Mavericks and Boston Celtics game five of the NBA Finals Presented by YouTube TV a ruckus sold-out TD Garden And doors for Dallas can they bring that same toughness and tenacity that was so impressive the other night Drew holidays first shot goes up and in After poor defense in game three Dutch.

    這是 NBA 總決賽達拉斯小牛隊和波士頓凱爾特人隊的第五場比賽,由 YouTube TV 贊助。

  • It's really played some excellent defense in game four holiday gets inside up It's throws it up.


  • Oh beautiful pass and Jones throws it down Kyrie Irving gets inside lost the handle White leads ahead to holiday goes inside layup is good.


  • He's got all six points Horford wide open Tatum now picks up dodges dodges has missed his first three shots Stops gets inside draws the foul and one got Horford up in the air and the Mavericks now two for eleven Brown goes right at Josh Green running layup is good Notch it's back up top Josh Green nails a three green who's had such a nice impact throughout these playoffs It's an early call here in this one.

    他得到了全部六分 霍福德空位接球 塔圖姆現在接球躲閃 躲閃前三次投籃不中 斯托普斯內線接球造成犯規 霍福德空中接力得分 小牛隊現在11投2中 布朗直面約什-格林 跑動中上籃得分 Notch it's back up top Josh Green nails a three green who's had such a nice impact throughout these playoffs it's an early call here in this one.

  • Notch.


  • It's fine.


  • The back rings gonna try again Josh Green two for two from downtown Ball batting around white catches fires and hits a three I Should try to create space beautiful pass, but Irving has to bring it out now throws it up and lively with the slam Notch it goes right at him step back jumpers got it second field goal for Luka Dunjic Tatum Spinning driving layup got it His first field goal Exum left open his three.


  • That's good.


  • Dr. Exum Another situation where Chris taps Porzingis is one of those two defenders Jalen Brown comes flying in on the pass from holiday Mason kid going to his bench early and off at Hauser.

    埃克薩姆博士 克里斯攻打波爾津吉斯的另一個情況是,那兩名防守者之一的杰倫-布朗接到假期梅森孩子的傳球飛奔而來,早早地跑到替補席上,衝著豪瑟去了。

  • That's a three Houser has found the range deflected Houser to Tatum alley-oop to Brown has to come down goes back up and in Stolen by Tatum Tatum goes up and lays it up Houser tries another three rattles it in Houser has found his stroke here on the finals I Re-urban call a circus shot from Irving as he goes across the lane Tatum guarded by lively Finds Jalen Brown knocks down another three.

    這是個三分球 霍瑟找到了射程 霍瑟傳給塔圖姆,布朗接球后回傳 塔圖姆搶斷,塔圖姆上籃得分 霍瑟又試了一個三分球,球進了 霍瑟在總決賽中找到了自己的感覺 我認為這是歐文的馬戲團投籃 他橫穿籃下,塔圖姆被嚴密防守 發現杰倫-布朗又投進了一個三分球

  • That's the effect and the lead is up to a dozen Porzingis now with Irving on him Using the height advantage and gets the bounce That's his first bucket doctor took four on the shot clock not just finds cleaver cleaver.


  • Nice turn and layup Kyrie Irving fires away got a three-pointer and that's huge for Dallas.


  • They need Kyrie Irving to come alive Holiday answers right back with a three and he's got nine points Derek Jones jr.

    他們需要凱里-歐文重新振作起來 霍樂迪馬上回敬一記三分,他得到 9 分,小德里克-瓊斯也得到 9 分。

  • Knocks down the three-pointer shot clock at seven Tatum spins Tatum drives layup off the glass sweet move from Jason Tatum Tatum gets past lively goes inside the layup bank shot.

    塔圖姆三分球命中 投籃時間 7 秒 塔圖姆轉身 塔圖姆突破上籃得分 傑森-塔圖姆的漂亮動作 塔圖姆過掉了活潑的內線上籃得分 銀行投籃。

  • That's good and the foul If the Mavericks try and take advantage get Gafford involved right there on cue throws it down How about that Mike Green?

    如果小牛隊想佔便宜,讓加福德參與進來,他就會把球扔下來 麥克-格林怎麼樣?

  • Nice feed and Gafford throws it down Harper's right the set check check back in Tatum on the drive once again gets to the rim He's got 13 points here on the first half BJ Washington goes to the rim And gets it a go look like holiday got a piece of the ball Washington stuck with a beautiful move Washington to Jones Jones up and in off the glass Quick fast break bucket Joe Mazula wants timeout nice feed inside That's now eight assists in the first half for Jason Tatum all knock loose looking up like dive on it saved by Horford Here comes Brown Brown goes up layup.

    漂亮的傳球,加福德把球扔了下來 哈珀的右側定點補防 塔圖姆又一次衝到了籃下 他上半場就得到了13分 BJ-華盛頓衝到了籃下 拿到了球,看起來就像度假一樣 華盛頓卡住了球漂亮的移動 華盛頓傳給了瓊斯 Jones up and in off the glass Quick fast break bucket 喬-馬祖拉想要暫停 Joe Mazula wants timeout 漂亮的內線傳球 nice feed inside That's now eight assists in the first half

  • It's good and the lead is back to 15 Washington Josh Green lines up a three got it Josh Green now three for three from downtown off the bench Tatum goes inside Flips it out Brown three-pointer puts it in Jalen Brown with 14 another assist for Tatum He's got nine Brown fakes now puts it on the floor guarded by Dotchage gets into the paint Kicks it out in the corner white steps back three-pointer.

    很好,領先優勢回到了15分,華盛頓 約什-格林三分命中,約什-格林現在三分球三投三中,塔圖姆替補上場,內線翻轉,布朗三分命中,杰倫-布朗14分,塔圖姆又一次助攻,他得到9分,布朗假動作上籃,被多特查奇防守,進入油漆區,在底角踢出,白人後撤步三分命中。

  • It's good An 18-point lead Dodgets gets inside and gets to the rim once again.

    領先 18 分的多杰特斯進入內線,再次殺入籃下,這很好。

  • He's had a quiet stretch Tatum sidestep three-pointer It's good Jason Tatum from downtown again And a 20-point lead it's a Boston three-party here down the stretch of the second Dodgetts Counted and the foul Dodgetts a strong move to the bucket missed free throw for for the rebound.


  • Here's Pritchard He loves these puts it up half-court of the buzzer Hey Mike, I asked Jason kid how they can chip away at this deficit I told our guys this is nothing that we have not seen before Inside another nice speed this time from holiday and Tatum with the flush Derek white step back three.


  • That's good.


  • Derek white with his third three-pointer Jalen Brown has Dr. Chatham Al Horford spots up Al Horford hits a three Jalen Brown gets in the paint finds holiday the left hand off the glass timeout Dallas Dodgetts He's short green comes right in backs at home That was the big problem for the Mavericks in the first three games, so they're often struggle Their defense has been their strength Irving nice turnaround shot there.

    德里克-懷特投中第三個三分球 杰倫-布朗得到查塔姆博士 阿爾-霍福德點上 阿爾-霍福德命中三分球 杰倫-布朗在油漆區找到假期 左手離開玻璃 暫停 達拉斯多奇特 他是矮個子 綠色的右後衛 在家裡 這是小牛隊在前三場比賽中的大問題,所以他們經常掙扎 他們的防守一直是他們的優勢 歐文漂亮的轉身投籃。

  • This is third field goal Irving kicks it out green lines up three-pointer got it White finds Tatum Tatum the holiday shot clock winding down jump shot is good Dodgetts pulls back Those that poor Zingas a foul and one look at Dodgetts chance for a three-point play Not just going coast to coast high off the glass is good How's her hesitated now the runners up and good Sam Howser with eight points off the bench as Brown knocks down a shot Dodgetts, but Howser on him not just using his strength leans in falls back and banks at home 18 points 11 rebounds for Dodgetts lively the rebound back up white got a piece of it Eric white with another block Brown pulls back out self-explanatory take time off the clock Brown drives fines for Zingas Timeout Dallas Dodgetts Gets it back fires up the three and finally gets one to go Shot clock at four white launches a three Dodgetts drives and finishes And it's back to 19 Tatum hesitation bank shot is good and the foul Slick move from Jason Tatum Irving finds a spot and hits the three Just a second three-pointer for Kyrie Irving Tatum spins falling away.

    這是第三個進球 歐文把球踢出 綠軍三分球命中 懷特找到了塔圖姆 塔圖姆 假日投籃時間即將結束 跳投得手 多吉茨反擊得手 可憐的辛格斯被犯規了 看了一眼多吉茨的三分球機會 不只是從岸邊到岸邊 高高地從玻璃上跳下得手 她怎麼猶豫了 現在的跑位不錯 薩姆・豪瑟替補出場得到8分 布朗投籃命中 多吉茨但Howser在他身上不只是用他的力量 他往後一靠,把球往家裡一扔 多吉茨得到18分11個籃板 活潑的籃板反擊 白人搶到籃板 埃裡克-白人又一次擋住了布朗的進攻多吉茨回敬一記三分,終於投中一球 投籃時間4秒,懷特投中三

  • It's up and good As Dodgetts rattles in the three Seven on the 24 for Tatum goes at Dodgetts gets inside layup shot is good Somehow he muscled it in Stolen by white Tatum the drive Tatum the finish timeout Dallas Dodgetts Goes inside lays it up at in Diary Irving steps back knocks down the three terrific shot from Irving but a Rough night 5 of 16 from the field Dodgetts comes up with a steal Goes inside finds PJ Washington layup is good And Joe Missoula not taking any chances even with a 21-point lead Calls a timeout Irving Congratulating many of them former teammates He talked about he wasn't in a great place when he was here But he's in a great place now a redemption year with these Mavericks really Redruvenated not just showing off his breathtaking skills, but yes his leadership skills as well with these Dallas Mavericks And now Dallas will dribble it out This crowd on its feet the best team in basketball all year all the work all the sacrifice handling the enormous weight of massive expectations ends tonight here It's over time to say it again Boston anything's possible Banner number 18 has been secured the Celtics are NBA champions

    多吉茨三分命中 塔圖姆24分7籃板 多吉茨內線上籃得手 塔圖姆進攻得手 塔圖姆進攻得手 暫停達拉斯 多吉茨內線上籃命中歐文後撤步三分命中 歐文的投籃非常出色,但今晚表現不佳 16投5中 多吉茨搶斷後殺入內線找到PJ-華盛頓 上籃得分 喬-米蘇拉在領先21分的情況下仍不放棄任何機會歐文向許多前隊友表示祝賀,他談到自己在這裡的時候並不順利,但他現在很順利,在小牛隊度過了救贖的一年、還有他的上司能力 現在達拉斯小牛隊要運球了 觀眾們都站起來了 這支籃球界最棒的球隊 一年來所有的努力 所有的犧牲

It's the Dallas Mavericks and Boston Celtics game five of the NBA Finals Presented by YouTube TV a ruckus sold-out TD Garden And doors for Dallas can they bring that same toughness and tenacity that was so impressive the other night Drew holidays first shot goes up and in After poor defense in game three Dutch.

這是 NBA 總決賽達拉斯小牛隊和波士頓凱爾特人隊的第五場比賽,由 YouTube TV 贊助。

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