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  • Been another record-breaking day on Wall Street, with big tech very much leading the charge.


  • Both the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq hit record closes on Wednesday as the chip-making giant Nvidia broke the $3 trillion valuation mark, overtaking Apple and becoming the second most valuable public company in the US behind Microsoft.

    週三,標準普爾 500 指數和納斯達克指數均創下收盤紀錄,晶片製造龍頭輝達(Nvidia)的估值突破 3 兆美元大關,超越蘋果,成為僅次於微軟的美國第二大最有價值上市公司。

  • The meteoric rise of Nvidia is driven by aritificial intelligence boom as investors bet big on its ability to provide the nuts and bolts behind this latest tech.

    Nvidia 如日中天的崛起得益於這項最新技術背後的核心技術。

  • So to gauge just how far and how fast they've come, it's worth looking at where the share price was at the start of this year.


  • And as you can see, it was under $500 a share.

    如你所見,每股不到 500 美元。

  • On Wednesday, it closed at over $1,200 a share.

    週三,它的收盤價超過了每股 1200 美元。

  • So that's just the rise this year.


  • It actually went up 5% in value on Wednesday alone, giving the market cap of just over $3 trillion, a mind-boggling sum.

    僅週三一天,它的市值就上漲了 5%,市值略高於 3 兆美元,這是一個令人難以置信的數字。

  • Let's hear more from our North America business correspondent Erin Delmore.

    請聽本臺北美商業記者 Erin Delmore 的報導。

  • Wall Street's on a record-breaking run.


  • The latest?


  • All-time high closes for the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq, the latter powered by, you guessed it, Nvidia.

    標準普爾 500 指數和納斯達克指數的收盤價均創歷史新高,後者的動力來自 Nvidia。

  • The chip-maker joined the $3 trillion club on Wednesday, overtaking Apple as the world's second most valuable company.

    本週三,這家晶片製造商加入了 3 兆美元俱樂部,超越蘋果公司成為全球第二大最有價值公司。

  • Microsoft is still the world's number one.


  • Nvidia is only the third company to ever exceed $3 trillion in market value.

    Nvidia 是歷史上第三家市值超過 3 兆美元的公司。

  • It's leading in the race to develop the chips needed to enable new artificial intelligence applications.

    在開發新 AI 應用所需的晶片方面,它處於領先地位。

  • And that's where the other tech giants, and a lot of companies, are spending big bucks right now.


  • Nvidia shares ended the trading day up more than 5%.

    Nvidia 股價在交易日結束時上漲了 5%以上。

  • Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta and Microsoft all ended the day up as well.

    Alphabet、亞馬遜、蘋果、Meta 和微軟也都以上漲報收。

  • The major indexes have been hitting high watermarks over and over in 2024.

    主要指數在 2024 年一次又一次地觸及高水位。

  • This marks the Nasdaq's 13th record close this year and the 25th for the S&P.

    這是納斯達克指數今年第 13 次創下收盤紀錄,標準普爾指數則是第 25 次。

  • And for more on the rise and rise of Nvidia, I talked to market analyst Anna MacDonald.

    關於 Nvidia 崛起的更多資訊,我採訪了市場分析師 Anna MacDonald。

  • Nothing comes close to Nvidia's dominance when you start thinking about artificial intelligence.

    當你開始考慮 AI 時,沒有什麼能與 Nvidia 的主導地位相提並論。

  • Jensen Huang, the CEO, has talked about it being the next industrial revolution.

    Nvidia 的 CEO 黃仁勳曾說這是下一次工業革命。

  • And I think it's just astonishing, isn't it?


  • We've had Microsoft and Apple such as stalwarts of the equity markets.


  • And then Nvidia seems to have come out of nowhere over the last few years, having been a computer gaming chip company.

    而 Nvidia 在過去幾年中似乎突然冒了出來,一直是一家電腦遊戲晶片公司。

  • And now here it is just delivering huge revenue increases and becoming more profitable while it's doing it.


  • So, it's actually, it's been an astonishing ascent.


  • Are you concerned, Anna, when it comes to AI that we've got a bubble going to burst on markets at some point?

    Anna,說到 AI,你是否擔心市場上的泡泡會在某個時候破滅?

  • Any kind of massive rise in share prices is going to lead to that.


  • But I suppose I would say that Nvidia is actually selling these chips.

    不過,我想我會說,Nvidia 確實在銷售這些晶片。

  • This is not sort of, not some kind of story that's being pushed out further and further and some kind of promise for the future.


  • They are actually delivering revenue and profit growth.


Been another record-breaking day on Wall Street, with big tech very much leading the charge.


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