Of course, once you understand the principle behind it, doing the actual stacking is fairly trivial, so much so that I don't even think about it when designing and testing bases until I actually need to do it in vanilla. Going back to the auto wall stacking button, if you need to wall stack a square, place down 8 squares, including the one that you started with, cap it off with a triangle, and then build back with triangles.
當然,一旦你理解了它背後的原理,實際的堆疊就會變得非常簡單,以至於我在設計和測試基地時都不會去想它,直到我真的需要在 vanilla 中進行堆疊。回到 "自動堆牆 "按鈕,如果你需要堆疊一個正方形,可以先放下 8 個正方形,包括一開始的那個,然後用一個三角形工資上限,最後再用三角形堆疊。