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What's up, Josh here.
So Apple just finished up WWDC 2024, where they announced several major updates to iOS, macOS, iPadOS, and some minor updates to their other platforms.
在剛剛結束的 WWDC 2024 上,蘋果公司發佈了 iOS、macOS 和 iPadOS 的幾項重大更新,以及其他平臺的一些小更新。
There were some good quality of life updates that we've been asking Apple for for quite some time now, including scheduled messages, better home screen customization, and even an iPad calculator app, something I'd never thought I'd see.
我們一直要求蘋果提供一些優質的生活更新,包括預定消息、更好的主螢幕定製,甚至還有 iPad 計算器應用,這是我從未想到過的。
But for the last 40-ish minutes or so,
但在最後的 40 分鐘左右、
Apple talked about Apple Intelligence, which is their brand new suite of AI-powered features that has been highly anticipated for some time now.
蘋果公司談到了 "蘋果智能"(Apple Intelligence),這是一套全新的人工智能功能,一段時間以來一直備受期待。
And so in this video, we're gonna try to break down everything that Apple Intelligence can do and how you can take advantage of those features coming in the next few months.
是以,在本視頻中,我們將詳細介紹 Apple Intelligence 的所有功能,以及如何利用未來幾個月即將推出的這些功能。
Make sure to like the video, subscribe if you aren't already, and let's get into it.
So let's just start with the basics.
What is Apple Intelligence?
So Apple Intelligence is, not to be confused, with Siri.
所以,不要把 "蘋果智能 "與 Siri 混淆了。
You can sort of think of Apple Intelligence as the foundation or the groundwork or the engine behind how all of these
AI-powered tasks are powered.
And the way that they're able to be powered is through Apple's latest advancements in Apple Silicon.
That means that in order to take advantage of Apple Intelligence, you need to have a device that has the latest Apple Silicon, like the M-series chips and the A17 Pro, which is currently only limited to the iPhone 15 Pro, which I understand is a little bit disappointing for those of us with older hardware, considering that even the 14 Pro is not even two years old at this point.
這就意味著,要想利用蘋果智能,你需要擁有一臺搭載最新蘋果硅的設備,比如 M 系列芯片和 A17 Pro,而這目前只限於 iPhone 15 Pro,我明白這讓我們這些使用較舊硬件的人有些失望,因為即便是 14 Pro 目前也還不到兩年的歷史。
But there is a good reason for why it's limited to those devices, which we'll cover later on.
So now you might be asking, what can Apple Intelligence do?
And I think the first bucket of features that we all probably do daily is with writing.
So I'd say the biggest announcement with Apple Intelligence in terms of text is what's called Writing Tools.
是以,我認為蘋果智能在文本方面的最大亮點是所謂的 "寫作工具"。
This is a new system-wide tool that you'll be able to use in any app and brings a couple of features that we've already probably seen before in other third-party AI-powered apps.
So as you can see, when you're in a text field or anywhere where you're able to type, you can actually bring up this menu, which gives you a couple of different options.
For example, you can either rewrite something in a different tone, fix grammatical errors, or summarize a piece of text.
And then if you wanted to request something more specific, you can just write out your request at the top.
This is not anything new.
We've seen these features in other apps as well, but I think the biggest game changer here is that it's actually system-wide, meaning you don't have to go into a separate app to use these features, nor do you only have to be in an app that's made by Apple.
As long as you're using an Apple device, like an iPhone, Mac, or iPad, you're gonna have access to these writing tools.
只要你使用的是蘋果設備,如 iPhone、Mac 或 iPad,你就可以使用這些寫作工具。
And this one feature alone,
I think as insignificant or as basic as it might seem, is actually a pretty big deal because it sort of eliminates the need for any third-party subscriptions that you might have to other apps that might do the same thing.
But also this opens the door for generative text to just so many other people.
Think about how many people use iPhones, Macs, and iPads, and how many people are just going to have access directly on the device for generative text.
想想有多少人使用 iPhone、Mac 和 iPad,又有多少人只是為了直接在設備上訪問生成文本。
It's been shown time and time again that when Apple does something, that that thing sort of just catches on like wildfire.
And so I think pretty soon we're gonna see a lot more people utilizing generative text.
So yeah, that is writing tools, but then there's also what's called smart replies.
This is a feature in Apple's new Mail app, which uses AI to draft up a response to an email, and will even come up with custom prompts based off of action steps or questions in the emails.
So instead of going into writing tools and then asking it to generate some email that says that you are going or you aren't going, this new smart reply integration will actually just give you some toggles, which you can say yes or no, or reply, and basically allows you to reply to an email with just a couple of taps and probably some tweaks, which is actually pretty crazy, and I personally can't wait to take advantage of this feature.
But then one subcategory of writing, or I guess text in general, is summarization.
And with Apple Intelligence, there's a couple of ways that they're summarizing pieces of text.
So again, within the new Mail app, you'll now have a section dedicated to priority emails, which are just your most important time-sensitive emails.
同樣,在新的郵件 app 中,你現在可以看到一個專門用於優先級郵件的部分,這些郵件都是你最重要的時效性郵件。
Then at the top of a specific email, you can, of course, summarize that email with a single tap, which is gonna be super handy.
But also, in every single email, you might have noticed that they now all include a high-level summary of the contents of that email, rather than just displaying the first few lines, which are often not super helpful.
The same thing goes for notifications, having a priority section for all your most important notifications.
And then within each notification are summarizations, which are gonna be great for catching you up on group chats.
I think these summarizations are gonna add up to a lot of saved time in the long run, and are really gonna make a significant difference in terms of productivity and efficiency.
Now, the second bucket of features that are powered by Apple Intelligence are everything that has to do with images.
現在,由 Apple Intelligence 提供的第二批功能是與影像有關的一切。
One feature coming to the Photos app is called Cleanup, which is similar to Google's Magic Eraser, which automatically identifies and removes distracting elements from the background of your pictures.
照片應用中的一項功能名為 "清理",它類似於谷歌的 "魔術橡皮擦",能自動識別並刪除照片背景中的干擾元素。
I mean, we sort of saw this coming.
Google's been doing it for a while now, but it is nice that we are finally getting it in the Photos app.
And then another feature is turning your entire photos and video library into something actually searchable with natural language.
So now you can just describe what you wanna find and it'll find it.
Again, this is another feature that Google has done for a while now.
And for me personally, I'm already pretty invested in the Google Photos ecosystem.
就我個人而言,我已經在 Google Photos 生態系統中投入了相當大的精力。
So not sure how much I'll be using this one, but it's nice to see that it's there.
But then Apple announced something called Image Playground, which sort of reminds me of Google's AI Wallpaper feature, where you pick from a theme and then fill in some words to generate an image as a wallpaper.
但隨後蘋果發佈了一款名為 "影像遊樂場"(Image Playground)的產品,這有點讓我想起了谷歌的人工智能壁紙功能,在該功能中,你可以選擇一個主題,然後填入一些文字,生成一張影像作為壁紙。
But I think Apple did it a little bit better here because instead of just generating wallpapers, you can actually generate images to be used in messages.
So just like Google's AI Wallpaper, in Image Playground, you can tap on these broad themes or broad concepts.
And when you tap on them, they get added to your playground where an image then gets created for you in just a couple of seconds to share in messages.
If you want something a little bit more specific, you can also just describe it using text, which then gets added into your playground.
You can pick from three styles, which are animation, illustration, and sketch, and even choose to incorporate people into these generations to make them feel more personalized to that conversation.
So if you wanted to generate a picture of your mom in a superhero cape because you appreciated her so much, you can now actually do that because Apple Intelligence knows what your mom looks like.
Based off of what I assume is your photo library.
I think for those moments where we can't find the perfect GIF or we want something to feel a little bit more personalized, this is gonna come in clutch.
我想,如果我們找不到完美的 GIF,或者我們想要一些更個性化的東西,那麼這個 GIF 就會派上用場。
But then possibly the most Apple thing that they could have done is roll out Genmojis, which stands for generative emojis.
不過,蘋果公司可能做得最多的一件事就是推出 Genmojis,即 "生成表情符號"。
So this is another way of utilizing generative images built directly into the keyboard where you can now just type out a description of an emoji and it'll give you that exact emoji in the classic Apple illustration style of emojis.
And again, you can also now create these Genmojis based off of real people in your photos library.
同樣,你現在還可以根據照片庫中的真人創建這些 Genmojis。
And honestly, this is something that I never thought we would see.
This basically changes the emoji game forever.
Now, one question I have is how does it work on the backend?
Because emojis typically have like a Unicode or some sort of zeros and ones to identify that emoji.
因為表情符號通常都有一個統一字元編碼或某種 0 和 1 來識別該表情符號。
So that when it comes to another operating system like Windows or Android, it can point to that code and then spit out like a similar emoji.
這樣,當它進入另一個作業系統(如 Windows 或 Android)時,就可以指向該代碼,然後吐出類似的表情符號。
But then in this case, it's just creating emojis out of thin air.
So I don't really know how these emojis are gonna show up if you send it to an Android device or if you view it on a Windows device.
所以,我真的不知道如果你將它發送到安卓設備或在 Windows 設備上查看,這些表情符號會如何顯示。
But regardless, this is definitely something that I'm excited about.
And then finally, we have maybe the most impressive part of Apple Intelligence, which is the third bucket, actions.
最後,我們將看到 "蘋果智能 "中最令人印象深刻的部分,即第三個 "桶"--"行動"。
So on top of helping us write and summarize text and maybe generate some images, the one thing that we've been dreaming that our phones would be able to do is actually be a really smart assistant that incorporates everything that these phones know about our lives and makes it useful.
And I can finally say that we are getting a glimpse into what that might look like with iOS 18 and Siri.
我終於可以說,通過 iOS 18 和 Siri,我們終於可以一窺這一切的全貌。
So Siri now has a brand new look with this new animation for when you prompt it with this glowing border around the entire screen, which sort of gives the vibe that it's integrated into your phone and that it's almost like living inside of it.
是以,Siri 現在有了一個全新的外觀,當你提示它時,會有一個新的動畫,整個螢幕周圍都有這個發光的邊框,給人一種它已經融入你的手機的感覺,就像住在手機裡一樣。
At least that's how I feel.
And one thing that's largely improved with Siri is that it has a much better language model, which will understand you even better.
Siri 的一大改進就是擁有了更好的語言模型,能更好地理解你的意思。
So even if you stumble on your words or you say the wrong thing, you can actually correct yourself mid-sentence and Siri will understand you.
是以,即使你說話磕磕絆絆或說錯了話,你也可以中途糾正,Siri 會理解你的意思。
What does the weather look like for tomorrow at Muir Beach?
Oh wait, I meant Muir Woods.
The forecast is calling for clear skies in the morning near Muir Woods National Monument.
But now on top of these very basic surface level requests that we're used to doing with Siri, the new Siri powered by Apple intelligence is actually able to use context clues based off of your personal information in different apps.
但現在,除了我們習慣使用 Siri 進行的這些非常基本的表層請求外,由蘋果智能提供支持的新 Siri 還能根據你在不同應用程序中的個人信息使用上下文線索。
So this includes stuff like your calendar events, your emails, but not just your emails, but also the attachments in those emails, also your text history, your photos, your notes, and it can even look at your screen if you wanted it to.
Now, the example they gave is if you got a work email to push a meeting to 5 p.m.
他們舉的例子是,如果你收到一封工作郵件,要求把會議延後到下午 5 點。
and you're afraid it might conflict with your daughter's play later in the day.
Well now, instead of having to pull up the play details that your daughter sent you, whether through text or email or wherever she sent it,
Siri can now just find that for you, cross-reference that data with your meeting time, and also look into the commute times to help you figure out whether you can actually make that play or not.
Siri 現在可以幫你找到這些數據,並將這些數據與你的會議時間進行交叉對比,還能查看通勤時間,幫你確定是否真的能去參加會議。
Which I think this is insane.
If it actually works as intended, this honestly reminds me of Jarvis from Iron Man or just a really smart, actually smart assistant that knows everything about you and can help you throughout your day.
Another example that makes use of Siri being able to look at your screen is, let's say your friend sends you their address.
另一個利用 Siri 查看螢幕的例子是,假設你的朋友向你發送了他們的地址。
Well now, you can just ask Siri to add that address into that contact.
現在,你只需讓 Siri 將地址添加到聯繫人中即可。
Or maybe you're filling out a form and you need to find your driver's license number.
Well now, Siri can pull that up for you, assuming that you have a photo or scan of your driver's license stored somewhere on your device.
現在,Siri 可以為你調出這些資訊,前提是你的設備中存儲了駕照的照片或掃描件。
Now this brings us to privacy because obviously there is a huge concern with allowing AI to look into all of your documents.
And we've already seen some pretty big blunders when it comes to this stuff, specifically with Microsoft and their recall feature.
So how is Apple handling privacy when it comes to all the sensitive information?
One thing that Apple mentioned is that Apple Intelligence was designed with a strong emphasis with on-device processing.
蘋果公司提到的一點是,Apple Intelligence 的設計非常注重設備上的處理。
This means that for a lot of the tasks, the device is actually able to process everything on device without collecting or storing any information or bouncing anything to an external server.
And this explains why Apple Intelligence is only rolling out to the latest Apple products with the latest Apple Silicon with dedicated processing for these complex AI tasks.
這也解釋了為什麼 Apple Intelligence 只在最新的蘋果產品上推出,並配備了專門處理這些複雜人工智能任務的最新 Apple Silicon。
And also with going with this route,
I assume there's other benefits apart from just privacy.
For example, latency and speed, being able to process everything on device means you don't have to rely on an internet connection to bounce things back and forth from the server and back to your device.
And also I'm assuming that operating costs are cheaper, not having to process potentially hundreds of millions of Siri requests on your own servers, but rather just having all of that done on the user's device could save a lot of money.
此外,我還假設營運成本更低,無需在自己的服務器上處理可能數以億計的 Siri 請求,而只需在用戶的設備上完成所有這些工作,這將節省大量資金。
But not all requests are gonna be handled on device.
So for more complex stuff,
Apple talked about private cloud compute, which only uses the data strictly necessary for the specific tasks you're requesting and never stores any information or makes any of that information accessible to Apple.
Apple also says that independent experts can inspect the code that runs on these servers to verify these privacy promises.
Last but not least,
Apple announced their partnership with OpenAI and now directly integrates ChatGPT within Apple Intelligence.
蘋果公司宣佈與 OpenAI 合作,將 ChatGPT 直接集成到蘋果智能系統中。
So for more research focused requests, like if you ask Siri to come up with a recipe based off of some ingredients that you have, it'll now give you a button that says use ChatGPT, which then bounces your questions to ChatGPT and gets you an answer right there on the spot.
是以,對於更注重研究的請求,比如你要求 Siri 根據你所擁有的一些食材提供一份食譜,它現在會給你一個按鈕,上面寫著使用 ChatGPT,然後將你的問題跳轉到 ChatGPT,當場為你解答。
You can also share photos with your questions.
So if you're looking at a photo and you're asking questions about that photo,
Siri will now ask you if you wanna share that photo with ChatGPT.
Siri 現在會問你是否要與 ChatGPT 分享照片。
This also works with documents, presentations, and PDFs, and is all gonna be powered by ChatGPT 4.0, completely free without needing to create an account.
這也適用於文檔、演示文稿和 PDF,所有這些都將由 ChatGPT 4.0 支持,完全免費,無需創建賬戶。
Overall, to sum it all up,
I think Apple Intelligence is a good step forward in terms of Apple's overall vision into the future with AI.
我認為,就蘋果公司對未來人工智能的整體願景而言,"蘋果智能 "是向前邁出的良好一步。
I think with these types of demos, we sort of have to take them with a grain of salt because we don't really have them in our hands yet.
So things like response times, overall accuracy of the answers, and overall usefulness of these features are still up in the air.
Also, one interesting observation that I had is that they never really even showed off the voice of this new Siri.
此外,我還發現一個有趣的現象,那就是他們甚至從未真正展示過這款新 Siri 的聲音。
I think in the entire demo, they never allowed us to actually listen to what she sounds like.
But yeah, definitely an exciting few months ahead of us in both iOS, macOS, and iPadOS, as well as all of the other things that we didn't even get to cover in this video.
不過,無論是 iOS、macOS 還是 iPadOS,以及我們在本視頻中沒有涉及到的所有其他內容,都將在未來的幾個月裡令人激動。
So definitely get subscribed if you aren't already for more Apple content.
But what do you guys think of Apple Intelligence?
Do you think Apple under-delivered or over-delivered?
您認為蘋果公司的產品是 "交付不足 "還是 "交付過度"?
Let me know in the comments.
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Again, subscribe if you aren't already, and I'll catch you guys in the next one.