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  • Why is carrot called carrot in English?

    胡蘿蔔的英文為什麼叫 carrot?

  • The word carrot in English comes from the Middle French word carot, which is derived from the late Latin word carota.

    英語中的胡蘿蔔一詞源於中古法語 carot,而 carot 一詞源於晚期拉丁語 carota。

  • The Latin terms itself trace back to Greek word keraton.

    拉丁語本身可追溯到希臘語的 keraton。

  • The Greek word is believed to be of Dorian origin, connected to the root ker, meaning horn, referring to the shape of carrot's taproot.

    希臘語中的 "胡蘿蔔 "一詞據說源於多裡安語,與詞根 "ker "有關,意為 "角",指胡蘿蔔直根的形狀。

  • Carrots have been cultivated for thousands of years.


  • Initially of their aromatic leaves and seeds, rather than the root we commonly consume today.


  • The modern orange carrot was developed in Netherlands during the 16th and 17th centuries.

    現代的橙色胡蘿蔔是 16 和 17 世紀在荷蘭發展起來的。

  • As the vegetables spread across Europe, the name carrot was adapted into various languages, including English.


  • This linguistic journey reflects the carrot's long history of cultivation and is important in various cultures.


Why is carrot called carrot in English?

胡蘿蔔的英文為什麼叫 carrot?

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