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Controversial legal amendments put forth by the opposition to expand the legislature's supervisory powers may be revoked.
In Taiwan, the cabinet has the power to send enacted legislation back to the legislative Yuan for reconsideration, and it's already set to timetable for doing so.
On Wednesday and Thursday, Premier Zhuorong Tai will head to the legislature to make his case against the amendments, and on Friday, a vote to nullify the package will be held.
Let's hear from DPP lawmakers.
If I have a problem with you, I can just summon you and use the majority rule to bully you.
I can ask you to bow your head and ask you to beg for mercy.
Let me ask everyone, what kind of parliamentary reform is this?
It's more like a parliamentary cultural revolution.
They can amend the law so that they can control anything from earth to outer space.
We are requesting a reconsideration motion, but the motion will definitely lose unless, as we often say in the DPP, there is an uprising within the opposition.
But I don't think anyone will do that, so we will lose the reconsideration motion.
After losing, what should we do?
We'll go for a constitutional interpretation.
The nationwide Blue Bird movement will show the opposition parties that if they continue to fight so blatantly, the people's power to fight back will have greater force.
全國範圍的 "藍鳥運動 "將向反對黨表明,如果他們繼續如此明目張膽地抗爭,人民的反擊力量將更加強大。
Even though we know what the result will be, we still have to go protest and let lawmakers see that the people are here, and we are the backbone of democracy.
Citizen Front, an NGO, is calling for members of the public to return to the Legislative Yuan and continually protest to put pressure on lawmakers.
非政府組織 "公民陣線 "呼籲公眾重返立法院,不斷抗議,向立法者施壓。
The DPP is also holding public lectures around the island to highlight what they call an attempt by the opposition to abuse power, hoping for a successful vote on Friday.