字幕列表 影片播放
Good morning.
Welcome to Apple Park.
We're glad you could join us for what promises to be an action-packed and memorable WWDC.
我們很高興您能加入我們的行列,這將是一場精彩紛呈、令人難忘的 WWDC。
Vision OS 2 is a great release with some big updates.
Vision OS 2 是一個偉大的版本,有一些重大更新。
Let's start with photos.
With just the tap of a button, advanced machine learning derives both a left and right eye view from your beautiful 2D image, creating a spatial photo with natural depth that looks stunning on Vision Pro.
只需輕點按鈕,先進的機器學習技術就能從精美的 2D 影像中提取出左眼和右眼視圖,創建出具有自然深度的空間照片,在 Vision Pro 上看起來令人驚歎。
Now, you can just hold your hand up and tap to open home view.
Or flip your hand over to bring up time and battery level and tap again to open control center, giving you quick access to frequently used features like notifications and Mac virtual display. iOS 18 is a big release that delivers more ways to customize your iPhone, stay connected, and relive special moments.
iOS 18 是一個重要的版本,它提供了更多自定義 iPhone、保持聯繫和重溫特殊時刻的方式。
I have this photo I love as my wallpaper, and now I can continue to enjoy it when I unlock my iPhone because I can arrange my apps and widgets to frame it perfectly.
我把我喜歡的這張照片作為我的壁紙,現在當我解鎖 iPhone 時,我可以繼續欣賞它,因為我可以將我的應用程序和小工具完美地定格在這張照片上。
I can select them all and easily place them along the bottom, right above the dock for easy access or even off to the side.
And check this out.
We have an awesome new look for app icons when we go into dark mode.
Let's turn it on.
Isn't that cool?
Now, in addition to this new dark look, there are even more new ways to adjust how they looks.
I can bring up a new customization sheet, and now I can tint them all with color.
iOS suggests a tint color that complements my wallpaper.
iOS 建議我選擇與壁紙相得益彰的色調。
When I swipe from the top right corner, I can see control center with all my controls organized in one place.
And now, control center isn't limited to just the controls you see here.
I can swipe to multiple new groups of controls like for media playback.
You can see how beautiful this looks and here are my home controls.
These new controls are also available from the lock screen.
So you can swap a camera and flashlight for different controls, like taking a note when an idea strikes or quickly capturing the moment for your Snapchat.
是以,你可以將攝像頭和手電筒換成不同的控制方式,比如有想法時記下來,或者快速捕捉精彩瞬間發佈到 Snapchat 上。
And you can even use the action button on iPhone 15 Pro to invoke these new controls. So this year, we're giving you a new way to protect sensitive apps and the information inside them by letting you lock an app.
你甚至可以使用 iPhone 15 Pro 上的操作按鈕來調用這些新控件。是以,今年我們為你提供了一種新的方式,通過鎖定 app 來保護敏感 app 及其中的資訊。
When you choose to lock an app, if someone else tries to tap it, they will be required to authenticate using Face ID, Touch ID, or your passcode.
當你選擇鎖定某個 app 時,如果其他人試圖點擊該 app,則需要使用 Face ID、Touch ID 或你的密碼進行身份驗證。
And information from inside the app won't appear in other places across the system, like in search and notifications.
So others won't inadvertently see sensitive information. Let's start with tapbacks.
這樣別人就不會無意中看到敏感資訊。讓我們從 "竊聽 "開始。
Tapbacks are one of the most popular ways to express yourself in messages, and people love them.
Tapback 是最流行的資訊表達方式之一,深受人們喜愛。
This is a huge year for tapbacks.
今年對 tapbacks 來說是重要的一年。
We've not only redesigned your favorites, we're now giving you limitless ways to express yourself by letting you tap back with any emoji or sticker.
Next, we're bringing one of your most requested features to messages.
When you don't want to forget to send that friendly reminder or birthday text in the morning, you can schedule your message to send later.
We're also giving you more ways to express your tone with text formatting— bold, italicize, underline, or strike through any text. That's iOS 18, a big release that brings deeper customization to iPhone, new ways to stay connected in messages and mail, enhancements to privacy, and the biggest photos redesign ever. This year, we're making it even easier to interact with Siri for a seamless hands-free experience.
我們還為你提供了更多通過文本格式表達語氣的方式--粗體、斜體、下劃線或刪除任何文本。這就是 iOS 18,一個為 iPhone 帶來更深入定製的重要版本,在資訊和郵件中保持聯繫的新方法,對隱私的增強,以及有史以來最大的照片重新設計。今年,我們讓與 Siri 的互動變得更加簡單,從而帶來無縫的免提體驗。
For those instances when you may not want to speak out loud in response to Siri, like on the bus to work or in those places that are a little too crowded, we've created the ability to simply nod your head yes or gently shake your head no to interact. Call from GamGam, answer it?
對於那些不想大聲迴應 Siri 的情況,比如在上班的公車上,或者在人太多的地方,我們創造了只需點頭答應或輕輕搖頭拒絕即可進行互動的功能。 來自 GamGam 的來電,是否接聽?
AirPods are also perfect for staying in touch with friends and colleagues by taking calls anywhere, even in windy conditions or places with loud background noise.
AirPods 還非常適合與朋友和同事保持聯繫,在任何地方都能接聽電話,即使在大風天氣或背景噪音較大的地方也是如此。
So to ensure your voice will sound crystal clear, no matter your environment, we're bringing Voice Isolation to AirPods Pro.
是以,為了確保您的聲音無論在什麼環境下都清晰動聽,我們為 AirPods Pro 帶來了語音隔離功能。
Powered by advanced computational audio, Voice Isolation removes the background noise around you to deliver the best call quality. Call from David, answer it?
Voice Isolation 採用先進的計算音頻技術,可消除周圍的背景噪音,提供最佳通話質量。大衛來電,接聽嗎?
Okay, I was just about to call you.
The meeting went so well.
Also, sorry, it's really noisy.
Can you hear me okay?
That's amazing news.
And yeah, I can hear you totally fine. In watchOS 11, we're introducing training load, an insightful way to measure how the intensity and duration of your workouts are impacting your body over time.
是的,我聽得很清楚。在 watchOS 11 中,我們引入了訓練負荷,這是一種深入瞭解鍛鍊強度和持續時間對身體長期影響的方法。
To track intensity, we designed a new way to rate your workouts.
Using calorimetry data like heart rate, pace, and elevation, plus your personal data like age and weight, a powerful new algorithm automatically translates our sensor data into an estimate of your effort rating.
It can give you a deeper understanding of your body and help you identify when something might be off.
So with watchOS 11, these metrics are the foundation of the insightful new Vitals app, where you can check in on your daily health status and explore your most important health metrics with just a glance.
是以,在 watchOS 11 中,這些指標成為了全新 Vitals 應用程序的基礎,您只需看一眼,就能瞭解自己的日常健康狀況,並探索最重要的健康指標。
You can also see how your metrics relate to your typical range, which is determined from your own historical information and an algorithm developed using real-world data from the Apple Heart Movement Study.
For additional insights, your metrics will be highlighted when they're outside of your typical range with details on what's changed over the last week.
And when multiple metrics are out of range, you'll be notified with a tailored message to help you understand how these changes may be linked to other aspects of your life, such as alcohol, elevation changes, or even illness. Let's take a look at updates to SharePlay and Freeform.
當多個指標超出範圍時,系統會向您發送定製資訊,幫助您瞭解這些變化可能與您生活中的其他方面(如酗酒、海拔變化甚至疾病)有哪些關聯。讓我們來看看 SharePlay 和 Freeform 的更新。
One of SharePlay's best features is screen sharing.
SharePlay 的最佳功能之一是螢幕共享。
It's a great way to help friends and family from afar, and we're making it better in two ways.
Now, you can tap and draw on your screen to point out what they should do on theirs.
And if you need to assist more directly, you can ask for permission to remotely control their iPad or iPhone. I'm so excited to show you the new Math Nodes experience.
如果你需要更直接的幫助,你可以請求允許遠程控制他們的 iPad 或 iPhone。我很高興能向你展示全新的數學節點體驗。
I get to it by just tapping the new Calculator button right here.
我只需點擊這裡的 "新計算器 "按鈕即可。
And with my Apple Pencil, I'll just start writing out expressions like I would on a piece of paper.
有了 Apple Pencil,我就可以像在紙上一樣開始書寫表達了。
As soon as I write an equal sign, Calculator immediately solves it for me.
And even shows me the results in handwriting like my own.
When I make a change, the results update live.
And I can go beyond basic math with all of the same functions from the Scientific Calculator.
And that's iPadOS 18, taking the distinct experience of iPad further with a big update to apps that makes navigating easier and more responsive, and new ways to work that have been reimagined with Apple Pencil. Welcome to macOS Sequoia.
這就是 iPadOS 18,它通過對應用程序的重大更新,讓導航變得更輕鬆、反應更靈敏,並通過 Apple Pencil 重新設計了全新的工作方式,進一步提升了 iPad 的獨特體驗。歡迎使用 macOS Sequoia。
The incredible features we talked about in iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 are going to be amazing for the ways you use Mac.
我們在 iOS 18 和 iPadOS 18 中談到的令人難以置信的功能將為你使用 Mac 的方式帶來驚喜。
You can be even more expressive in messages.
Math Nodes provide a helpful typed experience, and you can easily plan a hike in Maps.
These new features are terrific on the Mac, and macOS Sequoia introduces even more features to help you effortlessly get things done. With iPhone Mirroring on Mac, I can see what's on my iPhone and can control it too, all while barely lifting a finger.
這些新功能在 Mac 上非常出色,而 macOS Sequoia 引入了更多功能,幫助你輕鬆完成工作。有了 Mac 上的 iPhone 鏡像功能,我幾乎不用動一根手指,就能看到 iPhone 上的內容,還能控制它。
Let me show you how it works.
To access my phone, I just click here in my dock.
Boom, and there's my iPhone, mirrored in a window right on my Mac.
嘭,我的 iPhone 就出現在 Mac 上的一個窗口中。
I can fully interact with it all wirelessly.
I can see my custom wallpaper.
My icons are right where they belong, and I can use my phone normally, like swiping through pages of my home screen.
And I can open any of my iPhone apps, like the Philz Coffee app for a bit of extra energy for my favorite local coffee shop. It's a big release that up-levels your productivity and creativity.
我還可以打開任何 iPhone 應用程序,比如 Philz Coffee 應用程序,為我最喜歡的在地咖啡店補充能量。它能大大釋放你的生產力和創造力。
You can quickly tile windows for your ideal workspace.
A massive update to Safari helps you browse the web distraction-free.
Safari 的大規模更新可幫助你心無旁騖地瀏覽網頁。
An amazing host of new gaming titles are coming to the Mac, and iPhone Mirroring lets you wirelessly use your iPhone right from your Mac. macOS joins the announcements across our platforms, and this is a huge year for developers, with brilliant
大量新遊戲將登陸 Mac,iPhone Mirroring 讓你可以在 Mac 上無線使用 iPhone。