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  • Shares of Abercrombie & Fitch have been a huge winner this year, more than doubling.

    今年,Abercrombie & Fitch 的股票大獲全勝,漲幅超過一倍。

  • The chart is amazing, up more than 20%.

    圖表令人驚歎,漲幅超過 20%。

  • Abercrombie may end up just being the standout of all the retailers.

    Abercrombie 最終可能會成為所有零售商中的佼佼者。

  • Shares of Abercrombie & Fitch are up more than 500% over the last year, even beating out tech stars like Nvidia and Meta.

    去年,Abercrombie & Fitch 的股價上漲了 500% 以上,甚至超過了 Nvidia 和 Meta 等科技巨頭。

  • The company's annual sales have grown by nearly 30% since 2017, and it's posting its highest profits in more than a decade.

    自 2017 年以來,該公司的年銷售額增長了近 30%,利潤也創下了十多年來的最高紀錄。

  • When the U.S. apparel market shrunk by 4%, Abercrombie & Fitch managed to grow annual sales by 16% in 2023.

    2023 年,當美國服裝市場萎縮 4% 時,Abercrombie & Fitch 的年銷售額卻增長了 16%。

  • And the run isn't slowing down anytime soon.


  • On May 29, 2024, the company posted its highest first quarter ever.

    2024 年 5 月 29 日,公司公佈了有史以來最高的第一季度業績。

  • Shares popped 24% at closing.

    收盤時股價大漲 24%。

  • But just a few years ago, the situation was very different.


  • Just a declining story.


  • We had about $4.5 billion in revenues.

    我們的收入約為 45 億美元。

  • Back there, we're looking at about three and a half here.


  • Abercrombie was deemed America's most hated retailer, ready to be sold off.

    Abercrombie 被認為是美國最令人憎恨的零售商,隨時可能被出售。

  • So how did Abercrombie pull off one of the biggest comebacks in retail?

    那麼,Abercrombie 是如何實現零售業最大反彈之一的呢?

  • And the question is, can they keep it up?


  • In the late 90s and into the 2000s, Abercrombie & Fitch was the hottest teen retailer on the planet.

    1990 年代末到 2000 年代,Abercrombie & Fitch 是全球最炙手可熱的青少年零售商。

  • Teens were obsessed with its graphic tees, short skirts, and branded hoodies.

    青少年對其圖案 T 恤、短裙和品牌連帽衫情有獨鍾。

  • And former CEO Mike Jeffries used sex appeal to win them over.

    前 CEO 麥克·傑佛瑞斯用性感征服了他們。

  • I hope Abercrombie feels very sexy for a 20-year-old.

    我希望 Abercrombie 能為一個 20 歲的年輕人感到性感。

  • For a while, it worked.


  • I think the magazine, it's individuality, diversity, that type of thing.


  • Until it didn't.


  • This used to be the hottest teen brand in the world.


  • Yet under Jeffries' recent leadership, Abercrombie & Fitch has become practically irrelevant.

    然而,在傑佛瑞斯最近的領導下,Abercrombie & Fitch 幾乎變得無關緊要。

  • It might sound a little simple, but great retailing all starts with great product.


  • And CEO Fran Horowitz knew that when she stepped in in 2017.

    CEO Fran Horowitz 在 2017 年上任時就知道這一點。

  • They took a look at what people were wearing and they took a look at what they had in their store.


  • And it was very, very narrow and very limited in terms of merchandise selection for what today's customer wants.


  • Horowitz is what the retail industry refers to as a merchant.

    Horowitz 就是零售業所說的商人。

  • Before she took the helm of Abercrombie, she spent her career in merchandising.

    在執掌 Abercrombie 之前,她的職業生涯一直在商品推銷領域。

  • Her job was to know what customers wanted and how to sell it to them.


  • You can be great with finances, but you have to understand merchandising.


  • You have to understand assortment planning, assortment mix.


  • You have to understand our supply chain and how it works.


  • But if you don't understand the psychology of a customer, good luck to you.


  • Abercrombie started conducting exhaustive market research so it could figure out who its new customer was and what that shopper wanted.

    Abercrombie 開始進行詳盡的市場調研,以瞭解誰是新顧客,顧客需要什麼。

  • Getting close to that customer, understanding what they're looking for is the win.


  • When you put out there a great product, fashion and an equation that they're excited about, they're willing to spend.


  • Within a couple of years, the assortment was completely changed.


  • Heavily branded t-shirts and jeans were swapped for a range of sophisticated essentials.

    烙印濃重的 T 恤和牛仔褲被換成了一系列精緻的必需品。

  • It's now a brand that's focused on millennials, and obviously they stretch across quite a large age range.


  • And what those customers wanted was something that's fashionable, but also comfortable to wear.


  • Something that's not too stylish, not too over-logoed, but that actually still has nice embellishments and twists, and they feel good in wearing those products.


  • It also broadened its assortment.


  • Abercrombie started offering an athletic apparel line in more categories like dresses and matching sets.

    Abercrombie 開始提供更多類別的運動服裝系列,如連衣裙和配套套裝。

  • It also focused its Hollister brand.

    該公司還將重點放在其 Hollister 品牌上。

  • Part of the reason why Abercrombie's comeback has been so remarkable is because they did it at a time when consumers were cutting back on things like new clothes.

    Abercrombie 的東山再起之所以如此令人矚目,部分原因在於他們是在消費者減少購買新衣服的時候做到這一點的。

  • Take fellow apparel retailer Gap, which lost market share last year.

    以服裝零售商 Gap 為例,該公司去年的市場份額有所下降。

  • Why?


  • Executives blamed it on so-called product acceptance challenges, which is a nice way of saying that Gap made clothes that people just didn't want to buy.

    高階主管們將其歸咎於所謂的產品接受度挑戰,說得好聽點就是 Gap 生產的衣服人們就是不想買。

  • A growing backlash this morning against the retailer Abercrombie and Fitch.

    今天上午,針對零售商 Abercrombie and Fitch 的反彈日益高漲。

  • The popper-style chain accused of discriminating against overweight customers making clothes only to the thin.


  • And the CEO says it's all by design.

    CEO 說,這一切都是設計。

  • Under Abercrombie's former CEO, Mike Jeffries, the company only marketed to a certain type of person.

    在 Abercrombie 前任 CEO 麥克·傑佛瑞斯的管理下,公司只針對某一類人進行營銷。

  • Super skinny, blonde, young, preppy, beautiful.


  • The brand became at one point extremely toxic.


  • In 2006, Jeffries told Salon Magazine that Abercrombie was only for good-looking, cool kids.

    2006 年,傑佛瑞斯告訴《沙龍雜誌》,Abercrombie 只適合長得好看、酷的孩子。

  • He said part of the business model was based on excluding others that didn't fit in with the brand's image.


  • The comments resurfaced in 2013, causing a major fiasco for the brand.

    2013 年,這些評論再次出現,給該品牌帶來了一場大風波。

  • It was seen as being very exclusionary at a time when the whole market was moving to a more inclusive model.


  • It's great to target a specific narrow audience, but if you're going to do it at the expense of earning revenue and profits, well, what you're doing is you're destroying your own brand.


  • Slowly, Abercrombie changed.

    慢慢地,Abercrombie 變了。

  • In 2021, the company started offering a curve-love fit in a range of extended sizes.

    2021 年,該公司開始提供一系列加寬尺碼的「曲線之愛」版型。

  • It was also an early adopter of TikTok, working with an army of influencers to help its free brand go viral.

    它也是 TikTok 的早期採用者,與一大批有影響力的人合作,幫助其免費品牌實現病毒式傳播。

  • I wanted to try their curve-love jeans.


  • Has made some decent strides in becoming a more equitable brand.


  • I'm just an average chick who loves and appreciates the new Abercrombie clothing.

    我只是一個喜歡並欣賞新款 Abercrombie 服裝的普通女孩。

  • The affiliates and the influencers are a very big part of our business.


  • That user-generated content that they create is something that really resonates with our consumer.


  • People count on and believe their friends and their peers more than they believe what a company is telling you.


  • And we've learned that through the ages.


  • So that's a very important part of what we do.


  • We have a creator suite where many people advocate on behalf of our brand.


  • Some of it's done organically.


  • Some of it is done through partnerships.


  • There's lots of different ways to approach it.


  • Kristen Dolan has spent nearly 15 years in the advertising industry, most recently in influencer marketing, helping big brands like McDonald's, Hilton, and Free People reach a wider audience.

    Kristen Dolan 在廣告業工作了近 15 年,最近從事的是網紅行銷,幫助麥當勞、希爾頓和 Free People 等大品牌擴大閱聽人範圍。

  • She says that authentic marketing, not just splashy billboards and magazine spreads, was critical to communicating Abercrombie's rebrand.

    她說,真實的市場行銷,而不僅僅是華麗的廣告牌和雜誌版面,對於傳播 Abercrombie 的品牌重塑至關重要。

  • Nine out of ten consumers trust influencers over brands.

    每 10 位消費者中就有 9 位信任網紅,而不是品牌。

  • And influencer ads deliver 44% higher attention metrics and six times higher return on ad spend on average compared to social benchmarks.

    與社交基準相比,網紅廣告的關注度指標高出 44%,廣告支出回報率平均高出六倍。

  • People want to see themselves represented in content full stop.


  • And when people feel represented in content and messaging, that leads to better business outcomes.


  • With the right product and marketing in place, the back end got a fix too.


  • She closed stores that were unprofitable.


  • She got out of many of the international markets.


  • She took a look at headcount.


  • She took a look at how inventory was being ordered and sourced.


  • Like other retailers that were big in the 1990s and 2000s, Abercrombie had hundreds of stores and malls across the country.

    與 1990 年代和 2000 年代的其他大型零售商一樣,Abercrombie 在全國擁有數百家門店和商場。

  • Many of those shopping centers have shut down or are dying.


  • Since 2010, Abercrombie has closed more than 700 locations.

    自 2010 年以來,Abercrombie 已關閉了 700 多家分店。

  • They're opening stores again of a smaller square footage with a different look and feel than it had in the past.


  • The newer stores are light. They're bright.


  • There's a lot of natural wood fixturing.


  • Everything is laid out very cleanly and clearly.


  • And they're actually very engaging places to shop.


  • The company now has about 760 stores worldwide with 60 new store openings planned this year along with 65 remodels.

    該公司目前在全球擁有約 760 家門店,今年計劃新開 60 家門店,同時進行 65 次改造。

  • While Abercrombie's store footprint is down by about 10% compared to 2019, productivity per square foot is up by 18%.

    與 2019 年相比,Abercrombie 的店鋪面積減少了約 10%,但每平方英尺的生產率卻提高了 18%。

  • Abercrombie also revamped its supply chain and stopped relying on promotions to drive sales.

    Abercrombie 還改造了供應鏈,不再依靠促銷來拉動銷售。

  • It's now seeing its highest profits in more than a decade and beating rivals like Urban Outfitters, Gap, and American Eagle.

    現在,它的利潤達到了十多年來的最高水準,並擊敗了 Urban Outfitters、Gap 和 American Eagle 等競爭對手。

  • Abercrombie has come a long way from where it was.

    與過去相比,Abercrombie 走過了漫長的道路。

  • But will it continue to be a winner?


  • 2024 could be a slower year for the company.

    2024 年對該公司來說可能是比較緩慢的一年。

  • It was a big winner of the quiet luxury trend in 2023, but now maximalist styles are back in.

    它曾是 2023 年靜謐奢華風潮的大贏家,但現在極簡主義風格又開始流行起來。

  • On top of that, analysts say there's still more work to do on its Hollister brand, which is about half of overall sales.

    此外,分析師稱,其 Hollister 品牌仍有許多工作要做,該品牌的銷售額約佔總銷售額的一半。

  • Despite all of the success, the company still hasn't topped the all-time highs it saw in its heyday.


  • Still behind in profits and sales and just isn't as large as it once was.


  • We've been talking about our global opportunity.

    自 2022 年 6 月以來,我們一直在談論我們的全球機遇。

  • Since June of 2022, we did our last investor day, how we really see that as a big opportunity for us.


  • So we've got localized teams really building a lot of talent into both London and into Shanghai.


  • They're localizing the assortments.


  • They're working on appropriate promotions for their calendars.


  • So we're excited about the progress that we're seeing.


  • They're very conscious about where they're going to get future growth from.


  • And that gives me a lot of confidence in the business and the brand going forwards.


  • So I think we're still going to see Abercrombie & Fitch be one of the winners, one of the leaders in the market,

    所以我認為我們仍然會看到 Abercrombie & Fitch 成為贏家之一、市場領導者之一,

  • even if their growth rates come down off these great highs that they've delivered across 2023.

    即使他們的成長率從 2023 年實現的高點回落。

  • Analysts remain bullish.


  • Among the major investment banks and research firms, none have a sell rating on the stock.


  • I'm looking for sales growth to be in the mid-single-digit range.


  • And I'm looking for earnings growth, even this year, to be a double-digit earnings growth rate.


  • Abercrombie & Fitch has built up, I think, a very defensible proposition.

    我認為,Abercrombie & Fitch 已經建立了一個非常有說服力的主張。

  • And to maintain it, all they have to do is keep adding the requisite value and being meaningful to their customers.


  • And people are willing to spend those dollars.


  • And that's really what good fashion is all about.


Shares of Abercrombie & Fitch have been a huge winner this year, more than doubling.

今年,Abercrombie & Fitch 的股票大獲全勝,漲幅超過一倍。

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