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  • The borders of Palestine have been changed forcefully over time.


  • In 1931, there were more than 850,000 Palestinian Arabs in the region.

    1931 年,該地區有超過 85 萬巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人。

  • But with the rise of Hitler, Jewish flight from Europe became even more urgent and Palestine started to see the biggest wave of Jewish immigration yet.


  • A U.N. special committee proposed the land be divided into two states, a Jewish state and an Arab state.


  • Within this proposed area were hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs who had lived there for generations.


  • By the end of 1947, Zionists had several well-developed paramilitary forces, the largest one known as the Haganah.

    到 1947 年底,猶太復國主義者擁有了幾支發展完善的準軍事部隊,其中最大的一支被稱為哈加納(Haganah)。

  • The Haganah adopted what was called Plan Dalet or Plan D, a set of brutal instructions called for the destruction of Arab villages by setting fire to, blowing up and planting mines.

    哈加納采取了所謂的 "達萊特計劃 "或 "D計劃",這是一套野蠻的指令,要求通過放火、炸燬和埋設地雷來摧毀阿拉伯村莊。

  • Plan D became the blueprint for carrying out the ethnic cleansing of historic Palestine to make room for a new state.

    D 計劃成為對歷史上的巴勒斯坦進行種族清洗以建立新國家的藍圖。

  • Roughly 750,000 Palestinians had been forcefully expelled.

    大約有 75 萬巴勒斯坦人被強行驅逐。

  • And more than 500 villages destroyed.

    500 多個村莊被摧毀。

The borders of Palestine have been changed forcefully over time.


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