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  • yes Timon Timon Pumbaa what are you doing here this is my home at your service my liege oh we're gonna fight your uncle wait does kitty want to mousie does kitty want to dress up in dolly clothes and you with me oh yeah huh but you guys just got here I know but the foundation is expecting that footage danger huh I laugh in the face of danger ha ha ha ha I see nothing funny about this Pumbaa get underneath come on friend we must eat some rame mmm really delicious honey wow hmm it's raelly creepy take a ride in ninety five me did you give it a bubble move it move it move it me i would trade the monkey for her any day debbie come in okay what's the monkey saying about her oh we were up all night looking for that leopard debbie they're here ta da homemade coconut muffins and fresh herbal tea debbie this is so sweet oh and these look heavenly oh that's great come on isn't it great we could get in big trouble i know long live be careful she's so brave or dumb but who's gonna sneak me doughnuts come on we're almost there here's a dream for us guys that we'll find nigel strawberry down there now you're talking morning poodles oh oh i'm in princess and i'm thirsty oh and i lost my toucher van bossy so you gotta teach me no ice cubes next time pinja again this is it we made it i'm a kangaroo i'm a froggy and i'm frogging all this hopping is making my diapy creep oh now i'm a giant kitty cat with lots of pointy toothies don't worry guys nigel strawberry plays with wild aminals all the time he'll get us out of this i'm to be honest with you i'm looking for my babies you lost your babies probably too busy drinking from the toilet i was not i was sleeping that was my second guess hey hey smart boy you don't get it okay this is how it works usually they wander off i find them no problem but i can't smell i might as well not even call myself a dog simba wait up it's awful isn't it i didn't want to believe you what made you come back i finally got some sense knocked into me and i've got the bump to prove it besides this is my kingdom if i don't fight for it oh well i will it's gonna be dangerous and i don't have to share with no dumb babies i mean um dumb baby savages tell me about it i have to share with a pigtailed weirdo a jungle freak and a monkey in a tank top refill why do i have to get it you said you wanted to learn how to be bossy right this is how you learn extra ice two straws don't worry spike we'll help you find them and i won't tell anyone you lost them really you really will help me find them well thank you that is so nice wow that did taste pretty good animals obby leo leo spike it is time lion sleeps tonight in the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps i can't hear you buddy back me up ah all right it worked we lost them i am a genius hey genius it was my idea yeah but i pulled it off a king dad dad dad

    是的 丁滿 丁滿 彭彭 你在這裡幹什麼 這是我的家 為您服務 我的陛下 哦 我們要和你叔叔打一架 等等 貓貓想不想做毛怪 貓貓想不想穿上多莉的衣服 你和我在一起 哦 是的 但是你們剛到這裡 我知道 但是基金會期待著那段危險的片段 呵呵 我在危險面前大笑 哈哈哈我覺得這一點都不好笑 彭彭到下面去 來吧 朋友 我們得吃點拉姆 真的很好吃 親愛的 哇 真讓人毛骨悚然 坐上95號車我們整晚都在找那隻豹子 黛比,他們來了 噠噠自制椰子鬆餅和新鮮涼茶 黛比,這太甜蜜了 哦,這些看起來像天堂一樣 哦,太棒了,來吧 是不

yes Timon Timon Pumbaa what are you doing here this is my home at your service my liege oh we're gonna fight your uncle wait does kitty want to mousie does kitty want to dress up in dolly clothes and you with me oh yeah huh but you guys just got here I know but the foundation is expecting that footage danger huh I laugh in the face of danger ha ha ha ha I see nothing funny about this Pumbaa get underneath come on friend we must eat some rame mmm really delicious honey wow hmm it's raelly creepy take a ride in ninety five me did you give it a bubble move it move it move it me i would trade the monkey for her any day debbie come in okay what's the monkey saying about her oh we were up all night looking for that leopard debbie they're here ta da homemade coconut muffins and fresh herbal tea debbie this is so sweet oh and these look heavenly oh that's great come on isn't it great we could get in big trouble i know long live be careful she's so brave or dumb but who's gonna sneak me doughnuts come on we're almost there here's a dream for us guys that we'll find nigel strawberry down there now you're talking morning poodles oh oh i'm in princess and i'm thirsty oh and i lost my toucher van bossy so you gotta teach me no ice cubes next time pinja again this is it we made it i'm a kangaroo i'm a froggy and i'm frogging all this hopping is making my diapy creep oh now i'm a giant kitty cat with lots of pointy toothies don't worry guys nigel strawberry plays with wild aminals all the time he'll get us out of this i'm to be honest with you i'm looking for my babies you lost your babies probably too busy drinking from the toilet i was not i was sleeping that was my second guess hey hey smart boy you don't get it okay this is how it works usually they wander off i find them no problem but i can't smell i might as well not even call myself a dog simba wait up it's awful isn't it i didn't want to believe you what made you come back i finally got some sense knocked into me and i've got the bump to prove it besides this is my kingdom if i don't fight for it oh well i will it's gonna be dangerous and i don't have to share with no dumb babies i mean um dumb baby savages tell me about it i have to share with a pigtailed weirdo a jungle freak and a monkey in a tank top refill why do i have to get it you said you wanted to learn how to be bossy right this is how you learn extra ice two straws don't worry spike we'll help you find them and i won't tell anyone you lost them really you really will help me find them well thank you that is so nice wow that did taste pretty good animals obby leo leo spike it is time lion sleeps tonight in the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps i can't hear you buddy back me up ah all right it worked we lost them i am a genius hey genius it was my idea yeah but i pulled it off a king dad dad dad

是的 丁滿 丁滿 彭彭 你在這裡幹什麼 這是我的家 為您服務 我的陛下 哦 我們要和你叔叔打一架 等等 貓貓想不想做毛怪 貓貓想不想穿上多莉的衣服 你和我在一起 哦 是的 但是你們剛到這裡 我知道 但是基金會期待著那段危險的片段 呵呵 我在危險面前大笑 哈哈哈我覺得這一點都不好笑 彭彭到下面去 來吧 朋友 我們得吃點拉姆 真的很好吃 親愛的 哇 真讓人毛骨悚然 坐上95號車我們整晚都在找那隻豹子 黛比,他們來了 噠噠自制椰子鬆餅和新鮮涼茶 黛比,這太甜蜜了 哦,這些看起來像天堂一樣 哦,太棒了,來吧 是不

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