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  • After the war I went back to New York After the war I went back to New York I finished up my studies and I practiced law I practiced law, burr work next door Even though we started at the very same time Alexander Hamilton began to climb How to account for his rise to the top?


  • Man, the man is non-stop Gentlemen of the jury, I'm curious, bear with me Are you aware that we're making history?

    先生們,我很好奇,請聽我說 你們知道我們正在創造歷史嗎?

  • This is the first murder trial of our brand new nation The liberty behind a liberation I intend to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt With my assistant counsel Co-counsel Hamilton, sit down A client every week says innocent Call your first witness, that's all you had to say Okay, one more thing Why do you assume you're the smartest in the room?

    這是我們嶄新國家的第一場謀殺案審判 解放背後的自由 我打算和我的助理律師 漢密爾頓副律師一起毫無疑問地證明這一點 坐下 每週都有一個當事人說無罪 傳喚你的第一位證人 這就是你要說的 好吧 還有一件事 為什麼你認為你是房間裡最聰明的?

  • Assume that attitude may be your doom Why do you write like you're running out of time?

    假定這種態度可能是你的厄運 為什麼你在寫作時總是感覺時間不夠用?

  • Write day and night like you're running out of time Every day you fight like you're running out of time Keep on fighting in the meantime Non-stop Corruption's such an old song that we can sing along in harmony And nowhere is it stronger than in Albany As colonies, economies increasingly stalling And honestly, that's why public service seems to be calling me Non-stop I practiced the law, practically perfected it I've seen injustice in the world and I've corrected it Now for a strong central democracy If not, then I'll be Socrates Throwing verbal rocks at these mediocrities He's Hamilton at the Constitutional Convention I was chosen for the Constitutional Convention There is a New York junior delegate Now what I'm gonna say may sound indelicate Goes and proposes his own form of government His own plan for a new form of government Talks for six hours, the convention is listless Bright young man Yo, who the F is this?

    日以繼夜地寫作 就像你的時間不多了 每天都在戰鬥 就像你的時間不多了 在此期間繼續戰鬥 腐敗是一首老歌 我們可以和聲歌唱 沒有比奧爾巴尼更強烈的了 作為殖民地 經濟日益停滯 說實話 這就是為什麼公共服務似乎在召喚我他是制憲會議上的漢密爾頓 我被選中參加制憲會議 有一個紐約的小代表 我要說的話可能聽起來很無禮 他去提出他自己的政府形式 他自己的新政府形式計劃

  • Why do you always say what you believe?


  • Why do you always say what you believe?


  • Every proclamation guarantees Free ammunition for your enemies Why do you riot like it's going out of style?

    每一個宣言都保證為你的敵人提供免費彈藥 為什麼你的暴動就像過時了一樣?

  • Riot day and night like it's going out of style Every day you fight like it's going out of style Do what you do Alexander?

    日夜騷亂,就像它要過時了 每天戰鬥,就像它要過時了 你做了什麼,亞歷山大?

  • Aaron Burr, sir Well, it's the middle of the night Can we confer, sir?

    亞倫・伯爾,長官 現在是半夜,我們能談談嗎,長官?

  • Is this a legal matter?


  • Yes, and it's important to me What do you need?

    是的,這對我很重要 你需要什麼?

  • Burr, you're a better lawyer than me Okay?


  • I know I talk too much I'm abrasive You're incredible in court You're succinct, persuasive My client needs a strong defense You're the solution Who's your client?

    我知道我說得太多了 我很粗魯 你在法庭上令人難以置信 你言簡意賅,很有說服力 我的客戶需要強有力的辯護 你是解決方案 你的客戶是誰?

  • The new U.S.


  • Constitution No Hear me out No way A series of essays Anonymously published Defending the document to the public No one will read it I disagree And if it fails Burr, that's why we need it The Constitution's a mess So it needs amendments?

    憲法》 不 聽我說 沒門 匿名發表的系列文章 向公眾捍衛這份文件 沒人會讀它 我不同意 如果它失敗了 伯爾 這就是為什麼我們需要它 《憲法》一團糟 所以它需要修正?

  • It's full of contradictions So is independence We have to start somewhere No, no way You're making a mistake Good night Hey, what are you waiting for?

    它充滿了矛盾,獨立也是如此,我們必須從某個地方開始 不,不可能,你在犯錯誤,晚安 嘿,你還在等什麼?

  • What do you stall for?


  • What?


  • We won the war What was it all for?

    我們贏得了戰爭 這一切為了什麼?

  • Do you support this Constitution?


  • Of course Then defend it And what if you're backing the wrong horse?


  • Burr, we studied and we fought and we killed For the notion of a nation we now get to build For once in your life Take a stand with pride I don't understand how you stand to the side I'll keep all my fans close to my chest Wait, wait, wait, wait I'll wait here and see which way the wind will blow I am taking my time Watching after birth of a nation Watching the tension grow I am sailing off to London I am accompanied by someone who always pays I have found a wealthy husband Who will keep me in comfort for all my days He is not a lot of fun But there's no one who can match you for turn of phrase My Alexander Jack Don't forget to rhyme Look at where you are Look at where you started The fact that you're alive is a miracle To stay alive, that would be enough And if your wife Could share a fraction of your time If I could grant you peace of mind Would that be enough?

    伯爾,我們學習,我們戰鬥,我們殺戮 為了國家的概念,我們現在可以建立 你生命中的這一次,自豪地站起來 我不明白你是怎麼站在一邊的 我會把我所有的粉絲緊緊地貼在胸前 等待,等待,等待,等待我在這裡等著,看風會往哪邊吹 我慢慢地看著一個國家的誕生 看著緊張的氣氛越來越濃 我乘船去倫敦 我有一個總是付錢的人陪著我 我找到了一個有錢的丈夫 他會讓我一輩子都舒舒服服的 他不是一個很有趣的人 但是沒有人在措辭上能比得上你 我的亞歷山大・傑克 別忘了押韻 看看你現在的處境 看看你的起點如果你的妻子能分享你一小部分的時間

  • Alexander joins forces with James Madison and John Jay To write a series of essays Defending the new United States Constitution Entitled The Federalist Papers The plan was to write a total of 25 essays The work divided evenly among the three men In the end, they wrote 85 essays In the span of six months John Jay got sick after writing five James Madison wrote 29 Hamilton wrote the other 51 How do you ride Like you're running out of time Ride day and night Like you're running out of time Everyday you fight Like you're running out of time Like you're running out of time Are you running out of time?

    亞歷山大與詹姆斯-麥迪遜和約翰-傑伊聯手撰寫了一系列文章,捍衛新的美國憲法,名為《聯邦黨人文集》,計劃總共撰寫 25 篇文章,由三人平均分配、他們在六個月內寫了85篇文章 約翰-傑伊在寫了5篇之後病倒了 詹姆斯-麥迪遜寫了29篇 漢密爾頓寫了另外51篇 你是如何騎馬的 就像你沒時間了一樣 沒日沒夜地騎馬 就像你沒時間了一樣 每天都在戰鬥 就像你沒時間了一樣 就像你沒時間了一樣 你沒時間了嗎?

  • How do you ride Like tomorrow won't arrive?


  • How do you ride Like you need it to survive?


  • How do you ride Every second you're alive Every second you're alive Every second you're alive They're asking me to leave I'm doing the best I can To get the people that I need I'm asking you to be my right hand man Treasury or State I know it's a lot to ask Treasury or State But to leave behind the world you know Sir, do you want me to run the Treasury or State Department?

    他們要我離開 我在盡我所能找我需要的人 我請你做我的左膀右臂 財政部還是國務院 我知道這要求很高 財政部還是國務院 但要離開這個世界 你知道嗎 先生 你想讓我管理財政部還是國務院

  • Treasury Let's go Alexander I have to leave Alexander Look around, look around And how lucky we are to be alive right now Helpless They are asking me to leave Look around Isn't this enough?

    庫房 我們走 亞歷山大 我必須離開 亞歷山大 環顧四周,環顧四周 我們現在還活著是多麼幸運 無助 他們要我離開 環顧四周 這還不夠嗎?

  • He will never be satisfied He will never be satisfied Satisfied Satisfied History has shown He will never be satisfied Satisfied He will never be satisfied Satisfied History has shown Satisfied Satisfied History has its eyes on you I am not throwing away my shot I am not throwing away my shot I am Alexander Hamilton Hamilton just you wait I am not throwing away my shot

    他永遠不會滿意 他永遠不會滿意 滿意 滿意 歷史已經表明 他永遠不會滿意 滿意 他永遠不會滿意 滿意 歷史已經表明 滿意 滿意 歷史已經表明 歷史已經表明 我不會放棄我的機會 我不會放棄我的機會 我是亞歷山大-漢密爾頓-漢密爾頓 你等著 我不會放棄我的機會。

After the war I went back to New York After the war I went back to New York I finished up my studies and I practiced law I practiced law, burr work next door Even though we started at the very same time Alexander Hamilton began to climb How to account for his rise to the top?


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