A spy is perceived as being hidden or unseen, that's polysemy, the poly meaning many, and seem meaning meaning, so many meanings. Next, we could talk about metonymy, and metonymy is really interesting because it's a big category, but it's really the idea that you're referring to one thing based on some close relationship to another thing, and this could be in terms of association, like for example when a server says table 14 needs water, of course table 14 doesn't need anything, it's an inanimate object, but it is used to refer to the customer who is seated at that table, they're the ones who need water, so it's based on association.
間諜被認為是隱藏的或看不見的,這就是多義詞,poly 的意思是很多,seem 的意思是意思,有很多意思。接下來,我們可以談談隱喻,隱喻真的很有趣,因為它是一個很大的範疇,但它實際上是指你根據與另一個事物的某種密切關係來指稱一個事物,這可以是聯想方面的,比如當服務員說 14 號桌要水時,14 號桌當然不需要任何東西,它是一個無生命的物體,但它被用來指稱坐在那張桌子上的顧客,他們才是需要水的人,所以它是基於聯想的。