There's actually an apocryphal gospel discovered near Nag Hammadi in Egypt in the 1940s, dated to around the second or third century, called the Testimony of Truth, a gospel that didn't make it into the New Testament, which identifies the serpent, interestingly, who's never called Satan in the text, by the way, identifies the serpent with Jesus.
事實上,20 世紀 40 年代在埃及的那格-哈馬迪附近發現了一本啟示錄式的福音書,年代大約在第二或第三世紀,名為《真理的見證》,這本福音書沒有被寫入《新約聖經》,其中指出了蛇的身份,有趣的是,文本中從未稱其為撒旦,順便說一句,將蛇與耶穌相提並論。