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由 AI 自動生成
  • Apple Intelligence.


  • Apple Intelligence.


  • Apple Intelligence.


  • If you're wondering what Apple's been talking about here at its Worldwide Developers Conference, let me sum it up for you: introducing Apple Intelligence.


  • You see what they did there?


  • Yes, Apple Intelligence is the company's AI system that will be integrated throughout its iPhone, Mac, and iPad operating systems.

    是的,Apple Intelligence 是公司的人工智能系統,將集成到 iPhone、Mac 和 iPad 作業系統中。

  • And yes, they said Apple Intelligence around 60 times.

    是的,他們說了大約 60 次 "蘋果智能"。

  • Some of these intelligence announcements are just table stakes.


  • Samsung and Google already have them.


  • Others break new ground.


  • Here's my AI analysis: Number one, Siri.


  • Yes, ever since Siri's birth, Apple's been promising that it can do things for you just by you asking.

    是的,自從 Siri 誕生以來,蘋果公司就一直承諾,只要你開口,它就能為你做事。

  • Not exactly.


  • Yet maybe now is Siri's moment.

    不過,也許現在才是 Siri 的時代。

  • The assistant is getting smarter at what it can do with your personal information.


  • The aim is to keep your data private, either by using on-device models or using Apple's new private cloud compute system.


  • Apple says the new Siri can understand you better, even when you flub what you're saying.

    蘋果公司稱,新 Siri 能更好地理解你的意思,即使你說錯話也沒關係。

  • What does the weather look like for tomorrow at Muir Beach?


  • Oh wait, I meant Muir Woods.


  • The forecast is calling for clear skies in the morning near Muir Woods National Monument.


  • The big thing is that you can now type to Siri, making it much more like a chatbot.

    最重要的是,你現在可以向 Siri 輸入文字,使它更像一個哈拉機器人。

  • But unlike those other chatbots, Apple's making the point that Siri knows all about you and your personal info.

    但與其他哈拉機器人不同的是,蘋果正在表明 Siri 知道你的一切和你的個人信息。

  • It eventually will be able to understand what appears on your screen.


  • You can ask Siri to find something even if you don't remember it's in a message, email, or note.

    即使你不記得資訊、電子郵件或便箋中的內容,也可以要求 Siri 查找。

  • And it can work across apps.


  • Or for times when you're filling out a form and need to input your driver's license, Siri will be able to find a photo of your license, extract your ID number, and type it into the form for you. Number 2: Siri and ChatGPT.

    或者,當你在填寫表格時需要輸入駕照時,Siri 可以找到駕照照片,提取你的身份證號碼,並幫你輸入到表格中。第二:Siri 和 ChatGPT。

  • Siri has a new buddy.

    Siri 有了新夥伴

  • When you ask Siri to do something that it doesn't know how to do, it will ask your permission to use ChatGPT.

    當你要求 Siri 做一些它不知道如何做的事情時,它會請求你允許它使用 ChatGPT。

  • And you don't have to be a ChatGPT subscriber either.

    您也不必成為 ChatGPT 的訂閱者。

  • And if you have a ChatGPT account, you can connect it and access the paid features.

    如果您有 ChatGPT 賬戶,可以連接該賬戶並使用付費功能。

  • Apple says it plans to integrate with other large language models later. Number 3: Writing tools.


  • These were expected.


  • Generative AI models will be able to summarize, rewrite, and proofread text in notes, mail, pages, and more.


  • Well now, you can change the tone of that response to your colleague to make it sound more friendly, professional, or concise.


  • Apple will also suggest responses and different tones for messages and emails.


  • Google and Samsung have been doing this, but it's a very welcome upgrade here too. Number 4: Images.


  • We're introducing Genmoji.

    我們正在介紹 Genmoji。

  • Yes, that's a thing.


  • It's generative image creation mixed with emoji and Memoji.

    它是生成式影像創作與表情符號和 Memoji 的混合體。

  • You can generate these new emojis by adding a description.


  • You can then use them as a tap back reaction in messages, inline or stickers.


  • Just provide a description and you'll see your Genmoji appear right before your eyes along with more options to choose from.

    只需提供描述,你就會看到自己的 Genmoji 出現在眼前,還有更多選項可供選擇。

  • We were promised flying cars and well, we got AI that can make emojis of flying cars.


  • I mean, yeah, of course, I'm really excited about this one.


  • Then there's a new app called Image Playground that lets you create images in seconds.

    還有一款名為 Image Playground 的新應用,可以讓你在幾秒鐘內創建影像。

  • It's also built into apps like Messages and Pages and you choose from animation, sketch, or illustration styles.


  • When you have a really specific idea in mind, you could just type a description to add it to your playground and you can easily adjust which style you want to use.


  • And speaking of images, Apple Intelligence will make it easier for you to search through photos with more specificity.

    說到圖片,Apple Intelligence 可以讓你更輕鬆、更具體地搜索照片。

  • And similar to Google's Magic Erase feature, there's a cleanup tool that can help you remove objects or people in the background of your photos.

    與谷歌的 "魔術擦除 "功能類似,還有一個清理工具可以幫你去除照片背景中的物體或人物。

  • Can I get a finally on this one?


  • Samsung and Google both have on-device AI transcription.


  • Apple is just getting with the program.


  • It's coming to the Notes app and you can use AI to summarize the transcript for you too.


  • There's a similar feature coming to the phone app so you can record phone calls and do the same.


  • Don't worry, participants are automatically notified so no one is surprised.


  • Taking another page from Google and Samsung, Apple will use AI to prioritize your notifications.


  • The most important will appear at the top.


  • Your priority notifications appear at the top of the stack, letting you know what to pay attention to at a glance.


  • Apple Intelligence will start appearing in iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, first in the beta versions this summer and then more broadly to everyone this fall.

    Apple Intelligence 將開始出現在 iOS 18、iPadOS 18 和 macOS Sequoia 中,首先會在今年夏天的測試版中出現,然後在今年秋天更廣泛地向所有人開放。

  • And it's only available in English at first.


  • But there are two big bummers.


  • Not all the features will be available right away.


  • Apple says the chat GPT integration will arrive before the end of the year, and some features might not even come until next year.

    蘋果表示,哈拉 GPT 整合將在今年年底前推出,有些功能甚至可能要到明年才會推出。

  • And all this requires new hardware.


  • Luckily, this is an iPhone 15 Pro Max, but sorry, everyone else.

    幸運的是,這是一部 iPhone 15 Pro Max,但對不起,其他人。

  • Apple says these new AI features require the latest iPhone 15 Pro lineup and iPads and Macs running the M chip or later.

    蘋果公司表示,這些新的人工智能功能需要最新的 iPhone 15 Pro 系列以及運行 M 芯片或更高版本的 iPad 和 Mac。

  • So there you have it.


  • Apple's first step into the AI wars.


  • The Siri improvements and the mix of on-device and cloud processing are unique.

    Siri 的改進以及設備處理和雲處理的結合都是獨一無二的。

  • The rest is a lot of what we've already seen from Google and Samsung.


  • But that's Apple's usual move, wait it out and make it better.


  • And now we wait to test to see if it is actually better.


  • Hey Siri, are you smarter yet?

    嘿 Siri,你變聰明瞭嗎?

  • I'm not a person, so I only know what I've been programmed to understand.


  • Well, that's gonna change.


Apple Intelligence.


由 AI 自動生成

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