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Hi everyone, the following presentation is on William Shakespeare's Sonnet 130. This is the first poem on the list of the new poetry for English home language. Please keep an eye out for more content that I will upload on the new poems that have been set for 2023 and the next few years to come.
大家好,下面介紹的是威廉-莎士比亞的《十四行詩 130》。這是英語母語新詩列表中的第一首詩。請繼續關注我將上傳的有關 2023 年及未來幾年新詩的更多內容。
Before we start analysing the poem, let us quickly contemplate some of the physical beauty ideals found on social media today. The reason why I mention this will make sense in a moment.
Some of these ideals can include a curvy but fit body, flawless skin, full eyebrows, extended eyelashes, high cheekbones, a small nose, full lips and white straight teeth. I'd like you to ask yourself whether these ideals of physical beauty are actually realistic. Can the average woman, without a filter, naturally have all of these features? Most probably not.
The reason why I brought up beauty ideals in today's society is because during Shakespeare's time, the Elizabethan era, there were also certain ideals of beauty that were deemed desirable. These included soft blonde or red hair, a very high forehead, pale white skin, shiny blue eyes, rosy cheeks and red lips. In this poem, Sonnet 130, Shakespeare satirises or mocks his fellow Petrarchan poets of the time. They wrote sonnets that described their partners in highly exaggerated and unrealistic ways.
我之所以提出當今社會的審美理想,是因為在莎士比亞時代,也就是伊麗莎白時代,也有一些審美理想被認為是可取的。這些理想包括柔軟的金髮或紅髮、高高的額頭、白皙的皮膚、閃亮的藍眼睛、紅潤的臉頰和紅脣。在第 130 首十四行詩中,莎士比亞諷刺或嘲笑了當時的彼特拉克派詩人。他們寫的十四行詩以非常誇張和不切實際的方式描述他們的伴侶。
Let us read through the poem.
My mistress's eyes are nothing like the sun. Coral is far more red than her lips' red.
If snow be white, why then her breasts are done? If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. I have seen roses damasked red and white, but no such roses see I in her
And in some perfumes is there more delight than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know that music hath a far more pleasing sound.
I grant I never saw a goddess go. My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground. And yet by heaven I think my love as rare as any she belied with false compare.
In summary, the speaker uses a series of anti-compliments to describe his beloved. What initially sounds like insults are in fact compliments. He may seem judgmental and rude, but we soon realise that he is actually sincere in his love for his beloved. In the last two lines of the poem, he states that because she is normal and real, he does not need to exaggerate her beauty or his love for her. He loves her just the way she is, and she is perfect to him.
Shakespeare's refusal to use the hyperbolic language that was popular at the time to describe his beloved ironically emphasises her true beauty as a person.
In the first line of the poem, the speaker states his mistress's eyes are nothing like the sun. Here we have a simile. This is a negative simile because the speaker says her eyes are not as bright as the sun. The second line reads Coral is far more red than her lips is red. The word coral here refers to the stony coloured structures in the ocean that are sometimes bright red in colour. The speaker states that coral is far more red than her lips. This here is a metaphor in which the speaker states that his lover's lips are not as red as the coral in the ocean.
Line three says if snow be white, why then her breasts are done. The word breasts here does not necessarily refer to the lady's chest area, but rather her skin. The speaker describes her skin as done, which simply means that her skin is a dull brownish colour.
第三行寫道,如果雪是白色的,那麼她的乳房為什麼是白色的。這裡的乳房並不一定是指女士的胸部,而是指她的皮膚。說話者形容她的皮膚是 "做 "過的,意思是她的皮膚是暗淡的褐色。
This line also contains a metaphor in which his lover's skin is compared to snow. Rather than being white as snow, her skin is brown in colour. During the Elizabethan era, the ideal Elizabethan woman had very pale skin. Pale skin was a symbol of nobility as the wealthy would not have to work outside in the fields and become tanned from the sun.
In line four, the speaker states of his lover's hair that black wires grow on her head. We have a metaphor here in which the speaker compares his lover's hair to black wires.
Rather than having soft blonde or light red hair, which was deemed beautiful at the time, she has dark and frizzy hair. An interesting fact is that products such as bleach and lemon juice were used to lighten women's hair in the Elizabethan era. Some women even went as far as shaving their heads and wearing glamorous wigs.
In line five, the speaker says he has seen roses damasked red and white. The word damasked means decorated with a pattern. In other words, he has seen roses with petals that have red and white patterns. However, in line six, the speaker states, but no such roses see
在第五行中,說話人說他見過紅白錦緞玫瑰。damasked 一詞的意思是用花紋裝飾。換句話說,他見過花瓣上有紅白花紋的玫瑰。但是,在第六行中,說話人說:"但是沒有看到過這樣的玫瑰。
I in her cheeks. In other words, his beloved's cheeks are not rosy. In this metaphor, the speaker compares his lover's cheeks to red and white patterned roses, saying that her cheeks are not like these roses at all. In lines seven and eight, the speaker says, and in some perfumes is there more delight than in the breath that from mine mistress reeks. In this metaphor, the speaker compares his lover's breath to perfume, saying that perfume smells more pleasant than her breath. Note the word reeks. In our understanding of the word today, if something reeks, it has a terrible smell. However, in Shakespearean times the word had a more neutral meaning. In this context, the word refers not necessarily to something that stinks, but rather to the general idea of exhaling or of a smell being emitted. In other words, the breath emitted from the speaker's beloved is just not as lovely as perfume. In lines nine and 10, the speaker says, I love to hear her speak, yet well I know that music hath a far more pleasing sound. In this metaphor, the speaker compares his lover's voice to music, saying that even though he loves to hear her voice, it is not as pleasing as listening to the sound of music. In lines 11 and 12, the speaker states,
我在她的臉頰上。換句話說,他夫妻的臉頰並不紅潤。在這個比喻中,說話人將夫妻的臉頰比作紅白花紋的玫瑰,說她的臉頰根本不像這些玫瑰。在第七和第八行中,說話人說:"有些香水比我的情婦散發出的氣息更令人心曠神怡。在這個比喻中,說話人將他夫妻的呼吸比作香水,說香水比她的呼吸聞起來更舒服。請注意reeks這個詞。按照我們今天對這個詞的理解,"臭氣熏天 "指的是氣味難聞。然而,在莎士比亞時代,這個詞的含義更為中性。在這裡,這個詞不一定指發臭的東西,而是指呼氣或散發氣味的一般意思。換句話說,說話人心愛的人散發出的氣息並不
I grant I never saw a goddess go. My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground. The word grant means to admit, and the word go means to walk. The metaphor in these two lines is that the speaker mentions that his lover merely walks like an ordinary human being, rather than floating gracefully as a goddess might. Lines 13 and 14 form the rhyming couplet of the sonnet. The speaker concludes the poem by stating, and yet by heaven, I think my love as rare as any she belied with false compare. The words and yet signify the vulture or the turn in the poem, where the speaker will make his point. By heaven is like the expression I swear to God. I think my love, the speaker's beloved, is as rare, meaning unique, special or worthy as any she or woman belied with false compare. Belied means to show something to be false or untrue. False compare simply means flattered or praised with false comparisons. In simple English, the speaker says, I swear to God, I think my lover is as unique as any woman who has been praised with exaggerated and false comparisons.
我承認我從未見過女神離開。我的女主人,當她行走時,她踩在地上。grant 的意思是承認,go 的意思是行走。這兩行的隱喻是,說話人提到他的情人只是像普通人一樣行走,而不是像女神一樣優雅地飄浮。第 13 和 14 行構成十四行詩的押韻對仗。在詩歌的結尾,作者寫道:"然而,我認為我的愛情與她用虛假的比較所掩蓋的任何愛情一樣稀有。然而 "一詞表示詩中的禿鷲或轉折,說話者將在此表達自己的觀點。天道酬勤 "就像 "我對天發誓"。我認為我的夫妻,即說話者的夫妻,與任何被虛假比較所掩蓋的她或女人一樣稀有,意思是獨一無二
Unlike others who write sonnets, the speaker didn't need extravagant expressions or fancy comparisons. He can just tell his beloved, plainly and simply, that he loves her for who she is.
Let's recap the commentary Shakespeare was making. Shakespeare cleverly makes use of
Elizabethan beauty ideals while deliberately challenging them. He does this by subtly mocking the traditional metaphors used by poets during the Elizabethan period. The couplet undoes the potential damage done to his reader's faith and confirms that he does indeed love his mistress after the insults he makes in the previous 12 lines. The couplet insists that love does not need these deceptions in order to be real and that women do not need to look like flowers or like the sun to be considered beautiful.
伊麗莎白時代的美學理想,同時故意挑戰這些理想。為此,他巧妙地嘲諷了伊麗莎白時期詩人使用的傳統隱喻。這副對聯消除了讀者對他的信仰可能造成的傷害,並證實了他在前 12 行中對情婦的侮辱之後,確實愛著情婦。這副對聯堅持認為,愛情不需要這些欺騙才是真實的,女人不需要長得像花朵或像太陽才被認為是美麗的。
Let's take a look at the form and structure of a Shakespearean sonnet. Note the rhyme scheme of this poem on the right hand side. A Shakespearean sonnet follows a rhyme scheme pattern of A B A B C D C D E F E F G G. A Shakespearean sonnet is made up of 14 lines, three quatrains or three stanzas of four lines each and a final rhyming couplet or the last two rhyming lines of the poem. The turn or the volta occurs in the rhyming couplet in which the tone and the ideas in the poem shift. In this sonnet the first 12 lines seemed like the speaker was insulting his beloved, but the turn in the rhyming couplet made it clear that he was actually complimenting her. The poem is written using the iambic pentameter rhythm. Please keep an eye out for a video in which I explain rhyme scheme and iambic pentameter.
讓我們來看看莎士比亞十四行詩的形式和結構。請注意右側這首詩的韻律。莎士比亞十四行詩的韻律模式為 A B A B C D C D E F E F G G。莎士比亞十四行詩由 14 行、三節四行詩或每節四行的三節詩以及最後的押韻對聯或詩歌的最後兩句押韻詩組成。轉折或volta 出現在押韻的對句中,詩歌的基調和思想在其中發生了轉變。在這首十四行詩中,前 12 行似乎是說者在侮辱他的夫妻,但韻律對仗中的轉折清楚地表明他實際上是在讚美她。這首詩使用的是抑揚五拍節奏。請留意我解釋押韻和抑揚格的視頻。
Remember that tone in literature refers to the poet or the writer's attitude or feelings.
In this poem we can say that Shakespeare's tone is satirical, humorous and mocking. He mocks the exaggerated comparisons used by poets writing love poems at the time. However, his tone changes or shifts in the couplet. His tone becomes honest, down to earth, appreciative and accepting.
Thank you for watching this presentation on William Shakespeare's Sonnet 130. My goal is to upload more grade 12 poetry from the new set of poems, so please subscribe to my
感謝您收看威廉-莎士比亞的《十四行詩 130》。我的目標是上傳更多新詩集中的 12 年級詩歌,請訂閱我的
YouTube channel and give my Instagram and TikTok accounts a follow for more English content.
YouTube 頻道,並關注我的 Instagram 和 TikTok 賬戶,獲取更多英語內容。