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  • There he is milk chocolate the son of dark chocolate 70% cacao and 100% super pure cow milk his father would like him to become a healthy chocolate just like himself my boy You gotta fill up yourself with antioxidants like your dad.

    這就是牛奶巧克力,他是黑巧克力 70% 可可粉和 100% 超純牛奶的兒子,他的父親希望他能像自己一樣成為健康的巧克力,我的孩子,你得像你爸爸一樣,讓自己充滿抗氧化劑。

  • I am bursting with flavanols I have more than the super fruit.


  • Did you hear that blueberry little loser?


  • Be friends with the heart and protect him don't worry, baby that risk for heart disease I'm gonna take it down 57% for you Learn how to regulate cholesterol up with a good one down with the bad one.

    與心臟做朋友,保護他,別擔心,寶貝,心臟病的風險我會為你降低 57%,學習如何調節膽固醇,用好的膽固醇降低壞的膽固醇。

  • Just like I do all the time I know how to kill that stress hormone cortisol Then put you in a good mood and even make your brain work better when you're old and gray Dementia his mom cow milk is also an overachiever I have an official title.


  • I am the best drink for mammals by mammals and make your baby strong My high-quality protein has a nine essential amino acid for your beautiful body and your bones I give them Doesn't even know but little milk chocolate has other plans dad Mom, I want to tell you something.

    我是哺乳動物最好的飲料,讓你的寶寶更強壯 我的優質蛋白質含有九種人體必需的氨基酸,讓你的身體和骨骼更美麗 我給他們甚至不知道,但小牛奶巧克力有其他的計劃 爸爸媽媽,我想告訴你一件事。

  • Um, I know what I want to do when I grow up Healthy nutritious.

    嗯,我知道我長大後想做什麼了 健康營養。

  • Nope.


  • Um, I would like to Make people fat What make people fat are you out of your mind, are you crazy I knew that friendship with sugar was not good for him What are we done wrong?

    嗯,我想讓人發胖 什麼讓人發胖 你瘋了嗎,你瘋了嗎 我知道和糖交朋友對他不好 我們做錯了什麼?

  • Come on milk, please.


  • Haven't you seen your own label 12 grams of sugar per cup a product?

    難道你沒看到自己的標籤上寫著每杯產品含 12 克糖嗎?

  • Where do you think all that goes?


  • Huh?


  • And you stop acting like you're pure cacao dad grandpa cacao without some sugar People don't even like you don't be such a hypocrite and let the boy do his thing.


  • Wow Thank you.

    哇 謝謝

  • Grandpa Don't you worry about it now go son and make the world fat and happy i'm off When I become fat in someone's belly i'll send you a postcard.


  • Goodbye.


  • I love you Oh how sweet don't be friend just any sugar and be kind to the liver


There he is milk chocolate the son of dark chocolate 70% cacao and 100% super pure cow milk his father would like him to become a healthy chocolate just like himself my boy You gotta fill up yourself with antioxidants like your dad.

這就是牛奶巧克力,他是黑巧克力 70% 可可粉和 100% 超純牛奶的兒子,他的父親希望他能像自己一樣成為健康的巧克力,我的孩子,你得像你爸爸一樣,讓自己充滿抗氧化劑。

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