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  • My name is Mark Whedon.


  • I work at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, where I am a lecturer in Ancient Near Eastern Studies.


  • I study the ancient civilisation of the Sumerians.


  • They spoke a language called Sumerian, and lived in an area called Sumer.


  • They also spoke many other languages, and many other groups of people who lived in the same area also spoke their language.


  • There were many languages in the ancient world, but at that time and in that place, there was only one language of state, and this was Sumerian.


  • The area of Sumer is nowadays southern Iraq, particularly the areas around Nasiriyah and Basra, where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flow into the Persian Gulf.


  • The Sumerians are best known for inventing writing, which they did around 3400-3200 BC.

    蘇美爾人最著名的是發明了文字,大約在公元前 3400-3200 年。

  • The writing they used was called cuneiform, a script that was formed by making triangular shapes onto clay with an instrument that had a corner on it, a kind of pen.


  • They wrote like this.


  • They are also well known for inventing mathematics, for living in cities, and for inventing the practice of law and law codes.


  • The writing we use today is quite different to the writing that the Sumerians used, but we do use their mathematics in some special cases.


  • The Sumerians counted using the number 60, just as we count using the number 10.

    蘇美爾人用 60 來計數,就像我們用 10 來計數一樣。

  • That is why we still have 60 seconds in a minute, and 60 minutes in an hour, and 360 degrees in a circle.

    這就是為什麼我們仍然把一分鐘分為 60 秒,把一小時分為 60 分鐘,把一個圓圈分為 360 度。

  • The Sumerians lived in cities, and these cities were divided into different areas according to whether they were used for religion, business, storage, or government.


  • They had different forms of government at different periods of their history, but most of the time they had a king, who was responsible for everyone being happy and well fed, and a royal family that lived in a palace.


  • From the later period of Sumerian history, we have thousands and thousands of economic documents that tell us about many aspects of daily business life in ancient Sumer.


  • Most of these documents come from royal institutions, so the impression we get is that this was a state, a totalitarian state if you like, where the royal family controlled every aspect of life.


  • But in fact, there was probably a lot of private business going on outside the palaces.


  • The most unusual thing about the Sumerians is that they are just like us.


  • They had the same needs and worries as we do, they needed a place to live, they needed to love, they needed food, and they knew that they had to die.


  • These fears and preoccupations are expressed in their literature which survives until today.


  • The most famous story is that of the hero Gilgamesh.


  • This is the ultimate story of a hero who has to come to terms with the fact that he is not immortal and that he is going to die.


  • A basic model for all literature ever since.


My name is Mark Whedon.


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