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  • NVIDIA has overtaken Microsoft and Apple to become the world's most valuable company.


  • The chipmaker's share price climbed to an all-time high on Tuesday.


  • The stock ended the trading day at nearly $136, that's up 3.5%.

    該股在交易日結束時的價格接近 136 美元,上漲了 3.5%。

  • NVIDIA of course makes computer chips needed for artificial intelligence software and demand for its products has boosted its sales and profits over the last few years.


  • Many investors believe its earnings can grow even more, which has caused its share price to soar, though some have questioned its sky-high valuation.


  • Our business reporter Surinjana Tiwari has more.

    本臺商務記者 Surinjana Tiwari 將為您帶來更多報道。

  • Here's a whopping number for you, 591,000%.


  • That's how much NVIDIA stock has increased in value since it went public in the early 2000s.

    這就是英偉達股票自 2000 年代初上市以來的增值幅度。

  • And now the chip company has surged its way all the way to the top of the stock market, dethroning another tech heavyweight, Microsoft, to become the world's most valuable company by market capitalization.


  • And this just weeks after NVIDIA was in third place.


  • It overtook iPhone maker Apple last week.

    上週,它超過了 iPhone 製造商蘋果公司。

  • Much of this growth has happened this year alone, taking the company from a $1 trillion company to a $3 trillion company within a matter of months and lifting US stock markets to record highs in the process.

    其中大部分增長僅發生在今年,在短短几個月內,公司規模從 1 萬億美元增長到 3 萬億美元,美國股市也在這一過程中屢創新高。

  • The stunning surge is all down to the optimism around emerging AI technology and the demand for high-end processors, the type of kit that NVIDIA makes chips for and that support artificial intelligence technology.


  • All the tech giants, Microsoft, Meta and Google owner Alphabet are all competing to build out their AI computing capabilities and add the technology to their products and services.

    所有的科技巨頭,包括微軟、Meta 和谷歌的所有者 Alphabet,都在競相提高自己的人工智能計算能力,並將這項技術添加到自己的產品和服務中。

  • Now, it does seem that NVIDIA is unstoppable, but some people are concerned about the sky-high value of the company, and also they fear that the demand for AI technology and the spending around it might wane in the future.


  • So, they are cautious even though there is this very high valuation.


  • So, that was Surinjana Tiwari there.


  • Let's talk a little bit more about NVIDIA and what it all means.


  • Tom Stevenson is the Investment Director at Fidelity, and he's come back onto the programme with us.

    湯姆-史蒂文森(Tom Stevenson)是富達公司的投資總監,他將再次參加我們的節目。

  • Hello there, Tom.


  • There are concerns, aren't there?


  • I mean, some people are saying that this compares to what we saw with the dot-com bubble.


  • Is that a fair comparison?


  • To an extent, it is a fair comparison.


  • I mean, the scale of increase in the value of NVIDIA is really something that we haven't seen for 25 years in the stock market, just a bit of context.

    我的意思是,英偉達公司價值的增長幅度是我們 25 年來在股票市場上從未見過的。

  • The S&P 500 is up 15% so far this year.

    今年到目前為止,標準普爾 500 指數上漲了 15%。

  • A third of that is accounted for by just this one company.


  • And another bit of context, two years ago, NVIDIA was worth $300 billion in the stock market.

    另一個背景是,兩年前,英偉達的股票市值為 3000 億美元。

  • It's now worth 11 times as much.

    現在它的價值是原來的 11 倍。

  • Now, it's pretty remarkable for any company to grow 11-fold in two years, but when the starting point is already a very big company, it's an even more remarkable story.

    現在,任何一家公司在兩年內增長 11 倍都是非常了不起的,但如果起點已經是一家非常大的公司,那就更了不起了。

  • So, is it justified?


  • I think, to an extent, it is justified.


  • NVIDIA's revenues and its earnings are growing very fast.


  • Back in February, we heard revenues were up 260%.

    早在二月份,我們就聽說收入增長了 260%。

  • Then in May, we had exactly the same growth rate.

    然後在 5 月份,我們的增長率完全相同。

  • So, a remarkable growth story in earnings on the back of this excitement about AI.


  • And to an extent, I think that does justify the growth in the value of NVIDIA.


  • This has also been described as something of a chip race.


  • Who's in the running?


  • Who are the competitors and how are they doing?


  • Are they playing catch up with all of this?


  • Well, they are playing catch up.


  • I mean, NVIDIA really dominates this market, but it's unlikely that it's going to remain out in front indefinitely because all the other big chip makers, the Intels, the AMDs, they're all producing chips as well.

    我的意思是,英偉達確實主導著這個市場,但它不可能無限期地保持領先地位,因為所有其他大型芯片製造商、英特爾、AMD 都在生產芯片。

  • So, there will be a lot of competition in this space.


  • And I think if there is a question mark about NVIDIA's valuation, which stands at about 40 times earnings, that's a pretty punchy rating for any company.

    我認為,如果對英偉達的估值打上問號的話,它的市盈率約為 40 倍,這對任何公司來說都是一個相當高的估值。

  • I think if there is a question mark, it is about the extent to which it can remain out in front for the foreseeable future.


  • Tom, I wonder if you can explain something to me.


  • Is it that their chips are particularly good at what they do or is it that they just position themselves to be in the right place at the right time?


  • Well, do you know what?


  • I think it's a bit of both.


  • I mean, NVIDIA has ridden the hardware waves in the 30 years that it's been in existence.

    我的意思是,英偉達公司成立 30 年來,在硬件領域可謂風生水起。

  • It started out as a gaming chip company.


  • Its chips were in the Xboxes and the PlayStations and all of those.

    Xbox 和 PlayStation 等都採用了它的芯片。

  • But really, it's adapted with the times and it saw this opportunity in AI processing.


  • And it has ridden that really well.


  • So, yes, its chips are very good, but it's also been in the right place at the right time.


  • And what can you tell us about Jensen Huang?

    關於 Jensen Huang,您能告訴我們些什麼?

  • Who is this 61-year-old who's done incredibly well for himself?

    這位 61 歲的老人是誰,他的成就令人難以置信?

  • Yeah, so he was the co-founder of NVIDIA 31 years ago.

    31 年前,他是英偉達公司的聯合創始人。

  • And he has done a remarkable job.


  • He's been the chief executive throughout that period.


  • And he owns 3% of NVIDIA.

    他還擁有英偉達 3% 的股份。

  • He is now an extremely wealthy man.


  • His own personal wealth now worth over $100 billion.

    他的個人財富現已超過 1000 億美元。

  • And with just 3% of the company.

    而且只佔公司 3% 的股份。

  • My goodness.


  • OK, Tom Stevenson, thank you very much indeed for that.


  • Thank you.


NVIDIA has overtaken Microsoft and Apple to become the world's most valuable company.


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