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  • Celebrations erupt in Bangkok's Senate after lawmakers passed a bill to legalise same-sex marriage in Thailand.


  • The landmark decision paves the way for Thailand to become the first Southeast Asian country to recognise equal marriage rights, and the third country in Asia after Taiwan and Nepal.


  • After living without access to the basic rights and security that heterosexual couples enjoy, Lesbian couple Voro Wanan and Ticha say this is a day-long overdue.

    女同性戀夫婦沃羅-瓦南(Voro Wanan)和蒂查(Ticha)說,在無法享有異性夫婦所享有的基本權利和安全之後,這一天終於到來了。

  • The bill passed the upper house in a landslide, after the lower house previously cleared the bill in a near-unanimous vote.


  • The new laws will give same-sex couples in Thailand rights on adoption, inheritance and tax allowances.


  • References to men, women, husbands and wives will also be changed to gender-neutral terms.


  • The bill had overwhelming public support, but some activists have criticised the new laws for failing to recognise transgender people and people with non-binary gender identities.


  • Speaking at Bangkok's Pride Parade earlier this month, the country's Prime Minister was already confident the bill would pass.


  • This is an opportunity for equality and equality of choice.


  • This month we have a big celebration.


  • Today is a good start.


  • The Prime Minister is set to open his official residence to the LGBTQ plus community and supporters to celebrate, before a parade marches from government house to Bangkok's central business district.


  • The legislation will now be sent to the cabinet for approval before it goes to the king for royal assent, something that's seen as a mere formality.


  • The new laws will come into force 120 days after publication in the official Royal Gazette.

    新法律將在官方《皇家公報》上公佈 120 天后生效。

  • And activists hope the first same-sex weddings can be celebrated as early as October.

    活動家們希望最早能在 10 月份舉行第一場同性婚禮。

  • And teacher and 401 say they will tie the knot as soon as possible.

    老師和 401 表示,他們將盡快喜結連理。

  • When the law is passed, we will go and register.


  • We've been waiting for a long time.


  • When we get a confirmation or a positive view, it gives us strength.


  • As well as being a landmark in equal rights legislation, many people believe the decision will drive up the economy, with many same-sex couples set to wed.


  • The move could also attract more LGBTQ people to the country, and Thai activists hope it will encourage other countries in the region to follow their lead.


  • Alex Chen and Rosie Greninja for Taiwan Plus.

    Alex Chen 和 Rosie Greninja 代表 Taiwan Plus。

Celebrations erupt in Bangkok's Senate after lawmakers passed a bill to legalise same-sex marriage in Thailand.


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