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When it comes to A.I., it's Sam Altman, who's become the face of the revolution.
Pretty cool, huh?
But he thinks no one person should be trusted here.
He is a high-minded idealist, and at the same time, he's a ruthless capitalist.
Here's how Altman built OpenAI from a niche research lab into an $86 billion ringleader of the generative A.I.
以下是 Altman 如何將 OpenAI 從一個小眾研究實驗室打造成價值 860 億美元的人工智能生成器領軍企業。
boom, all while walking the thin line between commercial success and utopian ideals.
My worst fears are that we cause significant, we the field, the technology, the industry, cause significant harm to the world.
Altman co-founded OpenAI in 2015 with the mission of developing A.I.
Altman 於 2015 年共同創立了 OpenAI,其使命是開發人工智能。
for the benefit of humanity, which is a little bit weird in Silicon Valley.
That benefit of humanity mandate means a couple things.
This technology is really consequential.
If it's misused, it could have really disastrous consequences.
They felt that Google had a monopoly around the research of the technology, and so they really wanted OpenAI to be this alternative.
他們認為,谷歌壟斷了這項技術的研究,是以他們非常希望 OpenAI 能成為替代方案。
In a statement, Google said that it is proud of the deep investments we've made in research, but that it recognizes the many contributions to A.I.
that came from researchers in academia and tech companies large and small.
Already, people are grappling with what's at stake here, and I think the better angels are going to win out.
To this day, Altman talks about wanting to give away OpenAI's technology for free.
時至今日,奧特曼仍在談論希望免費贈送 OpenAI 的技術。
He really believes that A.I.
is a technology that should exist outside of the business realm.
But critics of the company, like OpenAI co-founder Elon Musk, say that commercial success has clouded Altman's social mission.
但該公司的批評者,如 OpenAI 聯合創始人埃隆-馬斯克(Elon Musk),認為商業上的成功掩蓋了奧特曼的社會使命。
This would be like, let's say you funded an organization to save the Amazon rainforest.
Instead, they became a lumber company and chopped down the forest and sold it for money.
I have tremendous respect for Elon.
I, you know, obviously we have some different opinions about how A.I.
should go, but I think we fundamentally agree on more than we disagree on.
What do you think you agree most about?
That getting this technology right and figuring out how to navigate the risks is super important to the future of humanity.
The way to think about the social mission is just that it's a part of the DNA of the company.
思考社會使命的方式是,它是公司 DNA 的一部分。
But I don't think it actively has prevented them from releasing products.
Listen to this. Very creepy.
A new artificial intelligence tool is going viral for cranking out entire essays in a matter of seconds.
OpenAI launched ChatGPT in November 2022.
OpenAI 於 2022 年 11 月推出了 ChatGPT。
In just three months later in February, it saw one billion visitors.
僅在三個月後的 2 月份,訪問量就達到了 10 億人次。
When ChatGPT was launched, a lot of people were kind of wondering why Altman was releasing a product so quickly that he felt could potentially be misused and why he basically kickstarted this really crazy A.I.
當 ChatGPT 推出時,很多人都在想,為什麼 Altman 這麼快就發佈了一個他認為可能會被濫用的產品,為什麼他要啟動這個非常瘋狂的人工智能。
race where all of these companies are competing against one another and basically releasing products like within days of each other.
Before releasing any new system, OpenAI conducts extensive testing.
在發佈任何新系統之前,OpenAI 都會進行廣泛的測試。
The buzz catapulted OpenAI from a wonky research lab to an $86 billion unicorn backed by Silicon Valley giants from Microsoft.
這股熱潮讓 OpenAI 從一個古怪的研究實驗室一躍成為價值 860 億美元的獨角獸企業,並得到了微軟等硅谷巨頭的支持。
We've been partnered with OpenAI deeply now for multiple years.
我們與 OpenAI 深度合作已有多年。
To read Hoffman and Vinod Khosla.
I think that's something that OpenAI really has had to wrestle with because their identity as a startup when they were founded is like kind of these outsiders who had this sort of heroic mission of making sure the technology was developed in the right way.
我認為這是 OpenAI 不得不面對的問題,因為他們在成立之初的初創公司身份就像是一個局外人,肩負著確保以正確方式開發技術的英雄使命。
But now they're kind of the big guys on the block.
Altman shepherded OpenAI through that meteoric rise, raising his profile along the way.
Altman 帶領 OpenAI 如日中天,一路走來,他的知名度不斷提升。
The one and only person who's going to be deciding our futures.
I don't think so.
Altman cultivated this relationship with Microsoft and basically convinced Satya Nadella to pour billions and billions of dollars into what was at the time just a research project.
Altman 與微軟建立了這種關係,並基本上說服了薩蒂亞-納德拉(Satya Nadella)向當時還只是一個研究項目的項目投入數十億美元。
And I think that's Altman's superpower.
He's really good at selling a vision and getting people on board.
And he knows a lot of people with deep pockets.
News Corp., the owner of The Wall Street Journal, has also made a content licensing partnership with OpenAI.
華爾街日報》的所有者新聞集團也與 OpenAI 建立了內容許可合作關係。
Altman's networking superpower was built through years of building and investing in Silicon Valley.
Before he became OpenAI's CEO, he dropped out of Stanford to build the short-lived social network Looped and ran the startup incubator Y
在成為 OpenAI 首席執行官之前,他從斯坦福大學退學,創建了曇花一現的社交網絡 Looped,並負責管理創業孵化器 Y。
Combinator. Whenever I've helped people for no immediate benefit and with no intention of ever getting a benefit at all, time and again in my career, it has really later benefited me a lot.
And he flexed that network during the biggest test of his leadership at OpenAI to date.
迄今為止,OpenAI 對他的上司能力提出了最大的考驗,而他也在這一考驗中靈活運用了這一網絡。
This is a stunner in some respects, Steve.
Yeah, Sam Altman is out as CEO of OpenAI.
是的,薩姆-阿爾特曼(Sam Altman)已不再擔任 OpenAI 的首席執行官。
In November 2023, OpenAI's board voted to fire him with concerns that he hadn't been consistently candid in his communications.
2023 年 11 月,OpenAI 董事會投票決定解僱他,原因是擔心他在溝通中不夠坦誠。
When ChatGPT came out November 2022, the board was not informed in advance about that.
當 ChatGPT 於 2022 年 11 月推出時,董事會並未提前獲知此事。
We learned about ChatGPT on Twitter.
我們是從 Twitter 上了解到 ChatGPT 的。
As part of its social mission, OpenAI was founded as a nonprofit so that the company didn't have to answer to shareholders.
作為其社會使命的一部分,OpenAI 是作為非營利組織成立的,這樣公司就不必對股東負責。
It eventually launched a for-profit arm, but the nonprofit board is still in charge.
OpenAI is an unusual company, and we set it up that way because AI is an unusual technology.
OpenAI 是一家不尋常的公司,我們之所以這樣成立,是因為人工智能是一項不尋常的技術。
But after Altman was ousted, OpenAI's employees backed him with force.
但在 Altman 被趕下臺後,OpenAI 的員工對他大力支持。
More than 90 percent threatened to leave unless he was reinstated and the board resigned.
超過 90% 的人威脅要離開,除非他復職,董事會辭職。
A lot of employees really buy into his vision.
They really like working for Altman, and Altman also made them really rich.
There was also a flood of support outside the company.
From investors like Microsoft.
We really want to partner with OpenAI and we want to partner with Sam.
我們非常希望與 OpenAI 合作,也希望與薩姆合作。
And so irrespective of where Sam is, he's working with Microsoft.
To other powerful Silicon Valley leaders.
And I think it just speaks to the stature that he has over this industry.
People familiar with the thinking said that some of the board of directors who ousted Altman also felt he wasn't being clear about the size and scope of his investments.
By his own estimate, Altman and his venture funds have invested in more than 400 companies.
據他自己估計,奧特曼和他的風險基金已經投資了 400 多家公司。
The holdings he controls were worth more than $2.8 billion as of early 2024.
截至 2024 年初,他所控制的資產價值超過 28 億美元。
This has really been the source of his influence in Silicon Valley.
Him funding and investing in entrepreneurs, making connections with venture capitalists.
Altman's personal portfolio includes large stakes in companies like Reddit, which announced a partnership with OpenAI in May.
Altman 的個人投資組合包括在 Reddit 等公司的大量股份,該公司今年 5 月宣佈與 OpenAI 合作。
He's kind of starting to really personally benefit from the AI boom.
And it's particularly interesting because he doesn't own a stake in OpenAI.
尤其有趣的是,他並不持有 OpenAI 的股份。
He's talked about not wanting to own a stake because he doesn't want those financial incentives to influence his commitment to developing AI for the benefit of humanity.
In a statement, OpenAI board chair Brett Taylor said, we carefully manage any potential conflicts and always put OpenAI and our mission first.
OpenAI 董事會主席佈雷特-泰勒(Brett Taylor)在一份聲明中說:"我們會謹慎處理任何潛在的衝突,並始終把 OpenAI 和我們的使命放在第一位。
He added that Altman has consistently followed policies and been transparent about his investments.
他補充說,Altman 一貫遵守政策,投資透明。
Altman was reinstated as CEO after a turbulent five days and began an overhaul of the board.
The company is reexamining its governance structure, but hasn't announced any changes.
But OpenAI moved on quickly, releasing demos of big products like text-to-video generator Sora and GPT-4.0, a model that includes a voice assistant.
但是,OpenAI 的行動很快,它發佈了一些大型產品的演示,如文本到視頻生成器 Sora 和 GPT-4.0(一種包含語音助手的模型)。
Hey, ChatGPT, how are you doing?
I'm doing fantastic.
Thanks for asking.
But not everyone is pleased with how the products have been rolled out.
Actress Scarlett Johansson publicly criticized OpenAI for using a voice that sounded similar to hers for GPT-4.0.
女演員斯嘉麗-約翰遜公開批評 OpenAI 在 GPT-4.0 中使用了與她相似的聲音。
After she told Altman she wasn't interested.
在她告訴 Altman 她不感興趣之後。
It really speaks to this broader question of trust and safety, right, and OpenAI's social mission.
這確實涉及到更廣泛的信任和安全問題,以及 OpenAI 的社會使命。
In a statement, Altman said that the voice is not Scarlett Johansson's and it was never intended to resemble hers.
The company is also pausing the use of the voice.
But I think more broadly, yeah, the cat's out of the bag.
I mean, people see billions, if not trillions of dollars in this sector.
And I think OpenAI is very much there.
我認為,OpenAI 在這方面做得很好。
I mean, they want to win this business battle.
And that race now has more players than it did when OpenAI began.
現在,這場競賽的參與者比 OpenAI 創立之初還要多。
It's really quite astonishing how a technology that was really just housed in research labs across universities and big tech companies has like turned into a thing that is boosting the S&P 500.
一項原本只存在於大學和大型科技公司研究實驗室中的技術,如今卻成了推動標準普爾 500 指數上漲的動力,這實在令人驚訝。
All of that stuff was started by Altman and his very intentional decision to show the world what this technology is capable of.
So Altman and OpenAI are trying to stay on top of the exploding field at the same time that they're trying to convince the public to trust them. And there is a place in history at stake, too.
是以,Altman 和 OpenAI 在試圖說服公眾信任他們的同時,也在努力保持在這一爆炸性領域的領先地位。這也關係到他們在歷史上的地位。
There's not another company in Silicon Valley that's facing as much scrutiny and competition as OpenAI.
在硅谷,沒有哪家公司能像 OpenAI 一樣面臨如此多的審查和競爭。
So if they're able to come out on top, I think Altman could be seen as one of the visionary tech CEOs of the AI era.
是以,如果他們能夠脫穎而出,我認為奧特曼將被視為人工智能時代具有遠見卓識的科技 CEO 之一。
And if he doesn't, he won't be seen as that.
He might be seen as something else.