In Flutter, this is even more true than with other frameworks, because on one hand, it's nice to hack a quick app together, on the other hand, larger projects start falling apart when you mix the business logic everywhere, which is so simple to do with Flutter, because even the UI is written in the same programming language in which you write the actual logic.
在 Flutter 中,這一點甚至比其他框架更真實,因為一方面,快速創建一個應用程序是件好事,另一方面,當你把業務邏輯混在一起時,大型項目就會開始分崩離析,而在 Flutter 中做到這一點非常簡單,因為甚至用戶界面也是用編寫實際邏輯的編程語言編寫的。