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  • One of the most powerful advocates for children's education is a Pakistani girl who nearly died


  • at the hands of the Taliban, simply because she insisted on going to school. And this


  • week, Malala Yousafzai turned her attention to the plight of children forced to leave

    本週,馬拉拉.優素福扎伊 轉而關注那些被被迫離開校園,

  • school as they fled the war in Syria.


  • We reached her at the largest refugee camp in Jordan, along the border with Syria, where


  • more than 100,000 Syrians are now crowded together. Malala and the head of her Malala


  • Fund, Shiza Shahid, were there to raise money to pay for schools and teachers at Zaatari

    負責人席扎.薛亥得 ,都在薩塔瑞營地為了學校和教師的經費募款.

  • camp.

  • When they joined us via Skype, Malala told of seeing families arriving with almost nothing.


  • MALALA YOUSAFZAI: When I came here, and when I went to the Jordanian-Syrian border, and

    馬拉拉 : 當我到這兒,並去到約旦和敘利亞邊境,

  • when I saw children, they had no shoes and they were wearing dirty clothes and they had


  • a long walk in the desert for, like, 10 and 15 hours. I just felt something in my heart


  • that what is their sin, what have they done that they have to migrate, why are these innocent


  • children suffering from such hard situation, why are they deprived of school, why are they

    得在如此困苦中受罪? 為何他們上學權利被剝奪?

  • deprived of peaceful environment?


  • MONTAGNE: Will, I'd like to put to Shiza Shahid one question: you've also been meeting these

    蒙提妮: 那麼我來問席扎.薛亥得一個問題: 你也見到這些孩子們,

  • children. Is there a story that struck you as suggestive of what many of them are going


  • through?

  • SHIZA SHAHID: I'll tell you a story. Yesterday, we were at the Syrian-Jordanian border where

    薛亥得: 我說個故事.昨天我們到敘利亞和約旦邊境,

  • refugees cross over. And you don't realize what that means 'til you see it. They literally

    難民跨越的交界處.若非親眼所見, 真的難以相信.

  • walk across miles of barren desert with nothing in their hand, half of their family left behind

    難民們真的空手徒步穿越荒蕪的沙漠, 大半家人都還留在敘利亞,

  • in Syria, fighting or dead. And so as I watched that, I approached this boy - he was about

    不是還在打仗就是死去了. 看著這景象時,我遇到了一個男孩-

  • three years old and had the most beautiful green eyes and I started to play with him.


  • And his mother turned to me apologetically and said I bathed him before he left but the

    他的母親抱歉地對我說, 啓程前幫他洗了澡,

  • desert was very dusty. And in those words, I realized how deeply she was clinging on

    但是沙漠風沙很大. 從這母親話裡,我深深體會到她的堅持,

  • to, not just hope, but her dignity as a human being, having left everything behind. She


  • wanted me to know that her child wasn't dirty because she didn't know how to keep him clean,

    她要我知道, 並不是她不幫孩子保持乾淨,

  • though, because the desert was dusty. And that was incredibly moving to me. Giving these

    只是因為沙漠風沙很大. 這件事使我極為觸動,

  • people an education will give them back that dignity.


  • MONTAGNE: Are there schools in the camp at all, Jordan's largest camp?

    蒙提妮: 在這約但境內最大難民營中有學校嗎?

  • SHAHID: Yes, there are three schools and there's about 50,000 children here.

    薛亥得: 大約五萬名孩童,只有三所學校.

  • MONTAGNE: Three schools serving 50,000 children.

    蒙提妮: 三所學校要提供五萬名孩童就讀!

  • SHAHID: Yeah.

    薛亥得: 是的.

  • YOUSAFZAI: Only three schools. And what happens, I saw so many boys and they were doing some

    馬拉拉: 只有三所學校. 除此之外,許多男孩成為童工.

  • child labor. They were collecting some stones. The children are contributing to their family


  • through child labor. They have to work, they have to earn something for their family, for


  • their food, for their basic needs, such as water.


  • SHAHID: Renee, if I may pitch in, you know, there's a very high concentration of female-led

    薛亥得: 馬拉拉和我想說的是 ,敘利亞難民中有很多女性成為一家之主,

  • households amongst the Syrian refugees because so many of the men are at war or have been


  • killed in the fighting. And so a lot of children are having to bear the burdens that their


  • fathers used to. And in addition they've had to leave behind all their possessions, which


  • is increasing the incidences of child labor, which Malala refers to.


  • MONTAGNE: I'm wondering, in the middle of this war - and it's a very vicious war - these

    蒙提妮: 我想知道,在這場凶險的戰爭當中,

  • kids who are among the refugees, they need shelter, they need food, but tell us how important

    難民群間的孩子們需要庇護所和食物. 但是可否告訴大家,

  • is it for a child to have a school to go to?


  • YOUSAFZAI: A child learns every day in something new. But if he is living in an environment

    馬拉拉:孩子每天都在學習新事物, 如果他生活在舉目皆是暴力的環境中,

  • where he sees violence, where he sees bad people, it has a very bad influence on their


  • child. But if he's in a different environment, in a healthy environment, in an environment


  • where he can learn, he's going to school, he has teachers, he is learning how to work

    一個健康,有益學習的環境, 得以上學,有老師教導,

  • in groups and how to work in collaboration with each other, so then it has a good impact


  • on the child's future.


  • MONTAGNE: Malala, do these children know you when they meet you? Do they know your story?

    蒙提妮: 馬拉拉,這些孩子看到你時,認出你是誰嗎? 他們聽過你的事情嗎?

  • YOUSAFZAI: I think most of these children does not know who I am, but they know me as

    馬拉拉: 我想大部分的孩子們不知道我是誰,他們知道這女孩名叫馬拉拉,

  • Malala, a girl, their friend. They do not know me as, like, a celebrity, kind of god,

    是他們的朋友. 並不把我視為名人或值得崇拜的對象.

  • but they just know me from their heart. And they have been my friend. And they're so nice

    然而他們用心來認識我, 已然是我的朋友. 他們對我很好,

  • to me. They love me and I like that. They know me as Malala, as a girl.


  • MONTAGNE: Well, Shiza Shahid and Malala Yousafzai, thank you both, very much, for joining us.

    蒙提妮: 好的,席扎.薛亥得以及馬拉拉.優素福扎伊,非常謝謝兩位的參與.

  • SHAHID: Thank you so much, Renee.

    薛亥得: 謝謝你,蒙提妮

  • YOUSAFZAI: Thank you.

    馬拉拉: 謝謝

  • MONTAGNE: They spoke to us from the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan across the border from

    蒙提妮: 這是來自跨越敘利亞邊境,在約旦境內的薩塔瑞難民營,

  • Syria.




  • MONTAGNE: You're listening to MORNING EDITION from NPR News.

    蒙提妮: 您正在收聽的是NPR新聞所播 晨間主筆.

One of the most powerful advocates for children's education is a Pakistani girl who nearly died



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