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  • Crawl, bat, and push! With the Roll & Go Rocking Horse! Let's ride together! Hehehe! Giddy

  • up and get motor skills rolling with three ways to play. Bat the horse, and sway along

  • with fun songs or rhymes. Wobbledy wobbledy woah! Press the light-up saddle to hear playful

  • sounds and phrases to encourage first words. Neigh! Pat my nose. Neigh! Or push to discover

  • lights and music, and inspire a game of chase that will encourage your child to crawl, all

  • by simply horsing around! Giddy up for learning fun, with the Roll & Go Rocking Horse! From

  • LeapFrog!

Crawl, bat, and push! With the Roll & Go Rocking Horse! Let's ride together! Hehehe! Giddy


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B1 中級 美國腔

LeapFrog Roll and Go Rocking Horse - 教你的孩子語言發展和運動技能。 (LeapFrog Roll and Go Rocking Horse - Teach Your Child Language Development and Motor Skills)

  • 37 3
    點點雲 發佈於 2024 年 06 月 21 日