字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Celebrations erupt in Bangkok's Senate after lawmakers passed a bill to legalise same-sex marriage in Thailand. 在立法者通過泰國同性婚姻合法化法案後,曼谷參議院爆發了慶祝活動。 The landmark decision paves the way for Thailand to become the first Southeast Asian country to recognise equal marriage rights, and the third country in Asia after Taiwan and Nepal. 這項具有里程碑意義的決定為泰國成為第一個承認平等婚姻權的東南亞國家,以及繼臺灣和尼泊爾之後的第三個亞洲國家鋪平了道路。 After living without access to the basic rights and security that heterosexual couples enjoy, Lesbian couple Voro Wanan and Ticha say this is a day-long overdue. 女同性戀夫婦沃羅-瓦南(Voro Wanan)和蒂查(Ticha)說,在無法享有異性夫婦所享有的基本權利和安全之後,這一天終於到來了。 The bill passed the upper house in a landslide, after the lower house previously cleared the bill in a near-unanimous vote. 該法案在上議院以壓倒性優勢獲得通過,而此前下議院幾乎以全票通過了該法案。 The new laws will give same-sex couples in Thailand rights on adoption, inheritance and tax allowances. 新法律將賦予泰國同性伴侶領養、繼承和免稅的權利。 References to men, women, husbands and wives will also be changed to gender-neutral terms. 男性、女性、丈夫和妻子的提法也將改為中性詞。 The bill had overwhelming public support, but some activists have criticised the new laws for failing to recognise transgender people and people with non-binary gender identities. 該法案獲得了絕大多數公眾的支持,但一些活動家責備新法律未能承認變性人和具有非二元性別認同的人。 Speaking at Bangkok's Pride Parade earlier this month, the country's Prime Minister was already confident the bill would pass. 在本月早些時候舉行的曼谷驕傲遊行上,該國總理已經對法案的通過充滿信心。 This is an opportunity for equality and equality of choice. 這是一個平等和平等選擇的機會。 This month we have a big celebration. 本月我們將舉行盛大的慶祝活動。 Today is a good start. 今天是一個好的開始。 The Prime Minister is set to open his official residence to the LGBTQ plus community and supporters to celebrate, before a parade marches from government house to Bangkok's central business district. 首相將向男女同志、雙性戀和變性者社區及支持者開放他的官邸以示慶祝,隨後將舉行遊行,從政府大樓遊行至曼谷中央商務區。 The legislation will now be sent to the cabinet for approval before it goes to the king for royal assent, something that's seen as a mere formality. 現在,這項立法將先送交內閣準許,然後再呈交國王御準,這被視為只是一種形式。 The new laws will come into force 120 days after publication in the official Royal Gazette. 新法律將在官方《皇家公報》上公佈 120 天后生效。 And activists hope the first same-sex weddings can be celebrated as early as October. 活動家們希望最早能在 10 月份舉行第一場同性婚禮。 And teacher and 401 say they will tie the knot as soon as possible. 老師和 401 表示,他們將盡快喜結連理。 When the law is passed, we will go and register. 法律通過後,我們會去登記。 We've been waiting for a long time. 我們已經等了很久了。 When we get a confirmation or a positive view, it gives us strength. 當我們得到肯定或積極的看法時,它就會給我們力量。 As well as being a landmark in equal rights legislation, many people believe the decision will drive up the economy, with many same-sex couples set to wed. 除了在平等權利立法方面具有里程碑式的意義外,許多人還認為這一決定將推動經濟發展,因為許多同性伴侶將舉行婚禮。 The move could also attract more LGBTQ people to the country, and Thai activists hope it will encourage other countries in the region to follow their lead. 此舉還可以吸引更多的男女同志、雙性戀和變性者來到泰國,泰國的活動人士希望這將鼓勵該地區的其他國家效仿他們的做法。 Alex Chen and Rosie Greninja for Taiwan Plus. Alex Chen 和 Rosie Greninja 代表 Taiwan Plus。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 泰國 同性 法案 曼谷 舉行 taiwan 【TaiwanPlus News】泰國國會過同性婚姻法案,成為東南亞首個同婚合法國家 (Celebrations in Bangkok as Thai Senate Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill | TaiwanPlus News) 372 8 VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 06 月 19 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字