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  • This question's for Warren and Ajit.


  • It's from Jeff Oyster.


  • As a Berkshire and Tesla shareholder, I would like to hear your thoughts on the potential financial effects to GEICO, assuming Elon Musk delivers on his fully autonomous driving goal.

    作為伯克希爾公司和特斯拉公司的股東,我想聽聽您的看法,如果埃隆-馬斯克實現了他的完全自動駕駛目標,GEICO 可能會受到哪些財務影響。

  • On Tesla's most recent earnings call, Elon said, if you've got at scale a statistically significant amount of data that shows conclusively that the autonomous car has, let's say, half the accident rate of a human-driven car, I think that's difficult to ignore.


  • Assuming Elon succeeds in reducing accidents by 50% versus human drivers, wouldn't auto insurance rates fall to reflect the reduced underwriting risk, thereby adversely impacting GEICO's revenues and float, and perhaps margins, too?

    假設埃隆成功地將交通事故減少了 50%,那麼汽車保險費率不就會下降,以反映承保風險的降低,從而對 GEICO 的收入和浮動,甚至利潤率產生不利影響嗎?

  • Well, yeah, if, well, let's just take the extreme example.


  • Let's say there are only gonna be three accidents, and the United States next year, for some crazy reason that anything that reduces accidents is going to reduce costs, but that's been harder to do than people have done before, but obviously, if it really happens, the figures will show it, and our data will show it, and prices will come down.


  • I wouldn't, there've been a lot of people talk about doing that in the past.


  • I mean, General Motors used to be very big in the insurance business, and when Uber first started, they used some firm, which now is, I think Agito confirmed, they're close to bankruptcy now, aren't they, because of taking things out at the wrong prices?

    我的意思是,通用汽車公司過去在保險業務方面非常大,當 Uber 剛起步時,他們使用了一些公司,現在,我想 Agito 證實,他們現在接近破產,不是嗎?

  • Is that true?


  • Yep, yep, yep.


  • Yeah, yeah.


  • Insurance always looks easier than it is, and it's so much fun, because you get the money at the start.


  • And then you find out whether you've done something stupid later on, but it's a very tempting business when somebody hands you money, and you hand them a little piece of paper, but really knowing whether you're, I mean, if accidents get reduced 50%, it's gonna be good for society, and it's gonna be bad for insurance companies' volume, but good for society is what we're looking for so far.

    我的意思是,如果事故減少 50%,對社會是好事,對保險公司的業務量也是壞事,但對社會是好事,這才是我們目前所追求的。

  • You might find kind of interesting, I mean, the number of people killed per 100 million passenger miles driven, I think it actually, when I was young, it was like 15, but even post-World War II, it only fell to like seven or thereabouts, and Ralph Nader probably has done more for the American consumer than just about anybody in history, because that seven or six has now come down to under two, and I don't think it would have come down that way without him.


  • There have been some kind of fluke figures of what people did during the pandemic, which are quite interesting, because they didn't drive, immediately they didn't drive as many miles, but they drove more dangerously, didn't they?


  • Is that right, Ajit?

    對嗎 阿吉特

  • Yeah, yeah, so the point I wanna make in terms of Tesla and the fact that they feel that because of their technology, the number of accidents do come down, and that is certainly provable, but I think what needs to be factored in as well is the repair cost of each one of these accidents has skyrocketed, so if you multiply the number of accidents times the cost of each accident, I'm not sure that total number has come down as much as Tesla would like us to believe.


  • Tesla has been toying with the idea of writing insurance directly or indirectly, and so far, it hasn't really sort of been much of a success.


  • Time will tell, but I think automation just shifts a lot of the expense from the operator to the equipment provider.


This question's for Warren and Ajit.


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