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  • Hi, guys, and welcome to the Clear English Corner.

    大家好,歡迎來到 Clear English Corner。

  • I'm Kenan, your personal American English pronunciation coach.


  • Let me ask you, have you ever been in a situation where you're sharing information like your name or maybe the street that you live on?


  • Or perhaps you're having a conversation and there's a certain word that's unclear between you and your listener, and you might be asked to spell something out.


  • This can be helpful sometimes, or it can make things more tricky, depending on how you're pronouncing the letters of the English alphabet.


  • The tendency for a lot of non-native speakers is to pronounce the letter names in a more short and choppy fashion.


  • This can make some of the letter names hard to distinguish and others really difficult to understand.


  • This problem can be solved by learning to give more emphasis to the vowel sounds that are at the core of the letter names.


  • So in this lesson, we're going to talk about pronouncing the letter names of all the letters in the English alphabet.


  • This is going to really help you in those instances where you're asked to spell something out.


  • And be sure to stay tuned to the end of the lesson, where I'll give you a bonus tip on using stress, emphasis, and pausing when spelling to make sure that these interactions are clear and successful.


  • So let's dive in so you can see what I mean by emphasizing these vowel sounds.


  • All right, starting first with the letter A, A.

    好吧,先從字母 A A 開始。

  • The name of this vowel sound is the same as what I call the letter name A vowel sound.

    這個元音的名稱與我所說的字母名稱 A 的元音相同。

  • Same as in the word gray, same, or complain.

    與 "灰色"、"相同 "或 "抱怨 "等詞相同。

  • For this vowel sound and the name of this letter, you want to drop your jaw and bring it back up.


  • A, A.

    A, A.

  • There's two parts to this sound, and you can get them both by dropping the jaw and bringing it back up.


  • You need more movement to emphasize this sound.


  • A, A.

    A, A.

  • B, and our next four letters have the same vowel sound, E, E.

    B,接下來的四個字母的元音相同,都是 E,E。

  • The sides of the lips retract just a bit for this sound, and you want to give it more stretch, more duration, and a little more energy.


  • E.


  • Our lips come together for the buh, buh sound and go into the vowel E.

    我們的嘴脣合在一起發出 "buh"、"buh "的聲音,然後進入元音 E。

  • B, B.

    B, B.

  • C.


  • Again, that E vowel sound following the s consonant.

    同樣,"s "輔音後的元音是 "E"。

  • C, C.

    C, C.

  • D, D.

    D, D.

  • Again, the E vowel sound.

    同樣是 E 母音。

  • If you just hold that sound a little longer, give it a little stretch, and start first with the tongue up behind the teeth to the alveolar ridge for the duh sound.


  • D, D.

    D, D.

  • E, E.

    E, E.

  • The name of this letter is the same as what I call, again, the letter name vowel sound E that we just worked on with our previous few letters.

    這個字母的名稱與我所說的字母名稱元音 E 相同,我們剛剛學習了前面幾個字母。

  • E, E.

    E, E.

  • F, F.

    F, F.

  • We start first with the vowel sound eh, as in red or bed.

    我們首先從元音 eh 開始,如 red 或 bed。

  • Eh, eh.


  • You're going to drop your jaw just a bit for this sound, eh, and then roll into the F consonant by letting your teeth and bottom lip come together.

    發這個音時,下巴要微微下垂,然後讓牙齒和下脣併攏,滾入 F 輔音。

  • F, F.

    F, F.

  • G.


  • There's that E vowel sound again.

    又是元音 E。

  • G.


  • Starting first with the j as in joke consonant, going into the E vowel sound.

    首先從笑話輔音中的 j 開始,然後進入 E 韻母音。

  • G, G.

    G, G.

  • H, H.

    H, H.

  • There's that A vowel sound again, where we're dropping the jaw and bringing it back up, then moving into the ch as in chips consonant sound.

    又是 A 韻母音,我們把下巴放下,再抬起來,然後像輔音一樣進入 ch 韻母音。

  • H, H.

    H, H.

  • Next one, I, I.


  • Again, the name of this letter is the vowel sound that I call the letter name I, as in white or bike.

    同樣,這個字母的名稱是元音,我把字母名稱 I 稱為白色或自行車。

  • Again, you need more movement for this sound.


  • The jaw is going to drop down and come back up.


  • I, I.


  • J, J.

    J, J.

  • Our A vowel sound, with that jaw dropping down and coming back up.

    我們的 A元音,下巴下垂,然後又抬起來。

  • A, with the consonant j as in joke right before that.

    A,前面是笑話的輔音 j。

  • J, J.

    J, J.

  • K, K.

    K, K.

  • Again, the A vowel sound, with the jaw dropping and coming back up.

    又是 A 韻母音,下巴耷拉下來,又抬起來。

  • Coming after the k, k consonant sound, where the back of the tongue is rising up towards the palate.

    在 "k "之後發出 "k "輔音,此時舌尖向上顎方向上翹。

  • K, K.

    K, K.

  • Now, the consonant is an air puff sound, meaning it's made with a tiny puff of air.

    現在,這個輔音是 "噗噗 "聲,即用微小的氣流發出。

  • And you want to make sure that K gets the puff of air, or else it may sound more like gay.

    而且你要確保 K 能呼吸到空氣,否則聽起來可能更像同志。

  • K, K.

    K, K.

  • Now, our next three letters all start with the vowel sound eh, as in red.

    現在,接下來的三個字母都以元音 "eh "開頭,如 red。

  • L, with the eh vowel sound rolling into the dark L, where the back of the tongue is coming back and down.

    L,"誒 "韻母音滾動到 "暗L",舌尖後部向後和向下。

  • L, L.

    L, L.

  • Or you can pronounce an L by bringing the tip of the tongue behind the top front teeth to the alveolar ridge.

    或者您也可以將舌尖伸到上門牙後面的牙槽嵴處,從而發出 L 的發音。

  • You just want to hold your tongue there.


  • L, L.

    L, L.

  • Just want to make sure you give a little more emphasis to that eh vowel sound.

    只是要確保你對元音 "誒 "的強調更多一些。

  • L, M.

    L, M.

  • Again, we start with that eh vowel sound, dropping the jaw just a bit.

    同樣,我們從 "誒 "元音開始,下巴稍稍下垂。

  • M, bringing the lips together for the mm consonant, with air flowing out through the nose.

    M,雙脣合攏,發出 mm 輔音,空氣從鼻子流出。

  • M, M.

    M, M.

  • Next comes N, N.

    接下來是 N,N。

  • Again, our eh vowel sound rolling into the n consonant, where the tip of the tongue comes up to the alveolar ridge behind the top front teeth, and the air is flowing out the nose.

    同樣,我們的 "eh "元音滾動到 "n "輔音,舌尖頂到上門牙後面的齒槽脊,空氣從鼻子裡流出。

  • N, N.

    N, N.

  • Then we have O, O.

    那麼我們就有了 O,O.

  • Another letter name that is a vowel sound on its own.


  • The O as in gold or no.

    O 代表金子或沒有。

  • For this sound, you want to make sure those lips are really rounding out and stretch the sound.


  • Give it a little more duration.


  • O, O.


  • You don't want it to be oh, oh.

    你不希望它是 "哦,哦"。

  • You want O, O.

    你要 O,O。

  • Then we have P, P.

    那麼我們有 P,P.

  • Again, our eh vowel sound coming after the consonant p, p, where the lips come together.

    同樣,我們的元音 "誒 "發在輔音 "p "之後,"p "是嘴脣靠攏的地方。

  • P, P.

    P, P.

  • Again, the p is another of those air puff sounds, meaning it's made with a tiny puff of air being released.

    同樣,"p "也是一種 "噗噗 "聲,意思是通過釋放一小股空氣來發出。

  • P.


  • You want to make sure you have that air puff, or else it might sound more like B.

    要確保有氣泡,否則聽起來可能更像 B。

  • P, P.

    P, P.

  • Q, Q.

    Q, Q.

  • Our vowel sound in this letter name is the U.

    這個字母名稱中的元音是 U。

  • You want to make sure that your lips are rounding out for this sound.


  • So we're going from the K consonant, where the back of the tongue rises up to the palate, and then the lips are moving forward.

    是以,我們從 K 輔音開始,舌頭後部上揚到上顎,然後嘴脣向前移動。

  • Q, Q.

    Q, Q.

  • Then we have R, R.

    那麼我們就有了 R,R.

  • We have the ah vowel sound moving into the er, er.

    我們把元音 ah 變成了 er,er。

  • You want to really drop your jaw for that ah vowel sound.

    你要為那個元音 "啊 "的發音瞠目結舌。

  • R, R.

    R, R.

  • And S, S.

    和 S,S。

  • Again, this letter name starts out with that eh vowel sound, where you're dropping the jaw just a bit and moving into the s consonant.

    同樣,這個字母名稱以 "eh "元音開頭,下巴稍稍下垂,然後進入 "s "輔音。

  • S, S.

    S, S.

  • Then T, T.

    那麼 T,T.

  • Again, the e vowel sound coming after the t, t consonant, with the tip of the tongue coming behind the teeth to the alveolar ridge.

    同樣,e 母音位於 t、t 輔音之後,舌尖位於牙齒後方,到達齒槽脊。

  • And this is another air puff sound.

    這是另一種 "噗噗 "聲。

  • You want to make sure that there's a tiny puff of air releasing with the t in T, T.

    你要確保在 "T"、"T "中的 "t "處有一小股空氣釋放出來。

  • Or else it might sound more like D, D.

    否則可能聽起來更像 D,D。

  • Try it with me.


  • T, T.

    T, T.

  • Then we have U, U.

    那麼我們有 U,U.

  • Again, the name of this letter is the vowel sound U, as in the word cute or the word you.

    同樣,這個字母的名稱是元音 U,如可愛(cute)或你(you)。

  • For this vowel sound, we're gliding from the ya to ooh.

    對於這個元音,我們要從 ya 滑向 ooh。

  • U, U.

    U, U.

  • You want to make sure that those lips are really rounding out for this sound.


  • U, U.

    U, U.

  • Then moving on to V, V.

    然後轉到 V,V。

  • Again, that e vowel sound coming after the consonant v, where the top teeth are connecting with the bottom lip, v.

    同樣,e 的元音位於輔音 v 之後,上齒與下脣相連,即 v。

  • Our vocal cords are engaging for the voiced v, V, V.

    我們的聲帶為發聲 v、V、V 而工作。

  • Then W, W.

    那麼 W,W。

  • The first part of this letter name, the word double, double, as in taking something times two.

    這個字母名稱的前半部分是 double,雙倍,即把某物乘以二。

  • We're doubling.


  • Double U.

    雙 U。

  • There's that U sound again, with our lips rounding out, gliding from the ya, rounding out to ooh.

    又是 U 音,我們的嘴脣圓潤,從 ya 開始滑動,圓潤到 ooh。

  • U, W, W.

    U, W, W.

  • Then moving on to X, X.

    然後轉到 X,X。

  • The e vowel sound starts this one, dropping the jaw just a bit for e.

    這個音以元音 e 開頭,e 的下巴略微下垂。

  • Then moving into a consonant blend, the k sound and the s consonant, ks, ks.

    然後是輔音混合,k 音和 s 輔音,ks,ks。

  • X, X.

    X, X.

  • Then Y, Y.

    那麼 Y,Y。

  • We have the I vowel sound, where that jaw is dropping down and coming back up, I, I.

    我們有 I 的元音,下巴下垂,然後又抬起來,I,I。

  • Coming after the w consonant, Y.

    位於 w 輔音 Y 之後。

  • You want to really round your lips for that w, w sound, then the jaw dropping down and up for the I, Y, Y.

    發出 w、w 的音時,嘴脣要圓,發出 I、Y、Y 的音時,下巴要下垂和上揚。

  • And last but certainly not least, Z, Z.

    最後,當然還有 Z,Z。

  • Again, our e vowel sound coming after the consonant z, made just like the consonant sound s, except you're adding your voice.

    同樣,我們的元音 e 位於輔音 z 之後,就像輔音 s 一樣,只不過你要加上你的聲音。

  • This is a voiced sound, Z, Z.


  • All right, so let's run through all these letter names together from the top.


  • Are you ready?


  • Say them with me.


  • A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.


  • Nice job.


  • So definitely adding a little more emphasis and energy to the vowel sounds that are at the core of all these letter names will definitely make them more clear when you're spelling.


  • Another thing that you want to keep in mind, an extra bonus tip to being clear when you're spelling something, you want to deliver your letters in chunks of two to four letters.


  • And your emphasis is going to fall on the last letter in your chunk.


  • Then you can pause for just a second before moving on to the next chunk of letters.


  • So for example, if I'm spelling my name, I'm going to break it down into two chunks of three letters.


  • K-E-E-N-Y-N.


  • My emphasis is falling on the E and the N at the end of these chunks of letters.

    我的重點是這些字母末尾的 E 和 N。

  • K-E-E, pause, N-Y-N.


  • If I'm spelling my street name, M-A-P-L-E.

    如果我拼寫我的街名,那就是 M-A-P-L-E。

  • M-A-P-L-E.


  • Again, emphasis falling on the P and E letter Still clear and distinct with the other letters, but giving final emphasis and a bit of a pause after the P and E.

    同樣,重點落在 P 和 E 字母上,與其他字母依然清晰分明,但在 P 和 E 之後給予了最後的強調和停頓。

  • M-A-P-L-E.


  • And if I'm spelling a tough word like this one, S-Q-U-I-R-R-E-L.

    如果要拼寫像這個詞這樣的難詞,就拼 S-Q-U-I-R-R-E-L。

  • Do you hear how I'm emphasizing those letters at the end of chunks?


  • S-Q-U-I-R-R-E-L.


  • Squirrel.


  • Squirrel.


  • Such a tough word.


  • S-K.


  • S-K.


  • The S-K blend moving to a W.

    S-K 混合型移動到 W 型。

  • Squir.


  • Squir.


  • Squir.


  • With that tongue curling up a bit, sides of the tongue on the back top molars for the R.

    舌尖稍稍上翹,舌尖的兩側放在 R 的後上臼齒上。

  • Squirrel.


  • Dark L.

    Dark L.

  • Squirrel.


  • Squirrel.


  • All right, so there you have it.


  • Hopefully, next time you find yourself in a situation where you need to spell something out, you can use these tips to alleviate some potential frustration.


  • I hope you found the lesson helpful.


  • If you did, please be sure to share with friends that you think will also benefit from hearing these tips.


  • As always, thanks so much for tuning in, and I'll see you next time.


Hi, guys, and welcome to the Clear English Corner.

大家好,歡迎來到 Clear English Corner。

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