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Apple Intelligence in five minutes.
It's personal intelligence right where you need it: on your Mac, iPad, and iPhone.
這是你需要的個人智能:在你的 Mac、iPad 和 iPhone 上。
Writing tools are an example of the incredible power of Apple Intelligence.
Say you're writing an e-mail.
You can change the tone to make it sound more friendly, professional, or concise.
Another way writing tools can help you is with Proofread.
With Proofread, you can nail the grammar, word choice, and sentence structure.
有了 Proofread,你就能在文法、用詞和句子結構方面做到盡善盡美。
And if you've rambled on in your e-mail, bring out the key points and add them as a TLDR. Apple Intelligence is also great when it comes to images.
如果你在郵件中滔滔不絕,可以將關鍵點提取出來,添加到 TLDR 中。蘋果智能在圖片方面也很出色。
Let's jump in with Genmoji.
讓我們從 Genmoji 開始。
You want a T-Rex on a surfboard?
You've got a T-Rex on a surfboard.
Simply type a description of the emoji you want.
How about a smiley face with cucumber eyes?
Or something random, like a squirrel DJ?
或者隨便來點什麼,比如松鼠 DJ?
And because Apple Intelligence knows who's in your photo library, you can turn your friend V into an astronaut. Next up, Image Playground.
因為 Apple Intelligence 知道誰在你的照片庫中,所以你可以把你的朋友 V 變成太空人。接下來是 "影像遊樂場"。
Create awesome images in seconds, like an image of a cat as a chef.
Just type "rooftop" and any other descriptive words, and it generates the image in the middle Playground area.
只需輸入 "屋頂 "和任何其他描述性詞語,它就會在中間的 Playground 區域生成圖片。
Then choose a style, like animation, sketch, or illustration.
And it's done.
Apple Intelligence also understands who people are in your photo library, so you can create a personalized image of them for their birthday.
Apple Intelligence 還能瞭解照片庫中的人物,是以你可以為他們創建個性化的生日影像。
Or your mom as a superhero.
Image One can transform your rough sketch into a polished image.
Image One 可以將您的粗略草圖轉化為精緻的影像。
You can use Apple Pencil to create a rough sketch or Apple Pencil to circle it.
你可以用 Apple Pencil 繪製粗略草圖,也可以用 Apple Pencil 圈出草圖。
And Image One analyzes your sketch in words and creates an image for you, like magic. Siri takes a huge step forward and is now supercharged by Apple Intelligence.
Image One 可以分析你的文字草圖,併為你創造出一幅影像,就像變魔術一樣。Siri 在蘋果智能的加持下向前邁進了一大步。
And when you talk to Siri, you'll notice this elegant glowing light around the edge of your screen that shows Apple Intelligence working for you.
當你與 Siri 對話時,你會發現螢幕邊緣閃爍著優雅的光芒,顯示 Apple Intelligence 正在為你工作。
With natural language, you can speak to Siri more naturally, thanks to richer language understanding capabilities.
憑藉更豐富的語言理解能力,使用自然語言,你可以更自然地與 Siri 講話。
So if you stumble over words, Siri still understands what you're getting at. "What's the weather tomorrow morning at Muir Beach?
是以,即使你說話磕磕絆絆,Siri 也能理解你的意思。"明早穆爾海灘的天氣如何?
I mean, Muir Woods." The forecast is calling for clear skies in the morning near Muir Woods National Monument.
Siri also remembers what you've just been talking about. "Create an event for a hike there tomorrow at 9 a.m." Hike is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on June 11th. Next, Personal Context draws from your photos, calendar events, messages, and other apps.
Siri 還能記住你剛才在說什麼。"為明天上午 9 點的遠足活動創建一個事件"遠足活動定於 6 月 11 日上午 9 點至 11 點舉行。接下來,"個人語境 "會從你的照片、日曆事件、資訊和其他應用中提取資訊。
So let's say your mom is coming to visit.
Simply ask Siri, "When is mom's flight landing?" And Siri already knows who mom is and will cross-reference flight details from an email to give you an up-to-date arrival time.
只需詢問 Siri:"媽媽的班機什麼時候降落?Siri 已經知道媽媽是誰,並會交叉引用電子郵件中的班機詳細信息,為你提供最新的抵達時間。
And if you've forgotten what plans you have, you can say, "What's our dinner plan?" And Siri knows you mean you and your mom and will find that information in a text she sent you.
如果你忘了有什麼計劃 你可以說 "我們的晚餐計劃是什麼?"Siri 知道你是指你和你媽媽,並會在她發給你的簡訊中找到這些資訊。
And if you don't wanna ask Siri out loud, you can now type to Siri.
如果你不想大聲問 Siri,現在可以打字給 Siri。
Just a double tap at the bottom of the screen and you can quickly and quietly type your Siri request. Because Apple Intelligence is personal, priority notifications show what's important to you by putting the most important ones at the top of the stack.
只需在螢幕底部輕點兩下,你就能快速而安靜地輸入 Siri 請求。因為 Apple Intelligence 是個性化的,所以優先通知會將最重要的通知放在最前面,顯示對你來說什麼是最重要的。
Personal Intelligence can also make you the star in your very own memory movie.
It understands who's in your photo library, so you can just ask Photos to create a movie about Leo learning to fish.
它能瞭解照片庫中的人物,是以你可以直接讓美圖秀秀製作一部關於 Leo 學習釣魚的影片。
And it'll whip up a film starring Leo, water, fishing rods, and depending on how successful Leo was, a fish. So those are just a few of the ways Apple Intelligence can help you every day.
它還會播放一部由 Leo、水、魚竿主演的電影,根據 Leo 的成功程度,還可以播放一條魚。以上就是 Apple Intelligence 每天為你提供幫助的幾種方式。
It's super easy to use and gives you peace of mind knowing it's designed with privacy from the ground up.
So that's Apple Intelligence, AI for the rest of us.
這就是 "蘋果智能",也是我們的人工智能。