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Who invented the banana split?
The banana split was invented in 1904 by David E.
香蕉船於 1904 年由大衛-E.
Van Stickler, a 23-year-old pharmacist-apprentice in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.
範-斯蒂克勒(Van Stickler),賓夕法尼亞州拉特羅布市一名 23 歲的藥劑師學徒。
Stickler created the banana split while working at Tesla Pharmacy's soda fountain.
His innovative dessert featured a split banana topped with three scoops of ice cream, chocolate syrup, strawberry topping, crushed pineapple, whipped cream, and maraschino cherries.
Priced at $0.10, it was twice the cost of other sundaes but quickly became popular.
售價 0.10 美元,是其他聖代的兩倍,但很快就受到了歡迎。
The banana split's popularity spread, especially after being featured in soda fountains and ice cream parlors across the United States.
Stickler's creation remains a classic American dessert celebrated for its unique combination of flavor and visual appeal.