字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Mark before we get to the latest partnership and what exactly open A.I. 在我們討論最新的合作伙伴關係和開放式人工智能到底是什麼之前,馬克 is going to do for Apple and more equally as important vice versa. 而反之亦然。 Give us a little bit of the history between Apple and Sam Altman because the relationship is you right in your piece. 請給我們介紹一下蘋果公司和山姆-奧特曼之間的歷史,因為在你的文章中就已經提到了他們之間的關係。 It goes back years to just after the iPhone was first released. 這要追溯到 iPhone 剛剛發佈的幾年前。 Why did a then 23 year old Sam Altman take the stage at W.W.D.C. 當時年僅 23 歲的薩姆-奧特曼為何要登上 W.W.D.C. 的舞臺? So interesting. 太有趣了 The last time that Sam Altman was involved with Apple in any public sense was like you said 2008. 山姆-奧特曼上一次與蘋果公司有任何公開聯繫還是在你所說的 2008 年。 Now let me take you back to 08. 現在,讓我帶你回到 08 年。 The app store had not yet launched the app store launched in July. 應用程序商店尚未推出,應用程序商店已於 7 月推出。 Right. 對 Actually July 9th of 2008. 實際上是 2008 年 7 月 9 日。 And in June early June they held their final worldwide developers conference before that launch to get people interested in the app store and app development on IOS. 6 月初,他們召開了發佈前的最後一次全球開發者大會,讓人們對 IOS 上的應用商店和應用開發產生興趣。 They spent a good half nearly an hour of that conference that year. 那一年,他們在那次會議上花了將近半個小時。 And this was back when Steve Jobs was leading the company bringing up different offers to talk about their different app initiatives. 這還是喬布斯上司公司的時候,他提出了不同的建議,談論他們不同的應用計劃。 And Sam Altman came up to present loops. 山姆-奧特曼上臺展示了循環系統。 This was a precursor sort of to find my iPhone find my friends. 這是 "找到我的 iPhone 找到我的朋友 "的前奏。 It was a very well received app. 這是一款深受歡迎的應用程序。 Ultimately the app did so well that it got acquired back almost 15 years ago for about 50 million dollars. 最終,這款應用程序表現出色,在近 15 年前以約 5000 萬美元的價格被收購。 So this was a big deal. 所以這是一件大事。 And for Altman this helped give him promotion to sell loops. 對奧特曼來說,這有助於他推廣銷售循環。 Right. 對 But for Apple it also proved the app store as a third party application platform. 但對蘋果公司來說,這也證明了應用商店是一個第三方應用平臺。 Mark tell us why Apple is turning now to Altman in 2024 for something to do with A.I. 馬克告訴我們,為什麼蘋果公司會在 2024 年向 Altman 尋求人工智能方面的幫助。 I mean this would seem like you know Apple where the I would think the biggest and brightest minds in the tech world reside. 我的意思是,這看起來就像你知道的蘋果公司,我認為科技界最大、最聰明的頭腦都在這裡。 Why is it that they don't have those people in-house and that they're turning to Sam Altman for help. 為什麼他們內部沒有這些人,卻要向薩姆-奧特曼求助呢? I have to tell you Molly it's pretty embarrassing for Apple. 我得告訴你,莫莉,這讓蘋果公司很尷尬。 It seems like it is. 好像就是這樣。 I would think so. 我想也是。 Right. 對 They missed the boat on generative A.I. 他們錯過了生成人工智能的機會。 and probably modern artificial intelligence as a whole. 乃至整個現代人工智能。 And it's very interesting to me that they've had to go this way in partner with open A.I. 讓我感到非常有趣的是,他們不得不以這種方式與開放式人工智能合作。 versus being able to build a chatbot in-house. 與在公司內部構建哈拉機器人相比。 So Apple will have its own large language models and different technologies to run A.I. 是以,蘋果公司將擁有自己的大型語言模型和運行人工智能的不同技術。 on the iPhone. 在 iPhone 上。 But for a chatbot something that people are used to already now since the end of 2022 those open A.I. 但對於哈拉機器人來說,自 2022 年年底以來,人們已經習慣了那些開放式人工智能。 like features they're partnering with open A.I. 比如他們與開放式人工智能合作的功能。 to integrate that deep into the iPhone experience. 將其深度融入 iPhone 體驗。 They held talks with and drop it. 他們與之進行了會談,並將其放棄。 They held talks with Google Gemini as well. 他們還與谷歌雙子座進行了會談。 But ultimately they've landed on open A.I. 但最終他們還是登陸了開放式人工智能。 as their initial launch partner. 作為其最初的啟動合作伙伴。 I expect them to eventually strike a deal with Gemini and others in the future. 我希望他們最終能與雙子座公司和其他公司達成協議。 They're still talking to Google about this. 他們仍在與谷歌商討此事。 This is really interesting. 這真的很有趣。 I thought last year with the introduction of the Vision Pro that last year's W.W.V.C. 去年,隨著 Vision Pro 的推出,我認為去年的 W.W.V.C. was the biggest Apple launch in five years or so. 是蘋果公司五年來最大規模的發佈會。 Truth is it's this year because A.I. 事實是,今年是因為 A.I. not only is the current but it is the future. 不僅是現在,更是未來。 It's going to make their current devices better. 這將使他們目前的設備變得更好。 But if they don't get their A.I. 但是,如果他們不把人工智能 technology in order they're going to miss out on the next wave of artificial intelligence driven devices. 他們將錯過下一波人工智能驅動設備的浪潮。 In my power on column this Sunday I'm going to get into more what that means for Apple. 本週日,我將在我的 Power on 專欄中詳細介紹這對蘋果公司意味著什麼。 But just to give you a little bit of a taste here you've seen other people come out with devices sort of like the humane A.I. 不過,我想給你一點提示,你已經看到其他人推出了類似人性化人工智能的設備。 pin complete failure. 針完全失敗。 They're up for sale. 它們正在出售。 You've seen the rabbit are one. 你見過兔子吧? You've seen Samsung integrate A.I. 你已經看到三星將人工智能整合在一起。 into their phone similar to how Apple is going to do so next week. 類似於蘋果公司下週的做法。 But the real stuff is what's enabled by A.I. 但真正的東西是人工智能所帶來的。 things like next generation air pods humanoid robots augmented reality glasses future versions of the Vision Pro more advanced processors and Max. 比如下一代空氣吊艙、仿人機器人、增強現實眼鏡、未來版本的 Vision Pro、更先進的處理器和 Max。 That requires an extraordinarily sophisticated handle on next generation A.I. 這就需要對下一代人工智能進行極其複雜的處理。 technologies. 技術。 That's why this is so important. 這就是為什麼這一點如此重要。 This is not about the iPhone 15 16 17 or even 18. 這與 iPhone 15、16、17 甚至 18 都無關。 This is about the product categories that don't exist yet. 這是關於尚不存在的產品類別。 And if they don't get their A.I. 如果他們不把人工智能 in good shape those categories will never exist. 這些類別將永遠不會存在。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 人工 智能 蘋果 公司 應用 iphone 重磅消息!蘋果有望宣佈與 OpenAI 山姆·阿特曼合作 (Apple Expected to Announce Deal With Sam Altman) 6648 22 VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 06 月 06 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字