Over the last 30 years, there was simply very little incentive to have a powerful military, as Germany doesn't share a border with potential aggressors like Russia, NATO, and especially the US, was there for protection, and unlike the US and the UK, Germany had very few overseas commitments, and there was very little appetite for a large military among the population, who still remember the horrors of World War II.
在過去的 30 年裡,德國根本沒有什麼動力去擁有一支強大的軍隊,因為德國與俄羅斯這樣的潛在侵略者並不接壤,北約,尤其是美國,是德國的保護傘,而且與美國和英國不同,德國很少有海外承諾,而且德國民眾對二戰的恐怖記憶猶新,他們對龐大軍隊的胃口很小。