字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Listen and practice. Adjectives to describe food in English. 聆聽並練習。用英語描述食物的形容詞。 形容味道。 形容味道。 How does... taste? ......味道如何? How does the bubble tea taste? 泡泡茶味道如何? Bubble tea. 泡沫紅茶 The bubble tea is a bit too sweet for my liking. 泡泡茶有點太甜了,我不喜歡。 Sweet. 甜美 What does... taste like? ......是什麼味道? What does black coffee without sugar taste like? 不加糖的黑咖啡是什麼味道? Black coffee. 黑咖啡 Black coffee without sugar is often bitter. 不加糖的黑咖啡通常是苦的。 Bitter. 苦。 Spicy food always gives me indigestion. 辛辣食物總是讓我消化不良。 Spicy. 辣 Indigestion. 消化不良。 Go easy on salty foods such as bacon. 少吃鹹食,如燻肉。 Salty. 鹹。 Bacon. 培根 The sour taste of the lemon made my lips pucker. 檸檬的酸味讓我的嘴脣撅了起來。 Sour. 酸。 The dark chocolate has a bitter sweet taste. 黑巧克力有一種苦澀的甜味。 Bittersweet. 苦樂參半。 The marshmallows are soft and sugary. 棉花糖又軟又甜。 Sugary. 多糖。 Marshmallow. 棉花糖 The curry has a piquant taste with a perfect blend of spices. 咖喱味道辛辣,各種香料完美融合。 Piquant. Piquant. Spice. 香料 Lemons are known for their acidic and tangy flavour. 檸檬以其酸味和香味而聞名。 Acidic. 酸性。 The savoury biscuits paired well with the cheese. 鹹味餅乾與奶酪搭配得恰到好處。 Savoury. 鹹味 Biscuit. 餅乾 She enjoyed a bowl of fruity cereal for breakfast. 她的早餐是一碗果味麥片粥。 Fruity. 果味 Cereal. 穀物 The soup had a gingery flavour that warmed me up. 湯裡的姜味讓我感到溫暖。 Gingery. 金格里 This salad has a sharp peppery flavour. 這種沙拉有一種尖銳的胡椒味。 Peppery. 胡椒味 The nutty peanut butter is perfect on sandwiches. 堅果花生醬非常適合做三明治。 Nutty. 堅果 Peanut butter. 花生醬 The smoky flavour of smoked salmon lingers on the palate. 煙燻三文魚的煙燻味在口中久久不散。 Smoky. 煙霧 My dad cooked a meaty steak for dinner. 晚餐時,爸爸做了一塊肉牛排。 Meaty. 肉味 I enjoy the minty taste of the chewing gum. 我喜歡口香糖的薄荷味。 Minty. 明蒂 Chewing gum. 口香糖 The buttery croissant melted in my mouth. 黃油牛角麵包入口即化。 Buttery. 黃油 Croissant. 牛角麵包 She enjoyed the refreshing flavour of the mango shaved ice. 她很享受芒果刨冰的清爽口味。 Refreshing. 令人耳目一新。 Shaved ice. 刨冰 Plain toast can be quite bland without any toppings. 沒有任何配料的普通吐司可能會很平淡。 Bland. 平淡無奇。 Topping. 澆頭 She couldn't handle the strong taste of spicy hot pot. 她受不了麻辣火鍋的濃烈味道。 Strong. 強。 Spicy hot pot. 麻辣火鍋 He prefers plain food over anything too fancy. 他喜歡簡單的食物,不喜歡太花哨的東西。 Plain. 平原 The dumplings had a rich and juicy filling that burst in my mouth. 餃子餡豐富多汁,入口即化。 Rich. 裡奇 Dumpling. 餃子 The kimchi had an intense spicy taste. 泡菜有一種強烈的辣味。 Intense. 強烈。 Kimchi. 辛奇. The bakery around the corner is well known for its tangy lemon tarts. 街角的麵包店以其香濃的檸檬餡餅而聞名。 Tangy. 香濃。 The apple pie had a mild sweetness that was enjoyable. 蘋果派有一種淡淡的甜味,令人愉悅。 Mild. 溫和。 形容口感。 形容口感。 What is the texture of? 是什麼質地? Like. 就像 What is the texture of the beef jerky like? 牛肉乾的質地如何? Beef jerky. 牛肉乾 The beef jerky is chewy and requires a lot of chewing. 牛肉乾很有嚼勁,需要細細咀嚼。 Chewy. Chewy. How does? 怎麼做? Feel in your mouth. 用嘴感覺 How does the scone feel in your mouth? 烤餅在嘴裡的感覺如何? Scone. 烤餅 The scone is crumbly and goes well with jam and cream. 烤餅鬆脆,與果醬和奶油搭配非常適合。 Crumbly. 易碎。 The squid was tough and rubbery. 魷魚又硬又膠。 Rubbery. Rubbery. Tough. 很堅強 Squid. 烏賊 My steak was beautifully tender. 我的牛排鮮嫩無比。 Tender. 招標。 The stringy cheese on top of the pizza stretches when you take a bite. 當你咬一口披薩時,上面的奶酪會被拉長。 Stringy. Stringy. Bite into these fish balls and enjoy their springy texture. 咬一口魚丸,享受它的彈性口感。 Springy. 春意盎然。 Fish ball. 魚球 The greasy popcorn is the perfect movie snack. 油膩的爆米花是完美的電影零食。 Greasy. 油膩。 Popcorn. 爆米花 The vanilla cupcakes are moist and fluffy. 香草紙杯蛋糕溼潤鬆軟。 Moist. 溼潤。 Fluffy. 毛茸茸的 Cupcake. 紙杯蛋糕 The pumpkin soup had the right velvety texture. 南瓜湯的口感恰到好處。 Velvety. 天鵝絨 The crispy onion rings were the perfect side dish for the juicy burger. 香脆的洋蔥圈是多汁漢堡的完美配菜。 Crispy. 酥脆。 Onion ring. 洋蔥圈 Side dish. 配菜 He relished the smooth texture of the soya milk. 他津津有味地品嚐著豆漿的柔滑口感。 Smooth. 光滑。 Soya milk. 豆奶 The melted ice cream flowed down like a sweet river. 融化的冰激凌像一條甜美的小河流淌下來。 Melted. 融化了 The creamy texture of the tofu pudding delighted my taste buds. 豆腐布丁的奶油口感讓我的味蕾大呼過癮。 Creamy. 奶油味 Tofu pudding. 豆腐布丁 My kids love crunchy food like carrots. 我的孩子們喜歡吃胡蘿蔔等脆脆的食物。 Crunchy. 脆脆的 Carrot. 胡蘿蔔 Cook the lentils until they are mushy. 將扁豆煮至糊狀。 Mushy. 糊糊的。 Lentil. 扁豆 The kiwi is juicy and packed with vitamins. 獼猴桃多汁,富含維生素。 Juicy. 多汁。 Kiwi. 奇異果 We had some mashed potatoes with meat. 我們吃了一些土豆泥配肉。 Mashed. 搗碎。 This green tea has a mellow taste and special flavour. 這種綠茶口感醇厚,風味獨特。 Mellow. 醇香 The sticky rice cake had a gooey texture that stuck to my teeth. 糯米糕的口感黏糊糊的,粘在牙齒上。 Gooey. 黏糊糊的。 Sticky rice cake. 糯米糕 The egg tart had a flaky pastry crust with a creamy filling. 蛋撻的酥皮薄如蟬翼,餡料細膩。 Flaky. 片狀。 Egg tart. 蛋撻 Cook succulent chicken pieces with garlic and sherry. 用大蒜和雪利酒烹製多汁雞塊。 Succulent. 多汁 Chunky peanut butter is a delicious spread for sandwiches. 塊狀花生醬是三明治的美味塗抹醬。 Chunky. 大塊頭 形容美味。 形容美味。 Does grandma's homemade tiramisu taste good? 奶奶自制的提拉米蘇好吃嗎? Tiramisu. 提拉米蘇 Grandma's homemade tiramisu is absolutely delectable. 外婆自制的提拉米蘇絕對美味可口。 Delectable. 美味可口 The stir-fried vegetables are flavourful and full of nutrients. 炒菜味道鮮美,營養豐富。 Flavourful. 味道鮮美。 Nutrient. 營養。 The bakery offers mouth-watering macarons in a variety of flavours. 麵包店提供各種口味的馬卡龍,令人垂涎欲滴。 Mouth-watering. 令人垂涎欲滴。 Macaron. 馬卡龍 We enjoyed a tasty lunch of lasagna with tomato sauce. 我們享用了美味的番茄醬千層麵午餐。 Tasty. 美味。 Lasagna. 千層麵 Those pineapple buns were finger-licking good. 那些菠蘿包好吃得讓人舔手指。 Finger-licking good. 令人食指大動 Pineapple bun. 菠蘿包 My mom made us zesty scrambled eggs for breakfast. 早餐時,媽媽給我們做了香噴噴的炒雞蛋。 Zesty. Zesty. Scrambled eggs. 炒雞蛋 Those scrumptious pastries are so hard to resist. 那些美味的糕點讓人難以抗拒。 Scrumptious. 美味可口 Pastry. 糕點 I had some palatable snacks before the main course. 在吃主菜之前,我吃了一些可口的點心。 Palatable. 可口。 Fish and chips from a local chippy are simply divine. 當地炸薯條店的炸魚和薯條簡直太美味了。 Divine. 神聖 The luscious chocolate brownie melted in my mouth. 美味的巧克力布朗尼蛋糕在我嘴裡融化了。 Luscious. 香甜可口。 Chocolate brownie. 巧克力布朗尼 Baguette goes stale very quickly. 法棍很快就會變質。 Stale. 陳舊。 Baguette. 長棍麵包 The salad had a yucky dressing that was too sour. 沙拉的沙拉醬太酸了。 Yucky. 真噁心 The meat was dry and tasteless. 肉乾而無味。 Tasteless. 無味。 The smell of the fermented tofu was nauseating. 發酵豆腐的氣味令人作嘔。 Nauseating. 噁心。 The butter has gone rancid. 黃油變質了 Rancid. 餿水 The taste of the spoiled milk was gross. 變質牛奶的味道很噁心。 Gross. 噁心 The texture of the overcooked vegetables was horrible. 煮過頭的蔬菜口感太糟糕了。 Horrible. 太可怕了 These grapes are completely flavourless. 這些葡萄完全沒有味道。 Flavourless. 無味。
C1 高級 中文 英國腔 味道 口感 多汁 食物 烤餅 變質 徹底告別只懂用delicious形容美味】食物英文大全|食物味道與口感|食物形容詞|天天都用得到的食物英語|英式英語|英語聽說訓練|Describing Food in English #英語聽力 (【徹底告別只懂用delicious形容美味】食物英文大全|食物味道與口感|食物形容詞|天天都用得到的食物英語|英式英語|英語聽說訓練|Describing Food in English #英语听力) 676 15 黃鈺晴 發佈於 2024 年 06 月 05 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字