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You 1527 take one keep it rolling.
你 1527 拿一個,繼續滾動。
I just want to try several things Ah There's a there's a sound down in the throat somewhere I'd still not reach it I think I pulled something I Can only do them in spurts, that's great.
我只想嘗試幾種方法 啊 喉嚨裡有個地方有聲音 我還是夠不著 我好像拉到了什麼東西 我只能一下一下地做,很好。
It's like chicken.
I Think I got a bad grub Ah Simba what is he talking about?
Ah So you haven't told them your little secret.
Well Simba now's your chance to grow up and tell them tell them I don't know what I'm doing What are you supposed to say when I could They think I'm king well, we don't symbol Just erase all that and start again What are you supposed to say when hakuna matata?
辛巴 現在是你長大的時候了 告訴他們 我不知道自己在做什麼 當我可以的時候 你該說什麼 他們以為我是國王 我們不是象徵
doesn't work I Don't speak this African stuff No, no, no Nope, we're right.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Where are we starting?
I Keep keep rolling.
I Keep keep rolling.
Wow Nope No, you want any of this stuff I'm doing You know my father Maybe we should try this tomorrow You're Waiting for me.
不,你想要我做的這些事 你瞭解我父親 也許我們明天應該試試 你在等我
Oh, sorry That's close as I get right now, good night Pumbaa night to one I Think I'm gonna go for a walk Simba
我想我要去散步了 辛巴