字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 It feels so good after a wonderful sleep. 美美地睡上一覺後,感覺好極了。 Hey friends, very good morning to you all. 朋友們,大家早上好。 Hope you all slept nicely as well. 希望你們都睡得很好。 By the way, have you ever wondered.. 對了,你有沒有想過...... ..why do we need to sleep in the first place? 我們為什麼要睡覺? Well, it's because we don't want to wake up early in the morning.. 那是因為我們不想一大早就起床。 ..and wake up late in the evening. ......晚上很晚才醒來。 By the way, have you ever wondered.. 對了,你有沒有想過...... ..why do we need to sleep in the first place? 我們為什麼要睡覺? I'm sure you did. 我相信你會的。 But if you haven't, then don't worry friends. 但如果你還沒有,朋友們也不用擔心。 Because in today's episode, let us explore this vital question. 因為在今天的節目中,讓我們來探討這個至關重要的問題。 So, why do we sleep? 那麼,我們為什麼要睡覺呢? Well, we all have an internal biological clock.. 我們體內都有一個生物鐘。 ..that regulates our 24-hour sleep-wake cycle. 調節我們 24 小時的睡眠-覺醒週期。 We call circadian rhythms. 我們稱之為晝夜節律。 And light is the primary cue that influences this cycle. 而光線是影響這一週期的主要線索。 During the day, when there is light.. 白天,當光線充足時... ..your brain releases a hormone called cortisol.. ... 你的大腦會釋放一種叫做皮質醇的荷爾蒙。 ..which keeps you awake, up and going. 它讓你保持清醒,奮發向上。 And as the sun sets and the night appears causing darkness.. 當夕陽西下,夜幕降臨,黑暗也隨之降臨。 ..your brain triggers the release of melatonin.. ... 您的大腦會觸發褪黑激素的釋放。 ..a hormone that makes you sleepy. ......一種讓人昏昏欲睡的激素。 Sleep consists of four stages.. 睡眠包括四個階段 ..the deepest of which are known as slow-wave sleep.. 其中最深的睡眠稱為慢波睡眠。 ..and rapid eye movement. ...和快速眼動。 For most of us, sleep feels like a pause button.. 對我們大多數人來說,睡眠就像一個暫停鍵。 ..where we jump on the bed, shut our eyes.. 我們跳上床,閉上眼睛...... ..and our bodies just stop functioning. 我們的身體就會停止運轉。 But there is a lot more going on behind those closed eyes.. 但是,在這雙緊閉的眼睛背後,還有很多事情要做。 ..as changes are happening in our body during the night.. 因為我們的身體在夜間會發生變化。 ..when we sleep. 我們睡覺的時候 Yes, my friends, sleeping is a vital process.. 是的,我的朋友們,睡眠是一個重要的過程。 ..during which your body regulates its critical systems.. ......在此期間,您的身體會調節其關鍵系統。 ..like respiration, circulation, growth and immune system. ......如呼吸、循環、生長和免疫系統。 But the most essential part of our body.. 但我們身體最重要的部分... ..that alters while we sleep is our brain.. ... 我們睡覺時改變的是我們的大腦。 ..as a fifth of your body's circulatory blood.. 占人體循環血液的五分之一。 ..is sent to it as you doze off. ......在你打瞌睡時發送給它。 Also, sleep plays a significant role in how our memory works. 此外,睡眠對我們的記憶起著重要作用。 Yes, your brain is actually quite busy while you sleep.. 是的,在你睡覺的時候,你的大腦其實很忙碌。 ..sorting and storing information from the day. ...整理和存儲當天的資訊。 This process is particularly essential.. 這一過程尤其重要。 ..for creating long-term memories.. .. for creating long-term memories... ..as your brain consolidates all the information.. ... 當你的大腦整合所有資訊時。 ..it's picked up during the day.. .. it's picked up during the day... ..and files it away for later use. 並將其歸檔,以備後用。 Besides, it also helps us to clear out unwanted memories. 此外,它還能幫助我們清除不必要的記憶。 Also, while we are asleep, we use less energy. 此外,在睡眠時,我們使用的能量也較少。 Therefore, sleeping also helps us conserve energy.. 是以,睡眠還能幫助我們保存能量。 ..so that you are ready to wake up the next day.. ... 這樣你就可以在第二天醒來。 ..to go to school, do homework, play and conquer the world. 上學、做作業、玩耍、征服世界。 Trivia Time! 瑣事時間 Did you know humans spend one-third of their life sleeping? 你知道人類一生中有三分之一的時間都在睡覺嗎? Yes! If the average night's sleep is 8 hours.. 是的!如果平均每晚睡眠時間為 8 小時。 ..one sleeps for one-third of one's life. ......人的一生有三分之一的時間在睡覺。 So, if you live, say, 75 years.. 所以,如果你活到 75 歲. . ..that's 25 years of sleep.. ... 這就是 25 年的睡眠... ..or 9,125 days. 或 9 125 天。 But now, when you know its benefits.. 但現在,當你知道了它的好處... ..you can always use it as an excuse.. ... 你總是可以用它作為藉口。 ..to take a quick nap in the class. ......在課堂上打個盹。 Also, did you know.. 另外,你知道 ..a giraffe only needs 1.9 hours of sleep a day.. 長頸鹿每天只需要睡 1.9 個小時。 ..whereas a brown bat needs 19.9 hours a day. 而棕色蝙蝠每天需要 19.9 小時。 Isn't that amazing, friends? 朋友們,這難道不神奇嗎? It's Question Time! 現在是提問時間! Today's question is.. 今天的問題是 How many hours of sleep does a giraffe need? 長頸鹿需要睡多少小時? Do write your answer in the comment section below.. 請在下面的評論區寫下您的答案。 ..and hit the like button.. 按下 "贊 "按鈕 ..to be a part of the Peekaboo Kids' Cutesy Wootsy family. 成為 Peekaboo Kids's Cutesy Wootsy 大家庭的一員。 So, here are the winners of the previous episode. 下面是上一集的獲獎者。 So, friends, always remember.. 所以,朋友們,請永遠記住 ..that your body does a lot of important work.. ... 你的身體做了很多重要的工作。 ..while you're asleep. 在你睡著的時候 Good night's sleep is essential for both your physical.. 良好的睡眠對您的身體健康至關重要。 ..as well as mental health. .以及心理健康。 So, if you're having trouble falling asleep.. 所以,如果你難以入睡...... ..do talk to your doctor. ...do talk to your doctor. Hope you enjoyed today's episode. 希望你們喜歡今天的節目。 Until next time, it's me, Dr. Binox.. 下次見,是我,比諾克斯博士。 ..zooming out! ... 放大! Never mind. 沒關係。 Hey kids, you liked my videos, didn't you? 孩子們,你們喜歡我的視頻吧? Before you go, don't forget to click on the subscribe button and the bell.. 在您離開之前,別忘了點擊訂閱按鈕和鈴聲。 ..so you won't miss out on my latest videos. 這樣您就不會錯過我的最新視頻了。 See you. 再見
A2 初級 中文 澳洲腔 睡眠 睡覺 身體 大腦 重要 小時 我們為什麼要睡覺?Binocs 博士秀 | 兒童最佳學習視頻 | Peekaboo Kidz (Why Do We Sleep? The Dr. Binocs Show | Best Learning Videos For Kids | Peekaboo Kidz) 58 3 Emma 發佈於 2024 年 06 月 06 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字