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  • So we just got done with possibly one of the biggest Apple WWDC keynotes of all time, maybe just because of the state of the world and what everyone expects from tech companies in 2024, which is AI at the front of what you do.

    我們剛剛結束了可能是有史以來最重要的蘋果 WWDC 主題演講之一,這也許只是因為世界的現狀和大家對 2024 年科技公司的期望,即人工智能成為你們工作的重中之重。

  • Interestingly, with Apple this time, Apple had AI at the back half of what they did.


  • Literally the entire first half of the keynote, they didn't say AI once, zero times.


  • Then the second hour, they basically just went, all right, yeah, we, we actually do have a lot of AI stuff to share with you.


  • And then they just spit it all out.


  • And of course they did manage to brand it because of course they did.


  • AI for them is now Apple intelligence, but look, I watched and live tweeted the entire two hour long keynote.


  • So you don't have to, and I've gathered all my thoughts and all the most important announcements.


  • So this is everything you need to know that's new and some of my takes on it.


  • So I'm going to go in the same order that Apple went.


  • I'm going to start with Vision OS, and we're already on somehow Vision OS 2.0, less than half a year after the Vision Pro first got announced.

    我要從 Vision OS 開始說起,在 Vision Pro 首次發佈不到半年的時間裡,我們已經不知不覺地進入了 Vision OS 2.0。

  • And there are some solid new features, but I don't know if I would call this 2.0 worthy.

    雖然有一些可靠的新功能,但我不知道這是否稱得上是 2.0 版。

  • It feels more like a 1.2 update, but okay, whatever, we'll go with it.

    感覺更像是 1.2 版的更新,不過好吧,不管怎樣,我們就用它吧。

  • So there's a new wrist turn gesture to quickly see the time and your battery percentage.


  • And then you can jump right from there into the control center, instead of having to like look way up at the ceiling, like you had to before every time.


  • Kind of reminds me of the Oculus Quest.

    這讓我想起了 Oculus Quest。

  • That is easy.


  • It's great.


  • There's a bunch of immersive media features, like they let you go through your old photos and use advanced machine learning to turn them into spatial photos, which is really interesting if it works.


  • And there are also new tools to help people create spatial videos and immersive videos on cameras other than the iPhone.

    此外,還有一些新工具可以幫助人們用 iPhone 以外的相機制作空間視頻和身臨其境的視頻。

  • But then of course you can only view them on a Vision Pro.

    當然,你只能在 Vision Pro 上查看它們。

  • So who knows how valuable this will actually turn out to be.


  • But then this year, Mac mirroring will get way more resolution thanks to it now doing the foveated rendering on the Mac.

    但今年,Mac 鏡像的分辨率將大大提高,這要歸功於它現在在 Mac 上進行的蜂窩渲染。

  • So basically it frees up a ton of resources and it lets you do up to double the resolution.


  • So you could do a gigantic ultra wide if you want it to be.


  • That is way more room for windows and activities.


  • Love that.


  • And that's pretty much it.


  • Again, it's not the biggest 2.0 update we've ever seen, but it does feel like there's some nice updates in there, including some new environments and the ability to rearrange your home screen.

    同樣,這並不是我們所見過的最大的 2.0 更新,但它確實給人帶來了一些不錯的更新,包括一些新環境和重新排列主螢幕的功能。

  • Believe it or not, you couldn't do that before.


  • Now you can.


  • But speaking of rearranging your home screen, iOS just got one of the biggest or at least most interesting updates in a long time.

    不過,說到重新排列主螢幕,iOS 剛剛進行了一次最大的更新,至少是很長時間以來最有趣的更新之一。

  • And I'm just going to, if you're an Android user, I'd say for the next like two minutes, three minutes, just go ahead and unplug your keyboard for a second and just relax.


  • Because yes, we've had these features for a long time, but now it's the iPhone's time to shine.

    沒錯,這些功能我們早已擁有,但現在是 iPhone 大顯身手的時候了。

  • All right.


  • You can finally be able to put icons wherever you want on the iOS 18 home screen grid.

    你終於可以在 iOS 18 主螢幕網格上隨意放置圖標了。

  • And it was hilarious that this got a whole applause moment from the audience during the keynote as if they just invented a new feature.


  • But fine, you've been waiting for a long time for this.


  • Have your fun.


  • But they didn't stop there.


  • They added a whole bunch of other customization features to the iPhone home screen too.

    他們還為 iPhone 主螢幕添加了大量其他自定義功能。

  • And it started to get a little more interesting.


  • See there's this new theme engine now that lets you go in and change the color of every icon and widget on your home screen to the same color.


  • So you can really, you can match your wallpaper with your icons to frame it nicely and have matching colors everywhere.


  • It's a simple thing and we've been doing it on Android with launchers for years.


  • But the thing about these is before this moment, basically every iPhone home screen looked the same.

    但問題是,在此之前,基本上每部 iPhone 的主螢幕看起來都是一樣的。

  • We've been saying that.


  • They've just given you the ability to go crazy and kind of ruin your home screen if you want to.


  • And people seem to absolutely want to.


  • I have seen some rough home screens people are making on Twitter.

    我在 Twitter 上看到過一些人制作的粗糙的家庭螢幕。

  • A lot of them just look terrible.


  • And I think the main thing I noticed is it seems like there are apps that support this whole colored thing well.


  • And then there are apps that don't.


  • It just looks like it tints the entire, it just literally applies a color cast to the entire icon on your home screen, which causes all kinds of legibility problems.


  • Doesn't look good.


  • There are widgets that look horrible, that it's just unreadable.


  • So yeah, you can make some, some pretty looking home screens if you want, but you can also make some really ugly looking home screens.


  • And I was trying to decide if I like this more or less than what Google did on the pixels with Material You.

    與谷歌在 "Material You "像素上的做法相比,我更喜歡 "Material You"。

  • I think technically, technically it's better because it works on all of the icons.


  • I don't know how many setups I've tried where I wanted to do the monochrome icons, but there are just a few of my apps that aren't supported.


  • So they end up looking kind of like they stick out like a sore thumb.


  • So at least Apple's is letting you change all of the icons at once, but anyway, Apple's also redesigned the control center to be fully customizable across multiple pages.


  • So again, there's a lot more going on here and there are many more customizable shortcuts in more places, including finally replacing the flashlight and camera on the home screen without jailbreaking.


  • Finally.


  • And the list keeps going.


  • I don't know if you've heard these before, but there are, you can do hidden apps now inside your app drawer.


  • So you can lock apps into a hidden folder that makes it easier than ever to hide Tinder from your wife.

    是以,你可以將應用程序鎖定到一個隱藏文件夾中,這樣就可以比以往任何時候都更輕鬆地向你的妻子隱藏 Tinder。

  • There's also scheduled text messages and iMessage.

    此外還有計劃簡訊和 iMessage。

  • Great.


  • Finally.


  • They're having some fun over there.


  • There's also text formatting.


  • There's messages via satellite.


  • RCS support was very casually, but briefly mentioned.

    對 RCS 支持的提及很隨意,但也很簡短。

  • The photos app is redesigned.

    照片 app 已重新設計。

  • There's also a game mode that now minimizes background activity and minimizes Bluetooth latency for peripherals.


  • Great.


  • And a new automatic categorization in the new mail app.


  • So you can tell there's, there's been a whole bunch of stuff.


  • I will definitely be doing a larger, more focused, just iOS 18 video so you can see everything that's new.

    我一定會製作一個更大、更集中的 iOS 18 視頻,讓你看到所有新功能。

  • There's plenty of little stuff that didn't make it into the keynote.


  • So I'll do a whole deep dive just for that.


  • Make sure you subscribe to be among the first to see that.


  • I believe we are catching up to Apple in subscribers.


  • It'd be kind of nice if we pass them.


  • That'd be sick.


  • So then AirPods got minor updates like voice isolation during phone calls, spatial audio during games, and the ability to respond to a prompt just by nodding or shaking your head.

    之後,AirPods 又有了一些小更新,比如電話通話時的語音隔離、遊戲時的空間音頻,以及只需點頭或搖頭就能響應提示的功能。

  • Taken right from the Sony headphones.


  • I kind of like it though.


  • Controlling it without using your voice is nice.


  • Then Apple TV gets this new feature where you swipe down on the remote at any point during a show.

    然後,Apple TV 就有了這項新功能,你可以在節目播放過程中隨時向下滑動遙控器。

  • And it just shows you all the actors and character names of the people on the screen and any song that's playing in that moment in real time.


  • And there's also a feature that boosts people's voices so you can always hear them over the music.


  • And then watchOS, they got this little training mode that sort of balances the trends in your training over time and evaluates how hard a workout was versus how hard it could have been.

    然後,watchOS 還提供了一個小小的訓練模式,可以平衡一段時間內的訓練趨勢,並評估訓練的難度與可能達到的難度。

  • And then iPadOS.

    然後是 iPadOS。

  • So this was supposed to be Apple's big chance to really convince us that the iPad is, it's something special that's got a little something to it that would make us convinced that we'd want to get the newest one, the M4 one that just came out over just your phone or over a Mac.

    是以,這本應是蘋果真正讓我們相信 iPad 的大好機會,它的特別之處在於,它能讓我們相信,我們會想要購買最新款的 iPad、剛剛上市的 M4,而不僅僅是你的手機或 Mac。

  • And I'll say, it did get one incredible feature, but it didn't really do much more than that.


  • So the iPad, it gets all the stuff I talked about with the iPhone, right?

    是以,iPad 可以獲得我在 iPhone 上提到的所有功能,對嗎?

  • Full home screen customization, customizable control center, the new photos app, et cetera.

    全面的主螢幕定製、可定製的控制中心、全新的照片 app 等等。

  • It's all great.


  • There's also a feature in SharePlay that lets you go in and actually remotely control someone's iPad when they allow it, which seems like a small thing, but I promise you that is massive for family tech support.

    SharePlay 中還有一項功能,在他人允許的情況下,你可以進入並遠程控制他人的 iPad,這看似是件小事,但我向你保證,這對家庭技術支持來說意義重大。

  • You know who you are.


  • But the one massive, actually impressive new feature on the iPad in iPadOS 18, and you think I'm joking, but I'm dead serious when I say this, it's the calculator app.

    但在 iPadOS 18 中,iPad 上有一項令人印象深刻的新功能,你可能以為我在開玩笑,但我是認真的,那就是計算器應用。

  • It's the new calculator.


  • I promise you, I was so ready to dunk on this.


  • I had a tweet drafted up as they were talking about it.


  • We finally brought the calculator to the iPad and there were screenshots of it and it looked just like the iPhone app.

    我們終於把計算器搬到了 iPad 上,而且有截圖顯示,它看起來和 iPhone 應用程序一模一樣。

  • And I was like, really?


  • This is what you were so hyped about?


  • I had that clip queued up ready of Craig Federighi being like, yes, we had to do something super special to finally bring the calculator to the iPad.

    我準備好了克雷格-費德里吉(Craig Federighi)的片段,他說:"是的,我們必須做一些超級特別的事情,才能最終把計算器帶到 iPad 上。

  • But then they pulled the Apple pencil off the side and they pulled up what's called math notes.


  • And it was pretty sick.


  • Now on the iPad, you can actually write down equations in handwriting and it will understand what you wrote and it'll answer the question in your handwriting.

    現在,在 iPad 上,你可以用手寫體寫下方程式,它能理解你寫的內容,並用你的手寫體回答問題。

  • And then if you adjust the equation or add new information or something, it automatically updates the answer, which was so sick.


  • I don't know why I'm so impressed with this, but it was really cool to play with and look at.


  • So if that wasn't impressive enough, it also supports variables so you can have variables written all over the page.


  • So look at this.


  • It has G and X and A and H, and then it's a labeled Y as the height here.

    它有 G、X、A 和 H,然後這裡的高度標為 Y。

  • So you can ask for an equation using these variables and it can give you an answer.


  • And if you want, you can do a Y equals equation and it'll give you a graph with real time adjustment of any of the variables in your equation.

    如果你願意,還可以做一個 Y 等於方程的運算,它會給出一個圖表,實時調整方程中的任何變量。

  • I mean, I wish I was in sixth grade again, so this could be my full time calculator.


  • This is sick.


  • So as I mentioned in the keynote, they haven't even actually said the word like AI a single time yet.


  • I think this is pretty clearly AI.


  • This is like handwriting recognition.


  • This is like semantic understanding of all the things happening on the page.


  • It's good AI.


  • Well played, Craig.


  • You did it.


  • Okay.


  • But this is before the actual AI section, but also this wasn't mentioned on stage, but this is also coming to the iPhone's calculator app as well.

    但這是在真正的人工智能部分之前,而且臺上也沒有提到,但這也將出現在 iPhone 的計算器應用中。

  • But then macOS.

    但後來 macOS

  • MacOS has its newest version.

    MacOS 擁有最新版本。

  • It's called Sequoia, and it does also get a nice little grab bag of new features.


  • There's automatic window snapping now, finally built in.


  • You don't need a third party app to do it anymore, Sherlocked.


  • There's built in backgrounds for any app that uses the webcam feed.


  • There's also a new password app that basically just takes what was buried in the settings before and just makes it its own standalone app.


  • So it's actually on Mac, iPad, and iPhone.

    是以,它實際上可以在 Mac、iPad 和 iPhone 上運行。

  • But probably the biggest thing is iPhone mirroring.

    但最重要的可能還是 iPhone 鏡像功能。

  • So this is another continuity feature that basically just lets you wirelessly always see your iPhone on your Mac.

    這是另一項連續性功能,基本上可以讓你在 Mac 上無線查看 iPhone。

  • It merges your notifications and audio with your Macs, and lets you drag and drop things back and forth between your phone that's sitting next to you and your Mac.

    它能將你的通知和音頻與 Mac 整合,讓你在身邊的手機和 Mac 之間來回拖放。

  • I kind of wonder if this hits your phone battery harder than normal.


  • They didn't really say, obviously, so I'm going to have to test this, but I imagine if you're just sitting on a wireless charger, then it won't matter, but I'll be checking that out.


  • But then we arrived.


  • They did all the sections with all the other operating systems, and now we got to the part where Apple's going to talk about AI stuff.


  • Kind of.


  • Now I don't know if you remember this, but a couple months ago, not that long ago, I did an entire video on all of these phrases that it seems like Apple refused to say on stage.


  • They just would not say them.


  • And AI is one of them.


  • They just didn't say it.


  • They'd say anything else, neural nets, machine learning, all sorts of other things like that.


  • But the times are the times.


  • People want to hear Apple talk about AI.


  • So they finally did.


  • And they also, like I said, they rebranded it just for themselves, just to commandeer the AI name.


  • And so now it's called Apple Intelligence in Apple land.

    是以,現在在蘋果公司內部,它被稱為 "蘋果智能"。

  • So here's basically what you need to know about Apple Intelligence, right?


  • So Apple has already had AI features on their devices before.


  • They've had the neural engine inside of their chips, and they've done things like smartly cutting subjects out of photos.


  • They've done things like autocomplete on the keyboard.


  • That's already existed.


  • But this new Apple Intelligence is basically a bucket of these new generative models and what they do on your devices.


  • So there's these new diffusion models, generative models, and large language models that are all built by Apple that bring new functionality to the supported devices.


  • And actually, I'll just get that out the way right off the bat.


  • These are only supported on the highest end versions of currently available Apple Silicon.

    目前只有最高端的 Apple Silicon 版本支持這些功能。

  • So that just means iPhone 15 Pro, and any iPad with M1 or later, and any Mac with M1 or later.

    是以,這隻意味著 iPhone 15 Pro、任何配備 M1 或更高版本的 iPad 以及任何配備 M1 或更高版本的 Mac。

  • So what does that look like?


  • Well, basically, starting with these new OSes, there's a small suite of tools that's kind of sprinkled across everything.


  • It's not like there's one Apple Intelligence app or something like that.


  • They're just kind of sprinkled throughout.


  • So here's an example.


  • Writing tools.


  • You know, we all know how powerful these large language models can be.


  • So anytime you're writing in, you know, Pages or Keynote or basically anywhere where there's a cursor, you can use the writing tools to summarize or rewrite something that you've already written.

    是以,當你在 Pages 或 Keynote 或任何有遊標的地方寫作時,都可以使用寫作工具來總結或改寫你已經寫好的內容。

  • It can change the writing style or just proofread, just basic useful stuff.


  • Here's another one.


  • Remember the magic eraser tool in Google Photos and these Android phones that use it?


  • Apple's finally doing that too.


  • Built into their own Photos app is a cleanup tool, and it's basically the same idea.


  • This will identify background items.


  • It'll let you circle items you don't like in your photos and just get rid of them.


  • Fill in the background with generative fill super quick.


  • And there's also Genmojis, generative emojis.

    還有 Genmojis,即生成表情符號。

  • And this may feel really old because I would never use this, but apparently there's a whole group of people who go through searching for emojis and then they find that there's one that doesn't exist and they're like, dang, I wish I could just make an emoji for this moment right now.


  • And for those people, yeah, now you can.


  • You can generate a new emoji.


  • You can literally type it in like a prompt and the diffusion model will create that new emoji from scratch in the style of all the other emojis.


  • And they had an entire thing called the Image Playground that's built into a bunch of Apple's apps, but also has its own separate app that lets you create these nice little square images with prompts in three different styles, sketch, illustration, and animation.

    他們有一個名為 "影像遊樂場 "的應用程序,內置在蘋果公司的許多應用程序中,但也有自己獨立的應用程序,可以讓你創建這些漂亮的小方塊影像,並有三種不同風格的提示:素描、插圖和動畫。

  • And yes, there are also Siri improvements that's using the large language models to generally understand context better and just generally be better and more natural at being an assistant that isn't garbage.

    是的,Siri 也在不斷改進,它使用大型語言模型來更好地理解上下文,從而更好、更自然地成為一個不是垃圾的助手。

  • And later in the year, it will also be able to pull info from inside of apps and take actions inside of apps for you too.


  • I remember when this was like a huge Bixby feature on Samsung phones.

    我還記得,當時這就像是三星手機上一個巨大的 Bixby 功能。

  • That's cool to see.


  • Plus there's also this like big, pretty new full screen animation when you're triggering


  • Siri to tie it all together.

    Siri 將一切聯繫在一起

  • Its voice is apparently slightly updated and you can now also type to Siri instead of talking to it out loud every time, which is long overdue, but also nice.

    它的語音顯然略有更新,你現在還可以打字給 Siri,而不是每次都大聲對它說話,這一點早就應該實現了,但也很好。

  • There is Notes app summaries.

    有 Notes 應用程序摘要。

  • There is phone call summaries, just all kinds of, you know, features sprinkled around.


  • Like I said, definitely I want to, I think I'll end up making a video just summarizing or testing or reviewing all of the Apple intelligence stuff cause it's kind of all over the place, but now you know what it is.


  • Another question that's been floating around the internet is what stuff is happening on device versus things that have to go to the cloud.


  • And this has also come up a lot because you might've also heard about Apple partnering specifically with OpenAI to integrate ChatGPT 4.0 into this Apple intelligence stuff.

    這一點也經常出現,因為你可能也聽說過蘋果公司專門與 OpenAI 合作,將 ChatGPT 4.0 集成到蘋果智能產品中。

  • So it's a big question everyone's wondering.


  • So I got the official answers from Apple and the answer is basically almost everything happens on device intentionally.


  • And those are from Apple built models.


  • So that should be the fastest stuff that happens.


  • But in the chance that there are things that are too complex or just outside of the area of expertise of Apple's models, then it can basically go one of two ways.


  • One is it will go to a larger server-based model that's on servers that Apple has built with Apple Silicon using what they call private cloud compute.

    其一,它將轉向基於大型服務器的模式,這種模式是在蘋果公司與 Apple Silicon 合作建立的服務器上,使用他們所謂的私有云計算。

  • So basically the info is never stored or sent to Apple.


  • It's still going to have the downsides of having to go off of the device up to the cloud.


  • It might take a bit longer if you're in an area with terrible internet, it might not work at all, but in the chance that this is like a big complex thing that could benefit from those models, that's what it'll try to do.


  • But the other is when you specifically ask it for something that ChatGPT would be good at.

    但另一種情況是,你特別要求它做 ChatGPT 擅長的事情。

  • And if that happens, then it will specifically ask you, Hey, is it cool if I ask ChatGPT for an answer to this question?

    如果出現這種情況,它就會特別問你:嘿,如果我向 ChatGPT 詢問這個問題的答案,可以嗎?

  • And then you can give it a yes or no on the spot.

    然後,你就可以當場給出 "是 "或 "否"。

  • So anytime it wants to do this, whether it's to upload a photo that you're asking something about or just to the complex prompt in general, then this little dialogue box pops up and you have to say yes every time.

    是以,只要它想這樣做,無論是上傳一張你正在詢問的照片,還是一般的複雜提示,都會彈出這個小對話框,每次你都必須說 "是"。

  • And then you can tap into everything that OpenAI's model is capable of, or generate even more realistic or varied random different styles of images that Apple's diffusion models would never make.

    然後,你就可以利用 OpenAI 的模型所能做到的一切,或者生成更加逼真或隨機變化的不同風格的影像,而蘋果公司的擴散模型是絕對做不出來的。

  • This is all free without an account.


  • At no point is OpenAI allowed to ever store any of these requests.

    在任何時候,OpenAI 都不允許存儲這些請求。

  • And Apple has also said that they will obscure your IP address.

    蘋果公司還表示,他們會屏蔽你的 IP 地址。

  • So you can't even, OpenAI can't even connect multiple requests together to form a profile of you.

    是以,OpenAI 甚至無法將多個請求連接在一起,形成你的個人資料。

  • There's just a lot of thought that's gone into ideally making this as secure and private of a version of going to the cloud for AI features as they possibly can.


  • So yeah, it's really interesting.


  • A lot of interesting stuff going on here.


  • I think my overall take with a lot of this WWDC announcements and with the Apple intelligence stuff is that, first of all, is that like the HumanePin and the RabbitR1, they were so doomed from the start.

    我認為,我對這次 WWDC 發佈的很多資訊和蘋果智能產品的總體看法是,首先,就像 HumanePin 和 RabbitR1 一樣,它們從一開始就註定要失敗。

  • Like there's no, even if they were good up to this point, there's just no way they could be as good as this stuff on your phone with all the personalization, all the info that they already know about you.


  • So I guess that's confirmed, but also it's just kind of, it does feel like we've entered a new age with Apple.


  • I think the AI stuff is so important that it very much is what we're most interested in and it overshadows like, honestly, what could possibly be your favorite non AI feature from the past couple of things, moving home screen apps and icons everywhere.


  • Like that might be the biggest thing, but it's up to this point now, all about what this intelligence stuff can actually do for you and what it can bring you.


  • So that's what I'm really excited about.


  • I'll be working on some videos very soon about a lot of this stuff.


  • So definitely, like I said, get subscribed if you haven't already, but this has been your overview or what you need to know.


  • Thanks for watching.


  • Catch you guys in the next one.


  • Peace.


So we just got done with possibly one of the biggest Apple WWDC keynotes of all time, maybe just because of the state of the world and what everyone expects from tech companies in 2024, which is AI at the front of what you do.

我們剛剛結束了可能是有史以來最重要的蘋果 WWDC 主題演講之一,這也許只是因為世界的現狀和大家對 2024 年科技公司的期望,即人工智能成為你們工作的重中之重。

由 AI 自動生成

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